question about bowel tolerance

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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question about bowel tolerance

Post by jhsif » Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:02 pm

Is it possible for ascorbic acid vitamin c bowel tolerance to never reached? What is the maximum you have ever heard of to give someone diarrhea? I might be that person. Have not had diarrhea yet after taking vitamin c ascorbic acid.
PLease let know if you can

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Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by Lemonaid » Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:08 pm

No-one is going to be able to help you if you don't state how much you've taken.


Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by jhsif » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:34 pm

I started out at six grams of Spring Valley ascorbic acid tablets yesterday. I didn't think too much of it, when I passed 30 grams without so much of a soft stool because I don't consider myself healthy, and that I believe is bowel tolerance for the healthy person. Forgive me, if I get too graphic, I had some gas, and a bit of a headache, so I was waiting for a soft stool, or at the worst explosive diahreea, in case, then planned to back off. It never came, by the tie I reached 60 grams, which is 10 grams over the 15-50 grams for asthma, I'm starting to wonder. My wife and I had always wondered if I really have asthma, or if it's something else just giving me asthma symptoms. The reasons I stopped at 60 was because I fell asleep, and I'm running out and have to get more vitamin C. Not even close to a soft stool, much less explosive diahrrea, what I was wondering is, are there people that have went all the way up to 200 grams without explosive diahreea, and if so, did they ever find their bowel tolerance?
PLeaselet me know if you can and I'll be sure to let you know what my bowel tolerance number is when I find it.

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Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:04 am

Interesting. I take it you have not read for you would see that there are conditions that increase bowel tolerance over 200 g per day (eg. mono). When you know your tolerance, you'll have a good idea what may be going on. However, if you can take that much with a minimal reaction - you definitely need ascorbate!

Also, taking that much in the form of pills gives you a lot of fillers. If you have a Trader Joe's, Ralph tells me they have very inexpensive vitamin C powder that should make it easier to determine your tolerance.

p.s. do you have a link to that form of vitamin C you are taking?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by scurvyencounters » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:35 am

The Cathcart paper on vitamin C bowel tolerance is here.

My son has severe schizophrenia which we now believe to be caused by mercury toxicity. I have shared about him in a number of these discussion threads. But I will try to briefly summarize our observations about his vitamin c bowel tolerance.

We first began to use moderate 10 gram doses of vitamin C for him as part of an orthomolecular approach as advocated by Dr Abram Hoffer. As our knowledge of bowel tolerance developed, we decided it would be ok to push the vitamin C higher because of our son's constipation. His constipation had been a chronic problem since his early teen years. We found it took 50 to 60 grams just to stem the constipation problem.

A year or so went by at that level when we wondered how high his bowel tolerance was. We began pushing up the vitamin C until we got into the 150 to 200 gram range. My son is not real communicative about personal things like this but it became clear that we had reached his limit.

My son's amalgam fillings were removed over a year ago now and we seldom push the vitamin C quite that high any more. And this summer when we began a systematic chelation program, we have found a similar reduction in what we think his bowel tolerance is. It is hard to know exactly how high it is as we had been routinely mixing lypospheric with regular ascorbic acid tablets. Most recently we have been using lypospheric almost exclusively except occasionally when we want him to do a C-flush. But I would estimate his bowel tolerance now with the chelation program is under 100 grams.



Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by jhsif » Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:22 am

I can't seem to find a link for it, but under the ingredients are: Ascorbic acid, Cellulose, Hypromellose, Croscarmellose Sodium, Rose Hips, Crospovidone, Stearic Acid, Magneusm Stearte, Silicon Dioxide. Wuld any of these be preventing diareea with 60 grams?
Please let me know if you can
thanks, and thank you for letting us know about your son scurveyencounters. I hope that does indeed help somene else too.


Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by VanCanada » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:22 am


A year ago I was able to take 93 grams of ascorbic acid powder in less than 8 hours before I had to go to the toilet. This graph shows one clinician's experience with people who came through his door.

the graph is from page 11 of this PDF file: originally, although Owen has it reproduced also in his News section of the Vit C Foundation website -


Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by jhsif » Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:00 am

I found my bowel tolerance with spring valley vitamin C it is 66 grams. I'm not sure why, because all the things past 50 grams or up to 60 grams on Dr. Cathcart's chart don't apply to me. Gonna try to find some no filler vitamin c powder that can cause diahrrea to confirm it, then use that amount from the liposomal. My stomach is making all kind of weird noises, the headaches went away, so that's a good sign. I'll let you know what I find from Akin's natural foods.
Thanks again.


Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by VanCanada » Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:37 am

I've posted information on this site before regarding how aloe vera supplements can work synergistically with vitamin C, that is you get the same or increased effect from a smaller dose of vitamin C. It would be interesting to see if you could get relief from your headaches without the stomach rumbling that is a common effect of higher dose vitamin C intake...

The one company I mentioned before has funded studies to prove their claims in this regard. There's a radio program interview about this somewhere.

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Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:34 am

jhsif wrote:I found my bowel tolerance with spring valley vitamin C it is 66 grams. I'm not sure why, because all the things past 50 grams or up to 60 grams on Dr. Cathcart's chart don't apply to me. Gonna try to find some no filler vitamin c powder that can cause diahrrea to confirm it, then use that amount from the liposomal. My stomach is making all kind of weird noises, the headaches went away, so that's a good sign. I'll let you know what I find from Akin's natural foods.
Thanks again.

Good news about the headaches. Good idea to try powder to be sure. There is one condition around that bowel tolerance level (besides asthma) Reiter's syndrome Any arthritis-like symptoms ?

so conservatively, at 5 g/Lypo - you would need 13 packets daily, or at 10 g/Lypo the low end is 6 to 7 Lypo-C per day.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: question about bowel tolerance

Post by jhsif » Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:41 am

No pain at all, I'm considering aloe vera for the headaches and the upset stomach.

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