Vit C better absorbed by different people.

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by rmb60 » Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:03 pm

My lady takes the same amount of VitC per dose (10-15grams) as I now do.
I daily average of 60grams, now 6x10 or 4x15 PREVIOUSLY 3x20
She only has 2 doses a day on an empty stomach. 2x10 or 2x15grams -- I make it, she drinks it.

She's 50, 5'3",50kg, doesn't drink but smokes, good diet(my opinion), strong active exerciser, good endurance abilities.
Me 45, 5'11", 75kg, dont smoke, dont drink, good diet but generally knackered C/- CFS-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
With CFS, exertion or over activity = delayed relapse into flu--often severe.

So it should be clear that she is the much healthier of the 2 of us.

Here's what surprises me, within an hour or so of taking my same size dose of VitC as she does I start to get belly rumbles then gas.
SHE--nothing-- You can safely stand/be close behind her and nothing, zip, zilch, no-methane to even put a match to.

Ok, so I take twice as much daily C compared to her but my gas is normally well finished before the next dose of C.

So then it could be assumed that maybe she really is secretly sick and her body is absorbing the majority of the C she takes and maybe I'm not as sick as what I believe?---
One thing for me -- no VitC = unrelenting bedridden/flu -- VitC DOES help me !!

On a better day if I use the C used (60grams)on a bad(normal) day then the gas is much worse leading to liquid stools.

So on those rare good days I use only 20 or so grams over 24 hours with the same amount of gas I would get on a bad day using 60grams/24hrs.

For me, it shows, sicker = more C needed.

BACK TO MY QUERY, I think some people(cast iron guts) aren't as sensitive to large doses of VitC and that their body either absorbs it or eliminates any excess without causing them bowel distress.

These type of people may then indeed require much larger amounts of Vit C for symptom relief than others.

I Think I've answered my query --- BOWEL TOLERANCE being the answer.

10 grams may fix some people where lots more may be required by the 'Cast Iron Guts Group'


Re: Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by VanCanada » Wed Oct 14, 2009 10:26 am

rmb60 wrote:So then it could be assumed that maybe she really is secretly sick and her body is absorbing the majority of the C she takes and maybe I'm not as sick as what I believe?

As with your wife I seem to have some ascorbic acid 'cast iron guts'. My first bowel tolerance test (while healthy) is documented on this thread here:
(edit: The thread was deleted by the software settings or the moderator or something other than myself.)
I consumed 97 grams of ascorbic acid powder in about 4 hours. And I lived to tell the tale ;) !

I'm asking the same question as you. Does my high tolerance of oral AA consumption show that am I actually quite sick even though I appear quite healthy, or is it the case that the Cathcart/Klenner/Pauling theories need to be fleshed out more?
Last edited by VanCanada on Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by Johnwen » Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:04 am

Please Verify 60 Grams????For you and 20 to 30 Grams for Her???
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Re: Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:57 am

Interesting. We all seem to metabolize vitamin C differently. I do not think it means she is secretly sick. However, her enzyme systems that kick in when high vitamin C blood levels are sustained must be activated! Pauling also pointed out that there are various ranges of vitamin C "loss" in the urine, i.e., low excreters, medium and high excreters. Many variables.

Concentrating on you, are you taking Coenzyme Q10? I would recommend 200-300 mg with meals (should be taken with fats). That worked a miracle with me at age 50 re: working out and energy.

Also, you might try taking your Vitamin C further away (before) meals, and there are some things we have discussed before to reduce gas, e.g. charcoal. Supplements may help eliminate the methane (gas) problems you experience. Not to mention Lypo-C for you - no gas/diarrhea. You might add 2 or 3 packets daily until what ever is wrong with you is corrected.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)


Re: CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Post by VanCanada » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:45 am

rmb60 or anyone with CFS, I suggest you read the October 2009 newsletter of the Allergy Research Group.

The pertinent article was this one:

New Research Confirms Martin Pall Hypothesis -
Pilot Study With Free-Radical Reducing Supplements Improves Treatment-Resistant CFS

Interview with Ingrid Franzon, N.M. M.S.c.

The link to this article is here:



Re: Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by VanCanada » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:53 am

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Vit C better absorbed by different people.

Post by Johnwen » Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:46 am

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