Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:23 am

I can absolutely guarantee that there was no lecture where Linus Pauling spoke where people had to pay $20,000!! (Perhaps this doctor was involved in securing the speech? And perhaps this is how much the venue paid (what it cost) to have Pauling travel and speak? And if so, this is a very low amount for a speech.) Please clarify as ones credibility is on the line.

As far as doctors specializing in drugs and being happy that they ignore vitamins and nutrients, you have your opinion and I can see you are sticking to it. I would prefer the Japanese model. In Japan, doctors first try simple nutrients and orthomolecular therapies, and only after these protocols don't work, as a last resort, will they prescribe the toxic medications.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Ralph Lotz
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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:05 am

My wife was a registered nurse for nearly 40 years and my daughter has been one for nearly 20 years. Based on their experiences that they have related to me, I am convinced that modern medicine is not science, but a diabolical religion where the MD is the chief god and potentate.

Everyone should read Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn's books.
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp ... Mendelsohn

Those who live near Chicago should consider choosing Mayer Eisenstein,MD, JD, MPH as their physician for themselves and their children:
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by rasarver » Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:47 pm

"Doctors often dont see a patient until there is a problem, and by then meds are needed" is a statement that I think is incorrect. Yes, nutritional therapy is good for prevention but it is also good for treatment. See http://www.doctoryourself.com for a partial list of nutritional treatment options for a large variety of conditions. My wife, our neighbors and I can verify that these nutritional treatments are good for treatment/cure of a large variety of medical problems--often producing better results than meds and with lower cost, few unfavorable side effects, and much higher degree of safety. I can understand if someone believes meds are needed for every medical problem presented to a doc then docs should ignore nutrition and concentrate on meds. If the quoted statement were true, how does one explain using vitamin C to treat cardiovascular problems and viruses?

I agree with Owen and Ralph. I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I'm afraid of doctors. I don't know of any orthomolecular docs near my home and I have looked. I've met some kind and caring docs but I think they could do me harm with their meds. I think the vast majority of docs are just too dependent on meds for treatments. I think the Life Extension Foundation has a good philosophy about using nutrition first and adding meds if needed (Owen's idea too).

I'm not trying to start an argument here. It's interesting to see the different opinion about health, prevention, treatment and faith in "the medical establishment".

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by Schigara » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:07 am

rasarver wrote:I'm a little ashamed to admit it, but I'm afraid of doctors.

I agree with you on this point but I'm not even a little ashamed to say it. I will only go to the doctor for big problems I can't fix myself such as a broken bone, etc. I used to go and get stitches for large cuts but now I just use cyanoacrylate.

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