Have heart failure, hesitating before starting PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Have heart failure, hesitating before starting PT

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:58 am

Dear Owen I have not started the Pauling Therapy yet because I cant find anything about it specifically helping heart failure your advice will be greatly appreciated Thank You

While Pauling's vitamin C/lysine therapy is not specifically recommended for heart failure, most people have chronic scurvy - silent heart disease. We notice that various symptoms clear with sufficient/optimal vitamin C intake. There is no reason to hesitate, and pretty good reasons not to!

As far as heart failure, author and CoQ10 expert Stephen Sinatra claims that European/Japanese doctors consider heart failure to be a CoQ10 deficiency disease. I would probably begin taking as much supplemental coQ10 (ubiquinone and ubiquionol) as I could afford (with meals/fats) e.g. 300 mg daily, and more up to 600 or 1200 mg until the symptoms of heart failure reside.

See my entire recommendation:

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Have heart failure, hesitating before starting PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:57 am

fairly certain this is same person...
Dear Owen
Thanks for your quick response I started taking 400mg of coq10 immediately but after a few days my heart started to skip a few beats so I cut it back to 150mg will build up slowly.

I would also like your advice on which Pauling product to use .
I am a 67yr old male height 5 7 weight 235lbs and was a reasonably heavy drinker until earlier this year . I have no spleen (splenectomy) my symptoms are shortness of breath on exertion , stomach bloating , ankle swelling , tire easily ,but despite that felt reasonably healthy then. About 3mths ago I got pneumonia which affected my heart ,it went into AF and arrhythmia with an extremely high pulse rate. After 5 days trying to return it to normal sinus with drugs they finally shocked it back into rythm . They put me on warfarin and sotolol and =
sent me home .
I felt reasonably good considering everything . Then I had a Thallium stress test -- abnormal result front of heart Angiogram = some narrowing of some heart arteries .
BP too high changed meds to Atenolol 25mg , coveram 10/5mg , nexium 20mg,, 1/2 aspirin also symbicort and spiriva for lungs .
Bad side effects from BP meds mostly coveram I think , BP 185/95 headaches , head pressure , tinnitus , palpitations . Slowly stopped taking BP meds BP down to 160/90 ,but I still did not
feel well so I decided to try to find something natural . Then I found you and the Pauling Therapy .

Do you think I should have stopped all the meds completely I just did not feel well at all and could`nt wait to get off them. So once again Owen your advice would be very much appreciated and thank you for taking the time and your help so far.
Best Regards Terry (Australia)

Yours seem to be a classic case for vitamin C. Cannot really comment on meds, but in my opinion you need bowel tolerance vitamin C, it is all right to build slowly per
but faster build-up of dosage brings quicker results.

We can recommend products after knowing your vitamin C "bowel tolerance" range.

Nexium? (That will block vitamin C update in the stomach. When you get a chance, read WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright.)

CoQ10 will make your heart stronger, and parts may work harder, etc. I suppose building up slowly may make sense - but I think your heart needs more CoQ10.

p.s. Your infection reminds me of an experience I had recently, have they done an echo cardiogram to check for fluid in the pericardial sac (around the heart) after the pneumonia?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Have heart failure, hesitating before starting PT

Post by Johnwen » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:16 am

Finally got a chance to sit down and read this post. I found a problem he may want to disscus with his Doc!

Atenolol 25mg , coveram 10/5mg , nexium 20mg,, 1/2 aspirin also symbicort and spiriva for lungs .

Symbicort and Spiriva and Atenolol are not a good mix. In fact Atenolol shouldn't be given to a person with any asthma releated problems.
Metropolol would be a better choice of Beta-Blocker for a person with lung problems also!
When adminstering a beta blocker and a Ace inhibitor Calcium Channel blocker combo "LOWER IS BETTER!!!" See if he'll drop this too,Coveram5/5mg.
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Re: Have heart failure, hesitating before starting PT

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:48 am

hope this is correct thread...

Dear Owen

Thank you for starting the thread.

They did 1 echo cardiogram in hospital before they used the defibrillator on me.

Johnwen suggested reducing the coveram but last time I went to the Drs they increased it to 10/10 and threw in 10mg of crestor daily as my total cholesterol was 5.6mmol/L . Do you know of any cardiologists or GPs in Australia who are Pauling therapy practioners as I don`t have the patience to argue with them at the moment .

However I did purchase some sodium ascorbate powder and took it for 2 weeks along with some krill oil 1 per day plus 3 grams of Lysine hydrochloride. I got to 5 level teaspoons per day , a level teaspoon is about 3 or 4 grams and was just hitting bowel tolerance when the
blood pressure shot up again ,not sure if the sodium had anything to do with it , anyway I stopped taking it and am currently taking 400mg of ubiquinol and 1krill oil capsule daily.

I have now purchased ascorbic acid and will start again with that and the Lysine.

I looked up Dr Sinatra`s site and saw he recommended pure L Carnitine D ribose and magnesium as well as the ubiquinol what do you think ?

As usual your advice will be greatly appreciated Terry

Surprising about the sodium ascorbate - probably a coincidence. It is a good idea (according to Linus Pauling) to keep taking some form of vitamin C religiously. Every 3 hours if possible.

I personally dislike the statin drug Crestor - (http://www.worstpills.org/results.cfm?drug_id=1025&x=53&y=11) - but that is up to you and your doctor.
(Canadian medical journals warn that statin drugs lower circulating CoQ10, and alt. docs recommend taking CoQ10 with any statin drug.)

I think Dr. Sinatra's advice is terrific. After the vitamin C/lysine of course.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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