Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:38 am

Hi Owen,

I have read almost your whole book now. I started with the Pauling Theory about 5 years ago. I've been taking Vit C around 5-10 grams per day since 2005 but not the Lysine/Proline regularly.

A little about me. I just rached the age of retirement but had a heart attack and multiple by passes a week b4 Memorial Day, 2010. I also had a pig valve installed since mine was bleeding supposedly.

Interestingly the teaching hospital my surgery was performed at here in Milwuakee gave me C and fish oil in recovery and suggested I take it. Their dose was no more that 2-4 grams I believe. My cardiologist has me on the usual drugs of water pill, statin, and some blood pressure meds. I have been taking religiously for a month or so now 18grams of C per day along with 8 grams of Lysine and 2 grams of Proline per day. Spread out over 4 doses during the day.

Since I had 4 bypasses, 2 were total blockages and 2 were supposedly 75% blocked. I will have an echocardiogram on December 27th scheduled and I am looking forward to the possibility that at least the 2 partial blockages have opened up. I am also taking Ubiquinol 100 mg per day but just upped that to 200 mg due to muscle ache which seems to have solved that problem. I\'m preparing to dump the statin next month after I see my cardiologist. I know he\'ll love that. I am also taking Nattozimes to thin the blood as well as clot eating capabilities. I\'ll let you know how my echo comes out.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Interesting about the teaching hospital!? Keep taking the a good Omega/3 fish oil.

How do you feel now on 18 g vitamin C? I'll post this at our forum (anonymously) under
heart disease, vitamincfoundation.org/forum -> Heart Disease and reread and comment further. The gist is that you have been taking a "good" amount of vitamin C, but not lysine/proline, for about five years before you suffered the heart attack. Hmmmmm Do you know your C bowel tolerance? (http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm). It is possible that the 5 - 10 g was not enough, but it is surprising you had such severe heart problems given the 5 grams of C. Diabetic?

Reading Levy's astounding book STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER, (livonbooks.com) we learn that you can have unstable plaques from long before you started the vitamin C supplementation, and that the capillaries in these plaques can rupture causing heart attacks, etc. The bypass is the best solution for these long term "callous" like problems, so you should be in good shape going forward, just keep up the vitamin C (and apparently you require lysine).

Now regarding the multiple bypass graphs, hmmm. I would probably not emphasize the proline until I was comfortable that the graphs were operating properly, but I think the vitamin C (18 to 30 g) and lysine (6 g) daily makes sense.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:46 am

Hi Owen,

I don't know what my bowel tolerance is. I've taken close to 30 grams a day when I felt a cold coming on but never watched the count that closely.

I feel the reason for my blockages goes back to being a smoker for 40 some years. In the 1980's I was on blood pressure meds. I went in to the Doc's office for a pre surgery exam, arthroscopic knee, and we learned my BP was like 180 over 100-115 and my heart was enlarged so I feel that is when all the stress/ damage=A0was really created, I wasn't taking C at the time, so over the next 25 years the plaque built up till the blockages and a blood clot occurred. I did learn in around 2002 thru a CAT scan with dye that I had some calcification and some plaqueing but no Dr. ever got really exited about it. In 2004 the company I worked for was bought out and everybo dy was thrown to the curb. It was then that I did a Goggle search' " How to reverse atherosclerosis". That's when I found Pauling's info, started taki ng C with infrequent periods of Lysine, but never a set dose or time frame on the lysine, until August this year. I had my heart surgery May 24th
and went back to work 3 months later. At that time I started taking the Ly sine again as it stopped some heart ache that I was experiencing. I've been on it since but not at the 6 plus grams regularly till I received your boo k and read the formula again.

With my heart attack I never did experience any angina. My symptoms were intestinal upset and shortness of breath. I actually was told less than a week before the big attack by a pulmonologist that I had asthma. I had taken the pulmonary function test which showed the asthma. I was even on Advair. Guess what, don't need it now. Go figure.

Thanks for all you do and don't hesitate to ask questions if I can be of an y further help/info. I'll update you after the echo for sure.


I think you are on the right track now - if you keep following Pauling's advice. And from your history, if you get around to reading Levy's book, you'll see how the plaques over time are almost like tumors, they have their own (develop their own) blood supply - capillaries. However, there is enormous pressure near the heart, and these thin walled capillaries tend to burst, causing the clot/heart attack. So again, having the bypass cleared all this and you can start over but keep the nutrition up - vitamin C and lysine. There is a theoretical possibility that the proline, by eliminating any Lp(a), might keep your new graphs from growing strong, which is why we don't recommend high proline right after a bypass. We really don't know, but vitamin C and lysine are the two primary ingredients that Pauling recommended.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:53 pm

Pretty sure this is the same person...
Hi Owen,

I wanted to get back to you since I've had an ultrasound on my heart and se veral more visits with my Cardiologist. As I have mentioned my cardiologist is part of the education system here in Milwaukee at the Medical College. I have tried to take some level of the statin drug more to keep the Dr. and my wife happy but my body just doesn't handle it well. I've adopted the us e of policosanol and slo niacin. I am taking about 16-20 grams per day of C and 6-8 grams of Lysine, and dropped Proline at your suggestion. I do take 20,000IU's of Serrapeptease twice 0per day though. What was kinda funny with the Cardiologist a month ago was when I had asked for C-reactive protei n test of my blood he went into a speech about that only is needed with PAD. Last week when I told him I wasn't going to use any statin and C was a Co reductase A inhibitor like the statin, he just said that" I have to tell you" and went into a speech about statins and cholesterol. Seems that the America Heart Assoc. has it's scheme on how to handle heart problems and thats what he/they follow.

However while I thought we were going to fight and I was going to tell him I'd get another Doc, he told me how he tells his Dentist that he doesn't need X-rays etc., so he gets fiesty with his Docs also. I also had LPa on my blood test last week, and I scored a 1 on that so it looks like that's working. When I told the Doc about Lpa and how it does the patching he has a set response from the Heart Assoc. I am sure. I've read your book now and working on the 2 from Levy. Seems somebody needs to go tell the AMerican Heart Assoc, but there isn't enough $$ around for that so we have to find out ourselves.
Stay healthy and I'll let you know if there are any further developments.

There is a story about Dr. Rath going to a meeting of elites at the American Heart Association - and leaving a detailed packet on every seat... long time ago..

And then if memory serves, a big wig at Harvard medical school in the cardiology department said he thought there might be something to this Pauling/Rath theory - and was then forced to quit...

Thank you for the report, but what about your other objective measurements?
The Lp(a) sounds wonderful!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:12 am

My blood work was 122 on LDL and 45 on HDL again w/o statin. He didn't give me a total since I think he's pissed at me for not following all the Heart guidelines. Next he wants to talk about a pacemaker even though I've had no heartbeat irregularity. Part of the plan again I'm sure. My triglycerides were down from 248 to 206 but I talked to the Doc after the test and told him I had taken 5 grams of fish oil in the AM both tests, which probably threw that number off when the blood work was at 8:30 AM within 2 hours of taking the fish oil. He rated my heart function at 35% but what is weird that I have no limitation in my exercise, no shortness in breath and this is less than a year after surgery.He said I am stronger at 35% than so me folks at 50%. Go figure. I still take 100mg. of Ubiquinol per day and may increase that to 200 mg. and add some D3 from what I've read recently for strengthening the heart. I use the treadmill for a minimum of 15 minutes almost daily, or take a walk like yesterday. I walked to the barber shop, about 20 minutes away. Don't know what else to tell you.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Taking Vitamin C Five Years, Heart Attack/Bypass

Post by Johnwen » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:21 am

I read this Gentlemans writings and he seems to be knowledgeable of the protocol. However my feelings are that it's possible he's not getting a pure form of supplements ie. too many fillers etc.
I think it would be a good recomendation that he start a course with a foundation endorsed product like Heart tech / cardio C etc.
He should also stay on his fish oil, Cq 10 and add some Arginine also. With the amount of reports being presented about Neo Intemal Hyperplasia occuring in bypass grafts. The arginine may help in preventing problems down the road.
As for the 35% EF that shouldn't be too much of a concern at this point. A reading after one year would give a better idea of the damage done. The echo should have shown the area's that aren't functioning up to par. If he's taking a beta-blocker that would also contribut to lower readings.
Good luck to him!
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