Taking 10 g vitamin C and lysine after bypass surgery

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Taking 10 g vitamin C and lysine after bypass surgery

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 16, 2008 8:47 am

>Dear Mr. Fonorow:
>I have been taking the Linus Pauley Therapy since March 9, 2008. My dosage
>has been as high as 10, 000 mg of Vitamin C plus 10,000 mg of Lysine per
>day. Most days it has been in the range of 7000 mg to 10000 mg of each per
>day. I have three questions that I would like to know the answers, if
>1. I take both the Vitamin C and Lysine at the same time. When reading
>the directions of the two constituents, I find that the Vitamin C bottle
>label recommends that it be taken with a full glass of water preferably
>after a meal. The Lysine bottle label recommends that it be taken on an
>empty stomach. I would like to know if when to take the two is strictly
>regimented. I ordered the Tower Laboratories formula and both of the
>constituents were mixed and the time of the dosage was not stipulated.
>Please inform me of your recommendations, if any.

Taken independently, this label advice makes some sense, but it turns
out that taking lysine with vitamin C makes the vitamin C MORE bioavailable. The amino acid chelates the C, making it more absorbable. Tower customers have reported for years that after some trial and error, they find the best results (least gas and stomach discomfort) from taking the Tower product 30 minutes prior to meals.

10 g of lysine probably won't hurt you, however, that is about double Pauling's therapeutic dosage, and we have seen cases where 2500 mg lysine cleared a 50% blockage in one month. So 10,000 my of lysine strikes me as high.

>2. For your information, I had double by-pass heart surgery on December
>20, 2007 which was almost five months ago. I found out after the surgery
>that there were four obstructions, two of which were corrected by by-passes.
>The other two were not corrected because the surgeon said that one was too
>small and the other was only 50% blocked and the procedure was to correct
>only those with a blockage greater than 60%. As heretofore stated, I have
>been taking the Pauling Therapy since March 9, 2008. It was my hope that the
>50% blockage could be eliminated with the Pauling Therapy. My question is
>this: Is there a way other than having another angiogram procedure that the
>blockages can be detected to have been removed or diminished?

To my knowledge, not really. There is a technique which injects a dye
and takes x-rays, arteriography, but there really is no substitute for the angiogram pre mortem. Do you have any symptoms? What is your total cholesterol? There may be other ways to help you judge what is happening.

>3. What happens to the blockage arteries that were by-passed. Will the
>Pauling therapy remove these blockages and if they are removed, what will be
>the result?

Did they use Veins for the bypass? You should probably read Dr. Levy's STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER livonbooks.com If I were you, I would cut down on the lysine, not take proline for at least 2 more months, have my Lp(a) checked, etc. Veins are weaker tissue, and nobody knows if if taking away the Lp(a) "plaster casts" is good for new bypass patients.

VItamin C makes sense - perhaps even double the amount you are taking, lysine probably, but I wouldn't start proline for awhile until the bypass graphs are strong.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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