Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

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Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ChristianW » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:10 pm

I'm shocked by the statement Dr. Thomas Levy makes in this video (at 5:30 min): "The root canal treated tooth ( my lips...) is the number one cause of cancer and of heart disease - period!!!"

Dr. Levy makes an incredibly far reaching statement here. Does he have the science to back it up? One commentator claims not: "Dentistry has been dealing with misconceptions like this for years. Unfortunately, people? are having teeth extracted and unnecessary amalgam replacements for no reason. There is no? peer-reviewed, scientific data backing this information--particularly when he says there is a direct causal relationship. Just NOT true!"

Who is telling the truth? - I really would like to know. I do not have access to Dr. Levy's books here, but I know some in this forum have read his books.

My atrial fibrillation started 16 years ago, about a year after having one (or maybe two) root canals and a lot of other dental work done (bridges, crowns etc.). I never had any AF at all in my first 29 years of life. Now I have about three root canal treated teeth and worsening AF. Could there be a connection?

Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth? ( I hate to ask this question...)

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:26 am

My atrial fibrillation started 16 years ago, about a year after having one (or maybe two) root canals and a lot of other dental work done (bridges, crowns etc.). I never had any AF at all in my first 29 years of life. Now I have about three root canal treated teeth and worsening AF. Could there be a connection?

Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth? ( I hate to ask this question...)

We have had extensive discussions of this, and unfortunately, they may have expired and been deleted. I have developed the opinion that dental work, in general, leads to heart disease and may be the leading primary cause (by depleting the body of its scarce vitamin C which is used up fighting the toxic load caused by dentistry.) I have subsequently had my mouthful of amalgams removed, and I personally have not had any root canals.

I believe the Levy/Huggins book UNINFORMED CONSENT covers the most ground. They discuss amalgams and mercury poisoning, especially the new dangerous alloy that appeared around 1977. Amalgams after the 70s are much more dangerous (mercury releasing) than the earlier fillings.

The issue with root canals is hyper toxicity (anerobic bacteria) and Huggins listed them on several slides, and what parts of the body they generally attack. There are probably hundreds of different types of bacteria found on removed root canals.

You say you do not have access to his books. I recently attended a Hal Huggins lecture which increased my understanding some, and should be on DVD soon, if not already.

In Dr. Levy's case, ( he was a practicing board certified cardiologist), who personally began to suffer CVD as described in this book. He went to Hal Huggins, who removed his amalgams (and root canals if my memory is correct) , and this relieved his CVD symptoms. This led him to the medical literature, where he discovered, among other things, that cholesterol is a detoxification agent, etc. (Increase cholesterol helps the body deal with toxins, including dental toxicity.) As he sent patients to Huggins, he noticed that immediately after having their amalgams removed, their cholesterol would reliably drop 20-30 points. So, Levy and Huggins belief that root canals are dangerous are based on a lot of experience, including Levy's personal experience.

Dr. Levy believes that the Huggins finding that every root canal removed is toxic is highly significant. I must admit that I do not completely understand how removing the root canal (replace with what?) removes the source of toxicity, since it is supposedly the dead space around the canal where these bacteria grow.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by Dolev » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:00 am

I also want to know: replace with what?

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ChristianW » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:45 am

Thanks Owen for your insights. Too bad, that the old threads with discussions on root canals have not been archived.

I fully agree, that mercury containing amalgams need to be avoided and removed, if present. I'm not aware of having any amalgam in my mouth, but I have to check, what material the dentist used under my gold crown/brigde. My questions concern specifically the old root canals and the evidence for its toxicity.

I listened to one of Dr. Huggins radio interviews where he explains his views clearly. I understand, that the view, that root canals are generally toxic started with the extensive research by Weston Price about a hundred years ago and was later picked up by George Meinig, who wrote the book Root Canal Cover Up Exposed. Apparently Dr. Price's experiments on rabbits implanted with teeth have never been replicated. The topic of focal infections has come up since around the same time. Thus there should be about a hundred years worth of scientific evidence leading to a clear conclusion regarding root canals.

Huggins and Levy report about their clinical findings and experiences. Now I believe experiences validate scientific research, but the scientific method demands repeatable experiments published and peer reviewed. Dr. Levy mentions, that 100% of 5000 root-canalled teeth (removed by Dr. Huggins?) were tested and turned out to be toxic. This is strong evidence, if it can be verified. Have other dentists been able to replicate/verify the results, that 100% of all root-canal filled teeth - even those apparently healthy ones - are giving off bacterial toxins from anaerobic bacteria? What tests ware used to verify toxicity? Wouldn't these bacterial toxins show up in a blood test (especially if you know what to look for based on the aforementioned research)?

A similar result, widely quoted without specific references: "according to research by Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky, 75% of root canal teeth have residual bacterial infections remaining in the dentinal tubules." Where can I find his research findings?

Apart from Dr. Price and Dr. Huggins (and Dr. Boyd Haley) are there other dentists who have done original, verifiable research that confirm theses results? I can find a lot more scientific evidence for Vitamin C effectiveness, than I can find regarding toxic root canals. This does not mean, that the results are not valid, but it does make it more difficult to base a decision on it, which cannot be reversed.
Last edited by ChristianW on Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by Johnwen » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:20 am

Here's an informative video on this subject. ... ORM=LKVR22
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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:47 am

Apart from Dr. Price and Dr. Huggins (and Dr. Boyd Haley) are there other dentists who have done original, verifiable research that confirm theses results? I can find a lot more scientific evidence for Vitamin C effectiveness, than I can find regarding toxic root canals. This does not mean, that the results are not valid, but it does make it more difficult to base a decision on it, which cannot be reversed.

I agree with you, and the fact that root canals killed rabbits, (to parrot a critique by Dr. Nickolas Gonzales), doesn't mean all that much to me. However, the fact that other dentists have not picked up the ball and run with this research is not surprising. According to his books, Huggins actually sent the root canals to Boyd Haley for the toxicity studies. Halley at that time was an Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. Haley's own lab conducted the experiments, and so I have little doubt about the finding of toxicity, If memory served, the first findings turned out to be one of the most toxic substances known. I have met Haley, and I am convinced he is not only highly competent, but unquestionably honorable. (On the other hand, I am not convinced that Huggins has the training to be making some of the statements he makes, but he has helped a great many suffering people.)

I don't know if this has been replicated, but I know that at least in the case of their mercury -> creates Alzhemier's lesions ( another Haley discovery) , at least one other lab has now replicated those findings.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by scottbushey » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:20 pm

It's not just the removal of the amalgams and root canaled teeth; if I remember correctly, the teeth need to be removed and the jaw bone/tooth socket ground down below the pulp line to confirm removal of the poisons.

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by Cobraman » Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:51 pm

I have posted on this ad nauseum. As a practicing dentist who does many root canals the theories of Huggins are outlandish and border on malpractice. As I have said previously root canal therapy is not a perfect treatment, but it is a good treatment if done correctly. Also I suspect the rabbit root canal were done poorly, just as many dentists do them poorly on humans. The replacement would be dental implant which is a great treatment. And for those who are against titanium in the mouth are they against it in the leg when it is broken?

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by jknosplr » Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:28 pm

Administrative Law Judge's Conclusions
about Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S.

Copy of case review on Casewatch

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:49 am

quackwatch also writes that Linus pauling is a quack...

here is an alternative view point of the quackbusters and their real purpose.

Huggins and his clinic have helped an enormous number of people. No doubt he was correct about the amalgams.

We have debated the root canal claims, but I would not dismiss them a priori
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by Cobraman » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:35 am

No offense to you Owen, but reports say he hurt a lot of people also.
ofonorow wrote:quackwatch also writes that Linus pauling is a quack...

here is an alternative view point of the quackbusters and their real purpose.

Huggins and his clinic have helped an enormous number of people. No doubt he was correct about the amalgams.

We have debated the root canal claims, but I would not dismiss them a priori

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:34 am

I wouldn't mind seeing such reports of harm. (Not the quackwatch or ADA please)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by jknosplr » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:29 pm

Here is a pretty good summation of Mr Huggins antics. I'm sure you will marginalize it. He must of pulled a few shady stunts to get the FDA after his arse and have his dental license yanked. Ken Lay of Enron who was one of his clients, died later from Heart disease. I am not making a connection with Lay and Amalgams fillings, I was taken back to learn that Ken Lay had been treated by Huggins.

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by Schigara » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:27 pm

"Huggins contended that the revocation of his license was politically motivated in retaliation for his claims that amalgam fillings caused disease and claimed that he had not worked as a dentist since 1984"

I believe this part to be true.

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Re: Do I really have to get rid of my root canal-filled teeth?

Post by jknosplr » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:24 am

The FDA found that the Amalgameter was a simple battery-powered ammeter, but was being promoted with a variety of scientifically unsubstantiated claims about dental fillings.

Employing the use of the "Amalgameter" and then charging $8500.00 bucks is adding insult to injury. Giving the claims of the Mercury filling are legitimate ( I had all of mine removed, Mercury is not the argument ) he negated any validity of his claims by the use of a prop to further his agenda. Perhaps even to make the procedures more intricate and secretive than they actually were for $$$$$$ as usual. There also was other carnival like devices he employed to fleece victims of their $$$$$ while the victims hopelessly longed for a cure.

He perpetuated a fraud until apprehended and rightfully had his license to operate revoked. When fraud is committed, there is always a injured party , whether physical, mental, or financial.... harm is done. That is "harming people"!!

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