Please help, young and scared after catscan

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Please help, young and scared after catscan

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:51 am

Hello. I had a catscan done last week of my upper chest/lungs. Not looking for it, the catscan came across calcium build up in the left artery or side of my heart. I have high triglycerides, and high bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol. However,last year after my bad cholesterol being so high that the lab could not even get a # for my triglycerides, I dramatically changed my diet to no processed foods, and only whole grains,vegies and
fruits only. Thus dropping my triglycerides over 100 points on my own with only diet changes. but this is not enough, my triglycerides are still 100 points to high, my bad cholsterol is still about 50 points to high, & my good choles. is too low by 20 0r so points. Now this catscan found calcium build up in my left artery of my heart.. I think i have coronary artery disease at 41 years old!!!!!! I need your product.. My doctor today gave methe drug "NIASPAN", & after reading the side effects, am terrified to take it! But I am also terrified not to take it.. I am going to see a cardiologist in the coming weeks.. but.. I want to order your product..but I have absolutley no idea which one to order... and do i have to take it forever?? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME.. i am really scared and really lost.. If
you could have someone get back to me I would be really greatful! Thank you
very much..
Kim P.

Dear K.

Not only would I not panic, I would not worry so much or focus on cholesterol readings. Changing your diet sounds like it was a good idea, but an even better idea is to follow Linus Pauling's advice and supplement the "right" amount of vitamin C.

We have a forum, -> Heart Disease for people to ask questions. You may feel better scanning and participating in this interactive discussion.

The amount of vitamin C to take is somewhat dependent on you, and the calcium in your vessels may take a year or two to reverse, but you can start with at least 3000 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid pills with few fillers) and 3000 mg of lysine, perhaps 1000mg (2 500 tablets of each) before meals.

You might start with one tablet for a few days. If you have no reaction to 3000 mg daily, then slowly increase as Pauling's minimal recommended dosage is 5000 to 6000 mg of each daily. If this is too much, there are now opther options, such as Lyposheric vitamin C.


as far as which drink mix to take - once you know your tolerance, I can help you make a choice, but ANY product has the basic vitamin C and lysine, so any product will be of benefit.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Please help, young and scared after catscan

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:11 am

Hello Owen,
I was so surprised to hear back from you directly! Thank you very much for that.. it meant a lot to me. I was so freaked out from those cat scan results, and to have someone like you give me some information as you did really calm me down. Unfortunately, I went to the cardiologist this past week, he fit me in his very busy schedule because of his concern of my triglyceride levels, of 376, (but they were 496 a year and a 1/2 ago ,before I changed my diet completely as I was telling you in my first email),,, so the cardiologist agreed that I need to be on Niaspan medication to lower these tri levels and up the good cholesterol to normal levels,. and he scheduled a stress test, and a ultrasound of my heart. But I told him that I started the vit. C regime
and both dr.'s now have told me that I cannot take mega doses of any
, or any supplements on this cholesterol lowering drug, this is also listed on the drug info pamphlet that comes with the drug samples..

I have not started it , though they think I have, but I am really scared to take it because of the dramatic side effects that are listed on it. It's unbelievable!! I am
not to sure what to do here.. My question to you is: Will this mega vit.C and lysine doses lower my triglyceride levels and up my good cholesterol levels... and if so ,, about how long does this on average take??

You will be happy to hear that I started walking on my treadmill faithfully daily, & am up
to just about 2 miles a day , 40-45 min aday @ a average speed of about 3mph. and my smoking is down from 50-55 cigarettes a day to 15 cigarettes a day now, with my goal to be 0.. Quitting is the hardest thing I've ever done! But I know that it is a lot of the problem here and it causes heart disease. and obviously other fatal things as well.. I wont keep you , I just wanted your opinion here.. I did go to the web site you suggested but I think there might have been something going on with the site;;;because every time I completed my registration info, it seems that the site would not accept it and direct me back to square one only to have to start again,, and even though i re-entered all my info again and again, the same thing kept happening.. oh well,, I will
visit again and try again. Thanks so much for your opinions and time... Have
a great afternoon!!
Many blessings......

Probably don't have the time I'd like to study this, but I have/will
post this anonymously at our forum ->
heart disease, and others may add their thoughts. IF ANYONE ELSE HAS TROUBLE REGISTERING AT THE FORUM, IN USA PLEASE CALL FOUNDATION - 800-894-9025.

Kim, If you had told me you were such a smoker, I might have reconsidered the advice not to panic! Smoking creates toxins that deplete vitamin C in your body, so smokers require more, perhaps MUCH more vitamin C than nonsmokers. You still have to
quit, but any form of toxicity - smoking or dental work are the worst, drains vitamin C, leading to all these secondary "symptoms", such as elevated cholesterol as the body tries to fight the damage being done to your arteries.

Niaspan is a form of vitamin B3, and you can get the same effect taking vitamin B3, if memory serves. So as far as "drugs" go, this is one of the better ones.

But the idea of not taking ANY megadoses is more to maintain their income than your health! Right now you require more vitamin C, lots of vitamin C, and if you are a reader, I can suggest many books that will drive this point home.

So, if you want to join and add more information at the forum, we can continue this conversation there. General rules, favor proteins rather than carbs/sugar, (this will lower tryglycerides), eat natural, not processed foods (avoid trans fats), and take a
multi-vitamin/mineral -plus follow Pauling's regimen in HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND
FEEL BETTER, his 1986 book. High antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, but especially C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Please help, young and scared after catscan

Post by J.Lilinoe » Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:14 pm

50 cigarettes per day? yuck! No wonder the catscan results were what they were.

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