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nicotine gum

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:57 pm
by stevewoodz99
I like my caffeine
i add 2mg nicotine gum and I have energy and my appepite is killed

caffeine and nicotine are DA agonists,
I am not addicted to nicotine gum 2-5mg is enough
and once I am 36 hours into a fast, Im not looking for food, just bored and want the DA spike
too much nicotine will cause hairloss, right?

can I reverse that(aside from stopping using nicotine?)

i dont smoke and never have and never will. but is nicotine ok?
i used to take bromocriptine, but I dont need a rx for nicotine and its more stimulating as bromocriptine causes side effects(nausa, hairloss)