Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:11 am

Dear Owen Fonorow,

I have been communicating with Sally Jewell for some time now, ever since I read your book.

I teach seminars on staying healthy with natural foods, bypassing drugs and the toxins found in processed foods...and I write a monthly column for an organic magazine that is distributed all over Texas. My five years of intensive research from alternative doctors; (preventative, cutting edge, anti-aging, energy doctors) books and newsletters was culminated by your "Practicing Medicine Without a License"!

It all came together and a "light" went on about the LDL being oxidized into Lp(a) and forming plaque, I have been teaching how hydrogenated Omega-6 oils (soybean, corn, canola, safflower, sunflower and cottonseed) oxidize the body's organs and have been the major source of the epidemic of diseases we are seeing now. Two books, "The Coconut Oil Miracle" by Bruce Fife and "Eat Fat, Lose Fat" by Dr. Mary Enig (the international authority on trans-fats) gave me my basic information. So, I put 2 and 2 together and have surmised that the oils that cause Lp(a) is what is causing plaque.

I would like to talk to you and find out your idea on the subject.


Thank you for your work and kind words about my book. I am very pleased to "meet" you. You are certainly on the right track about the trans fat and you are helping people! See: I think you will find Thomas Smith's research and understanding helpful to your cause! As these bad oils are apparently the primary (and probably only cause) of Type II diabetes. Anecdotally, everyone that I recommend that paper to, who are diagnosed w/ TYpe II and high blood sugar, have been able to bring their sugar levels down by following Smith's protocol/ advice. (Maybe the failures don't contact me?)

Smith makes sense, and knowing that the same process would block vitamin C entry, by increasing so-called Glucose Ascorbate Antagonism (crowding out what little C is in the blood from entering cells) one can predict increased heart disease in diabetics. All caused, perhaps, by transfats and "bad" oils.

I wrote a paper on this some time ago, i.e.,
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:19 am

Dear Owen,

I read Thomas Smith's "Diabetes Deception " a few years ago. I have a copy that I keep. I have used his and others' diabetes info in my seminars (Dr. Julian Whittaker, Professor Ely, Dr. Wm. Douglass). I agree with their writings. *But*, the information on trans-fats or hydrogenated oils, oxidizing our organs, from Dr. Mary Enig is the one that gave me the breakthrough that connected with info from your book. That is why I needed to contact you, and to see if that had occurred to you. too.

Your writing is so easy to read, basic-like 2 plus 2 equals 4. I suggest that my students each read it for their own education and for their family and friends, especially if they have any heart problems.

Thank you for answering me. I would like to hear what you have to say after
reading "Eat Fat, Lose Fat".


Okay, I am a fan of Weston-Price, but I do have to read Enig's book. Anyway, lets start the Lp(a) conversation hereat the VCF forum, as there are many minds better than mine who contribute - and several are experts in Enig and the value of fats!

I am glad that you are aware of Smith's writings, but are you aware of Professor Ely's work on "Glucose Ascorbate Antagonism?" The idea is that sugar (glucose) competes with vitamin C in the blood for entry into cells - and when sugar levels are high, vitamin C loses.

Before Smith, I had not connected oral "bad" fat intake with vitamin C entry into cells. (Although doctors who read my articles in the Townsend Letter would call asking why, if Pauling was correct about vitamin C, their patients did so well on high Omega/3s?)

So the way to make Pauling's vitamin C therapy ultra effective, is to keep blood glucose levels low (or at least normal). And visa versa, high glucose levels will interfere with vitamin C uptake. And if Smith's research is correct, taking bad fats leads to damaged insulin pumps, etc. The symptom is higher glucose levels.

This dual problem - high blood sugar AND bad insulin pumps - seems to me the primary way in which the bad fats are connected to low vitamin C in tissues, and the resulting heart disease and other issues.

Now, lets focus on your theory or observation. (Preliminary until I read Enig's book) that when LDL is oxidized, that it turns into Lp(a).

There are many types of "cholesterol" - lipoproteins. The brilliant finding,As Pauling explained it, is that one of the Low Density Lipoproteins (a form of so called "bad" LDL) is different. Although its density matches LDL, it has another component attached to the surface - apo(a) - which is what turns LDL into Lp(a).

LDL + apo(a) = Lp(a)

I believe that Lp(a) is formed in the liver, and that "proline binding sites", discovered at the University of Chicago, on the apo(a) molecule or sub-molecule are what makes the apo(a) stick or attach to the LDL molecule (forming Lp(a))

It is interesting that the guinea pigs in the Pauling/Rath experiments to confirm their theory, only have apo(a) (not Lp(a)) and this (apo(a) is what Pauling's team measured, and apo(a) is what increased merely by depriving one group of vitamin C. LDL cholesterol was not involved.

If I understand your idea , depriving the guinea pigs of vitamin C, also raised the oxidation level of the animal, perhaps causing the increase in, apo(a). Again, not of Lp(a) - but of apo(a). Cholesterol/fats were not an issue with the pigs in these experiments. Only one factor/variable was changed, vitamin C.

It is entirely possible that "oxidized" cholesterol somehow makes ordinary LDL more sticky - without lysine and proline binding sites (which are on the apo(a) molecule.) But I have had my doubts, because the science behind this research is funded by Big Pharma selling cholesterol-lowering meds. They are continually looking for ways make cholesterol the culprit,
and they have been pretty creative in this regard.

In any case, one of the best antioxidants known is vitamin C!

More after I read Enig's book - or if you would like to respond.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:52 am

I have not read a book that electrified me as much, ( that answered questions that I had now been able to find answers to. I was mesmerized when your info clicked with what I had studied so hard before this. Owen, I have read volumes of books, newsletters, email entries from authentic and knowledgeable sources, etc. I belong to five libraries to find enough material. Since I do not listen to TV, I have the time to pursue other means of information. ( I have been in multi-media P.R., sales and advertising for 25 years, and I know what the media usually has to offer... I wrote a lot of the hype.)

By the way, I am deeply moved to be communicating with you. I am so impressed with the research you did to write such a book! It is indeed a breakthrough, not only for me but for many, many others.

Thank you,

Marna L'Amie
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

Post by Johnwen » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:21 pm

Here's what the med. establishment knows about LP(a) interesting that they know how it's made but they don't know what it does ie.(Statin Money Stupid) anyway it's educational. ... d=14578310
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Re: Transfatty Acids and Heart Disease

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:02 pm

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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