Husband has leaky value and atrial fib. Facing surgery

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Husband has leaky value and atrial fib. Facing surgery

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:09 am

My husband has a leaky valve and atrial fib. We are desperate to find a fix before the surgeon has his way. I took him to see the surgeon 2 weeks ago today and he wants to operate on him as soon as my husband gives the go ahead. He said his heart has enlarged slightly and he would have to have the surgery within 6mths to a year. We bought some time by telling him that my hubby had to help me harvest and can our vegetables. In the meantime he is taking a ton of vitamins, magnesium, nattokinease as he refused to take coumadin. He also takes lisinopril and metoprolol. He had a mild stroke 1 yr ago. he is 6\'5\" and weighs 180 pounds. He lost 40 pounds and has only gained 14 lbs back. his cholesterol is 170 so no mention of no statins although he takes coQ10. He doesn\'t want a pig or mechanical valve and we are desperate.
The blood pressure pills are making him like a doddering old man. When he was off all the drs meds he was okay. I think they are giving him asthma. This is a no no.
I need help with varicose veins.

Please help

Thank You


Either I missed it - or you failed to tell me the most important fact - how much vitamin C has he been taking, and does he now take?

We usually recommend starting the Pauling therapy with this protocol:

Once the maximum amount of ascorbate (vitamin C as ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate) he can tolerate at one time , and throughout the day, is known, we can recommend a product without fillers.

Following the Pauling therapy seems to help many people, but not necessarily patients that present the symptoms you describe. No harm trying, and have him get to the highest dose of vitamin C he can tolerate, and lysine up to 5 or 6 grams daily.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Husband has leaky value and atrial fib. Facing surgery

Post by Johnwen » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:19 am

First: Read this old post I covered most of what is involved here and will give you a better understanding of what he is going through.


If his AVA (aortic Valve Area) is less then .7 he's in dangerous territory.
The stroke he experienced was probably the result of a piece of this debris which broke loose from the valve and got lodged in his brain.

The blood pressure pills are making him like a doddering old man.

This more then likely caused by Lack of circulation because of the closed down valve not allowing enough blood to get out.

I think they are giving him asthma.

This once again is beening caused by the blood backing up into his lungs because it's not able to get thru the heart.

He doesn\'t want a pig or mechanical valve

OR He could opt for a bovine (Cow) valve or a Metal Box. At this point his choises are becoming very limited and he's more then likely going to have to make a choise.

In the mean time I would follow Owen rec.s to give the heart what it needs to survive. I beleive if he would have started this protacal ten years ago the out come may have been different.
The low cholestrol is a good indicator that he's reaching a point where a discession has to be made.
Good Luck to you and him.
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