Atrifib and daily weak spells.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Atrifib and daily weak spells.

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:36 am

Heart is in atrifib. Every day I have these weak spells and I can\'t do anything for myself. Doctors do not what is the problem. I had bypass in 2004.Been having a breathing weak every since. Will one of your products help?

How much vitamin C do you take daily? I would start with the following protocol posted at our forum. When you know your "bowel tolerance" to C, we can suggest a product.

And if you take a range of supplements already, make sure that your
manganese (total on all labels) is below 2 mg daily, and it is a good
idea to start or increase your magnesium to produce a regular heart

I would also consider trying CoQ10 to see if it can help with the feeling of weakness
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Atrifib and daily weak spells.

Post by Johnwen » Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:50 am

There's kind of a problem out there and there is no cure coming anytime soon. It has to do with the meds the doctors are perscribing. After bypass surgery a-fib is a problem for awhile the problem comes in when the doc perscribes Norvasc to help stop the a-fib. Norvasc will do the job however when the patient takes the script to the pharm. they will normally issue a generic brand of Amlodipine Besylate which don't have the inactive indgredients that Norvasc has that help with A-fib and angina. It is strictly a BP med. The Doc is suprised the pharm said I gave what was perscribed their insurance only pays for generics. The patient still has a problem!!!
What to do? If this is the case either offer the pharm to pay the difference for name brand Norvasc or insist on Watson/Cobalt Amlodipine Besylate generic.
Cobalt was the generic arm of Pfizer the maker of Norvasc up to 2008 when it was bought by Watsom Pharm. Their amlodipine besylate uses the exact formula of Norvasc therefore it has all the off label benefits of Norvasc.

With this info and following a good Pauling protocol I can't forsee anything but benefits in helping this person lead a GOOD LIFE!!!
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