Lots of questions...new here

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

Moderator: ofonorow


Lots of questions...new here

Post by Booker » Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:09 am


I had a heart attack back in may 2008. 7 blockages and 5 stents were placed in. I am very interested in the use of Vitamin c but I was placed on alot of meds. I currently take plavix, aspirin , lisinopril, carvedilol. I take xanax and some sleeping pills. I took crestor for a while but my liver enzymes shot out the roof, I also take omega 3 fish oil supplements. Ok I like the idea of taking one of the powedered formulas of vitamin c , I swallow enough pills as it is but which one and how much to take? Would there be any contraindications with the meds I am allready on. I also enjoy a couple glasses of red wine per day. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also do the pauling formulas cause diahrea (sp) please help.


Vitamin C Master
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Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by BaronZemo » Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:44 am

What does it cost for all those medications per month? At least $300 I'd say


Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by Booker » Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:31 am


Last count 31 views and one reply about the cost of my meds. Actually I have a very good health insurance policy with a $5.00 co-pay so my monthly meds only add up to about $50.00 give or take.

I would still appreciate any help or advice, since none has been given to my original question.


Vitamin C Master
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Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by BaronZemo » Fri Oct 17, 2008 4:13 am

Ask a better question


Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by Booker » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:31 am

BaronZemo wrote:Ask a better question

I thought I had a good question? I will try again.

How can vitamin c benefit my cardiovascular disease and how much should I take. Should there be any concerns with vit-c and the meds I am on?

Is that anybetter?

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Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by Surveyor » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:25 am

Hey Booker, I know Owen can help you, he helps us all. You can read testimonies from the Linus Pauling co. you can get to it on the home page of this site. You are on the right track to being healed and off meds.

Seymore Spectacles

Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:11 pm

Booker wrote:Would there be any contraindications with the meds I am allready on. I also enjoy a couple glasses of red wine per day. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also do the pauling formulas cause diahrea (sp) please help.

Welcome, Booker.

I can't say, with any certainty, if the vitamin C products will interact with your medications. This link may help you to figure that out:

http://www.healthnotes.info/qs_db/index ... vitasearch

note: Look under the "RX Answers" section.

Please keep in mind that this is not considered to be an authoratative source of information. It's just a starting point.

I can also direct you to some general information, written by the owner of The Vitamin C Foundation, about the use of vitamin C and heart disease.


It's a little outdated but still valid, to the best of my knowledge.

re: diarrhea

If you consume more than your body can handle, at any given time, you may experience GI symptoms (like gas and diarrhea).

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Re: Lots of questions...new here

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:26 pm

Booker wrote:Hi,

I had a heart attack back in may 2008. 7 blockages and 5 stents were placed in. I am very interested in the use of Vitamin c but I was placed on alot of meds. I currently take plavix, aspirin , lisinopril, carvedilol. I take xanax and some sleeping pills. I took crestor for a while but my liver enzymes shot out the roof, I also take omega 3 fish oil supplements. Ok I like the idea of taking one of the powedered formulas of vitamin c , I swallow enough pills as it is but which one and how much to take? Would there be any contraindications with the meds I am allready on. I also enjoy a couple glasses of red wine per day. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also do the pauling formulas cause diahrea (sp) please help.


Sorry for the delay in responding to this question. It is a little bit like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. There is and has been considerable (but largely ignored) evidence that what we call heart disease is a milder, slow developing form of the vitamin C deficiency diesease scurvy. It seems too simple to be believed by most people, especially cardiologists, and if it weren't for Linus Pauling, very few people would have any knowledge of this theory. As it is, remarkably few people have this knowledge.

So, how do you prove that taking "sufficient" vitamin C prevents heart disease? If I were to get heart disease, does that disprove the hypothesis?

It gets even worse in your situation, because while I am personally HIGHLY confident that if you had followed my advice (posted here http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... /protocol/ ) that you would not have had to undergo the operation, you would a) never have known that otherwise you would have had it, and b) we really aren't sure that we can totally reverse the condition given the complexity of interactions with all the drugs you have been given.

As a general rule, drugs for heart patients are counting on the fact that they have chronic scurvy, in other words they have been tested on people with very low vitamin C intake. It is my opinion, and only my opinion, that if you are taking "optimal" vitamin C (another entire discussion about how to determine this, but a simplification is at least 10 g daily) that most of these drugs are unnecessary and can be weaned with the help of an alternative medical doctor. I wouldn't stop any drug (or vitamin C for that matter) cold turkey. Do things gradually, and it is okay to determine the course of action, to some extent, on how you feel.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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