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Mayo Clinic "hit piece" against vitamin C safety

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:42 am
by ofonorow
Hello I recently asked a dosage question and have another question. I read some really scary side effects of Vitamin C here

I'm confused I thought that vitamin C was good for vascular health. The main reason I take it is preventing heart disease.

Is there any study related to vascular health and vitamin c

Shame on the Mayo Clinic!

I have never read so many lies on one page ever.


Vitamin C may cause abdominal cramps or pain, chest pain, dental erosion, dizziness, diarrhea, faintness, fatigue, flushing, gut blockage, headache, heartburn, increased risk of lung cancer, increased risk of Parkinson's disease, inflamed esophagus, injection site discomfort, nausea, red blood cell complications, skin tingling or irritation, slowing of endurance training, thickening of blood vessels close to the heart, urinary complications, and vomiting.

High doses of vitamin C have been associated with multiple adverse effects. These include blood clotting, death (heart-related), kidney stones, pro-oxidant effects, problems with the digestive system, and red blood cell destruction. In cases of toxicity due to massive ingestions of vitamin C, forced fluids, and diuresis may be beneficial.

Use cautiously in chronic, large doses...

Who could blame you for being confused (and it is no wonder doctors who read this think vitamin C is "dangerous.")

We could go over every lie in this diatribe (and speculate how much money Mayo received in grants or other monies from Big Pharma to post this) but lets think a little bit.

Why don't animals who make their own vitamin C in high quantities suffer all these consequences? All animals, save a tiny few including humans, make their own vitamin C in amounts at least 10 times the RDA that our government sets for humans, and in many cases, animals produce 100 times more vitamin C. This ascorbate is essentially injected into the blood stream 24/7. (We have a genetic defect preventing us from making our own.)

I think the best place to start would be this fine lecture from Suzanne Humphries, MD, a kidney specialist who gave up a $300,000/year position in regular medicine after she learned about vitamin C. Note the discussion of how much ascorbate animals make adjusted for body weight!

Re: Mayo Clinic "hit piece" against vitamin C safety

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:22 pm
by Joanna45
Aa great lecture Owen ..