PAD Case Study Report

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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PAD Case Study Report

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:10 am

They say those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it.

There is a lot of good information in this report:

I am 80 years old and a former Fighter Pilot of the Indian Air Force having also trained with the Royal Air Force and a former promoter Managing Director of Kieloskar Filters Pvt Lt part of a large group of companies well known throughout India.

Till 6 months ago I used to jog 5 kms in the morning and 5 kms in the evening.

Then I read about Dr Sears Pace Programme wherin he recommended only 12 minutes exercise per day. I tried that for a month and I found it quite unsatisfactory as I started putting on weight.
After a break of 1 month I tried to take up jogging again but my legs felt heavy and my jogging ceased.

I knew I had Peripheral Arterial Disease as my blood pressure was elevated around 134/70.

I then tried Angioprim a chelation treatment but it did not work.

I read about Dr Joanna Budwig who claimed to have reversed heart dysfunction. However apart from an increase in energy my legs still felt heavy.

I discovered Dr Linus Pauling and Tower Laboratories. I am currently on Heart Tech but it has not made any material difference to the heaviness of my legs.

I have decided to increase my dosage to 3 jars per month.

I expect thatit will do the trick for my legs as I am determined to jog again.

However my speed of brisk walking has improved.

To best of your knowledge do you know any patient who has been cured of PAD using Dr Linus Pauling\'s treatment.

I find that Dr Budwig\'s diet is excellent for cancer patients but certainly not as effective as Vitamin C and Lysine.

Dr Budwig also claimed that her diet can reverse heart dysfunction but she was not as emphatic about curing heart Dysfunction as she was in curing cancer where she claimed a success rate of 90%.

It is an irony of fate that Dr Linus Pauling died at the age of 95 of prostrate cancer when he could have been cured with Dr Budwig\'s diet of which I am sure he was fully aware.

if he had survived cancer he would haved lived in excess of 100 years.



p.s. I intend giving full publicity to the Budwig diet for cancer cure throughout India and to Dr Linus Pauling for reversing heart disease ring if I am cured of PAD using 3 jars of Heart Rech per month.

We have discussed PAD before, and this was a particularly good post
p.s. after reading johnwen's post/thoughts, I would add vitamin K to help deal with the any calcium. e.g., the Super-K product from Life Extension
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: PAD Case Study Report

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:07 am

Hello Owen,

Thank you for your interest in my predicament.

I have been on Heart Tech for little more than a month. I have only taken one jar of Heart Tech 2 scoops per day.

I have been on the Budwig diet for over 2 months. I must say within 2 days of my commencing a blend of 3 TBS of Flax Seed Oil and 6 TBS of Low fat Cottage Cheese I felt a surge of energy. There is no doubt that the blend has a surfeit of oxygen as claimed by Dr Budwig.

After seeing the 8 minute clip of Dr Linus Pauling where he recommends the addition of Lysine to a biochemist who has only been taking Vitamin C and the miraculous response of the biochemist's heart in giving him angina free energy to chop a tree down and hew it into small pieces, I am convinced that with adequate dosage of Vitamin C and Lysine with add ons like Vitamin K and more importantly Ubiquinol in adequate dosages will cure all heart diseases including PAD.

I intend publicizing the Budwig diet as a low cost cancer cure and Dr. Linus Pauling's Vitamin C and Lysine as cure for heart disease through out India.

I am personally not well known in India but I can leverage my connections through out the length and breath of India particularly as Dr Budwig was a 7 times nominee for the Nobel Prize and Dr Linus Pauling was twice a Nobel Laureate.

I have no doubt that through my message millions of poor and desperate Indians will benefit from my message thanks to both Dr Budwig and Dr Pauling an d be cured of cancer and heart disease at a low cost..

My medium will be Newspapers. India has the largest circulation Newspapers in the world and which are read voraciously throughout India. Then it will go word of mouth which will multiply as people are cured.

I have seen another web site, Save the heart I think of Douglas Laboratoies which has many more add ons than what Tower offers and I think they also have Vitamin K.

I will for the moment stick with Tower as I have not given my body the full dosage of both Vitamin C and Lysine. I have been taking additional Vitamin C to boost my dosage to 10 gms per day.

I have now learnded that Dr Pauling himself was taking 18 gms of Vitamin C per day.

After seeing Dr Dean Ornish's tests on both vegetarian and Non Vegetarian heart patients I am convinced that a vegetarian diet with no alcohol and no sugar is essential for a reversal of heart Disease. I will be propogating that as well and it will be well received. in India as most Indians are Vegetarian but of course they love sugar.

When i say most Indians I do not man the 300 million Middle class who are indeed very affluent and have plenty of disposal income. I mean the 700 million who are poor and have no access to any health care.

By the way my Secretary Veroncia complained the other day that her legs were shivering and that she had mild Angina. I told her to take 3000 gms of V itamin C and 60 mgs of COQ-10 and her condition improved dramaticallly in a few hours even while she was at work.

I forgot to mention that I also had very high Blood Pressure of 145/80 but it has come down to 106/60. i have stopped taking Losar. However I still ha ve fluctuations in my Blood pressure but still i have never had such low le vels of blood Pressure in my life as it was always 120/80.

My PAD is improving gradually. The swelling in my left foot has gone but my right foot although improved still has very mild swelling. The circulation of my toes in my left foot is near normal but two end toes in my right foot still do not have proper circulation.

Since i brisk walk 5 kms in the morning and 5 kms in the evening without any pain,my PAD, I reckon, is of a mild nature particularly as I have no pain whatsoever in my legs at all times.

I forgot to mention that I also have MVP which I expect to reverse in the next two months after I have been on a dosage of 10 gms of Vitamin C and 8.4 gms of Lysine per day with add ons, and I am also expecting a marked improvement in my PAD.

Could you please enlighten me on the diet of, Dt Pauling. I expect that hedid not drink but in all probability he ate meat, poultry and fish. Is that correct.

Do you send out any periodic News letter and if so please put me on the mailing list.


Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: PAD Case Study Report

Post by Ralph Lotz » Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:18 am

Super-K product from Life Extension

Super-K is a nice formula, but costs about $20.
For us financially challenged retirees, MenaQ7 is effective at 45-100 mcg for as little as $5: ... CDMQzAMwAg
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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