Product for correcting Aortic Stenosis

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Product for correcting Aortic Stenosis

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:38 am

Dear Dr. Fonorow,

Reagarding the Cardio-C product, is this something that could be helpful in correcting aortic stenosis?

How might this product work to eliminate plaque from valve areas?

Also, is the lab where Cardio-C is manufactured of high standards (cleanliness, integrity, etc.)?

Thanks for any answers you can provide ! :)

Mr. J. M.
Palo Alto, CA

I'll answer the easiest question first. The lab (Douglas) and product are of the highest quality. Not only do we use DSM Quali-C exclusively, See:

As for how vitamin C and lysine work, the Pauling/Rath Unified Theory is available on DVD, and the theory is that the body compensates over the years for low vitamin C levels by producing a variant cholesterol called Lp(a). (Animals make their own vitamin C, and do not generally have Lp(a) in their blood, or the same form of heart disease we humans suffer.)

So, yes, if I was diagnosed with stenosis, I would want to increase my vitamin C intake to the levels recommended by Linus Pauling, I would also take the Lp(a) binding inhibitors lysine and proline, hoping for a regression in plaque all over my arterial system.

As far as valve stenosis, I don't know of any cases of this particular condition resolving itself, but that may not mean anything. On the other hand, I do know that vitamin K levels are involved. Drugs that deplete or block vitamin K (usually blood thinners) will cause calcium to deposit in soft tissues, and there is some evidence that taking vitamin K supplements will regulate calcium from soft tissues into bones where it belongs. So I would also take vitamin K supplements, probably 1-2 mg of K1 daily, or smaller amounts of K2. (not K3).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:43 am

Hi Owen,

Thanks very much for your response. I appreciate your putting together that helpful background.

You wrote,
"I would want to increase my vitamin C intake to the levels recommended by Linus Pauling, I would also take the Lp(a) binding inhibitors lysine and proline, hoping for a regression in plaque all over my arterial system."

Would taking Cardio-C suffice for your recommendation, or would one need to
take other supplements as well, to meet those levels of C, lysine and proline together?

Thanks for mentioning the vitamin K angle. Are there yet other specific vitamins or minerals to your view that could help eliminate aortic stenosis and aortic
regurgitation? :)


Cardio-C was designed as a preventive, to help the average individual avoid cardiovascular disease as first suggested by Pauling. The dosage contained in 2 jars monthly approaches the therapeutic range of three nutrients - vitamin C, lysine and proline.

I assume people use 2 jars of Cardio-C because they are already taking various other nutrients recommended by Pauling that are in the Tower HeartTechnology, e.g. vitamins A, E, B6, etc. For most people with diagnoised CVD, I would recommend HeartTechnology, which has more vitamin C and lysine per serving, plus vitamins E, A, etc.

As far as other nutrients, most outside CoQ10 and magnesium, are secondary, but I tried to list the following recommendations in order of importancE:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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