Quack Medicine Strikes Again

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Quack Medicine Strikes Again

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:01 am

Thanks for the reply Owen. I still have enough CARDIO C to see me through. I am not out of it. Just trying to build a reserve.

FYI in addition to CARDIO C, I have been using turmeric, an enzyme called serrapeptase, COQ10 (ubiquinol), vitamin D, niacin, magnesium, vitamin E and so on. I had a recent stress test (the nuclear medicine one) and my cardiologist was astounded as to the increased blood flow through th e heart and that the scar tissue in my heart had decreased from the post heart attack stress test I had about 2 1/2 years ago. He was surprised at the results as he is of the opinion that what I am doing is QUACK MEDICINE. I feel a lot better because of what I am doing however.
Thanks E.

Thank you for the encouraging report. As you are finding out, Quack medicine is the best medicine. At least you are telling your doctor what you are doing. I fear most Pauling therapy users are not telling their doctors for various reasons.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Quack Medicine Strikes Again

Post by jknosplr » Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:22 am

If your getting good results.....who cares what kind of medicine its!! Doctors sometimes get like that when they can't intimidate their patient's.

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Re: Quack Medicine Strikes Again

Post by BaronZemo » Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:14 am

Thank you for the encouraging report. As you are finding out, Quack medicine is the best medicine. At least you are telling your doctor what you are doing. I fear most Pauling therapy users are not telling their doctors for various reasons.

yes because they will attempt to put doubt in your mind or scare tactics. A long time ago I saw a doctor and he noticed that I took many vitamins ( I made the mistake of putting them down on my paperwork). He said "you must spend a lot on all those vitamins" He thought I should spend even MORE on statins, hb pressure tryglyceride lowerers etc.

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