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Vitamin C and Cortisol: Optimizing the Immune Response

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:21 am
by ofonorow
Vitamin C and Cortisol: Optimizing the Immune Response

Partially right (The Vitamin C Part) until

But when stress happens, large amounts of cortisol are released into the blood and cause damage.

This would have us believe that the body works against itself during periods of stress.

Dr. William Mck Jefferies, MD (Safe Uses of Cortisol) discovered that the flu virus actually "turns off" the signalling mechanism in the brain that asks the adrenals for cortisol, leading to no cortisol after the flu virus first attacks. His remedy: take 100 mg of hydrocortisone immediately after the flu strikes - avoiding most if not all of the worst flu symptoms.

I agree with Dr. Thomas E. Levy's take:

Vitamin C and Cortisol
Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense