Trying to Lower Cholesterol with Vitamin C

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Trying to Lower Cholesterol with Vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:48 am

I guess I need to up my autoship? I'm using 3 scoops per day so do I need 3 jars per month? Is there a larger jar...$100 per month is breaking my bank. I'm trying to avoid statins and lower my cholesterol. I've taken 3 scoops per day for 3 months and my LDL cholesterol has not decreased, in fact it increased from 196 to 226. Does it take longer than 3 mos. in some cases? I was hoping to get my LDL lowered and then just take a maitenance dose.

I would need to know more - did you stop taking a statin drug? (These drugs artificially lower serum cholesterol without dealing with the underlying reason the LDL may be elevated.) While 226 is not a level I would worry about, it does indicate a mild vitamin C deficiency (or requirement for more). When your vitamin C intake is optimal (and your cells healthy) the cholesterol will usually be 180 mg/dl. Diabetes and other factors, such as root canals and other sources of toxicity can be confusing factors.

I recommend obtaining vitamin C powder, and taking more vitamin C by adding it to the current Cardio-C you presently take. You are probably getting sufficient lysine and proline - the issue is vitamin C, and we all vary in our needs/intake (See:

If cost is an issue, I believe you can find a good vitamin C powder for less that we charge. (We do not sell vitamin C made in China, and we use the sales as our primary "fund raising" mechanism for our nonprofit. A portion of each sale is treated as a contribution to the Foundation)

Once you know your tolerance, and using a new formula based on body weight that will soon be posted at our forum, and accouting for the confusing factors, you should be able to predict your maintenance level to keep overall cholesterol at 180 mg/dl.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Trying to Lower Cholesterol with Vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:18 am

Hello, Owen,

I haven't taken statins for more than 6 years, but took them for many years approximately 20 years ago, then stopped, and then started again for a short while until I came down with breast cancer.

My blood sugar is good except for when I'm fasting and then it is only slightly elevated about 50% of the time. I have never had a root canal. I weigh 150 lbs. and am 5'1" and 55 years old.

I also take 200 mcg of chromium polynicotinate, 600 mg of red yeast rice in CholestSafe (however, I just realized that the CholestSafe contains the red yeast rice that was recommended by People's Pharmacy and I will discontinue the red yeast rice.), 1600 mg of EPA and 800 mg of DHA, 1800 mg of niacin in NiaSafe (at night), and 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed each day in an effort to lower my LDL. So, my supplement cost is really quite high...I was hoping to just tackle this with the Vitamin C but that doesn't appear
to be happening.


Yes, the only questionable supplement would be the red yeast rice, but everything else sounds good. Now, the people who have drastically lowered their cholesterol on the Tower HeartTechnology product get other ingredients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, etc.

I sometimes make the (wrong) assumption that people already follow Linus Pauling's basic regimen -

6000 to 18000 mg vitamin C
25000 IU vitamin A
400-800 iu (natural) vitamin E
1 or 2 Super B complex
good multi vitamin/multi mineral
low sugar, lots of water

in his book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. My further recomendations are
publicly available as an excerpt of our book:
http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... /protocol/

But, for the purpose of lowering cholesterol, naturally, the best protocol is vitamin C.
We have noticed that it has required up to six months in some people.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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