Bloggers in New Zealand Report Success with PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Bloggers in New Zealand Report Success with PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:51 am


Here is the latest in a series of blogs with Michael Edmonds, he is editor of NIWA

a Michael E dmonds 1 day ago

A couple of additional thoughts about therapeutic trials.

If one assumes that calcium levels are an acceptable indicator of heart health and that the Pauling therapy affords significant changes in calcium levels then even a small study could be used to indicate its effectiveness.

Large studies are needed to get statistically significant information when changes are likely to be small. If one was anticipating that the therapy would drop calcium levels by say 100 points then a sample size of 100 would surely suffice.

If those people on the therapy had their calcium level drop by an average of 50 points and those on a placebo had it drop by say 0 then even a small sample size would suffice.

If the results are generally as striking as Fred=92s's case suggests then a sample size of 100 would be more than adequate.

Fred, it is impressive that your calcium levels is now at 0. Do you know what it was at before you started the therapy?

And how long did it take for you to notice an improvement?

crown owened research and consultancy co. with a global reputation as experts in water and atmospheric research in New Zealand, he is also a science writer for Sciblog.con.z.,science media centre.I have used linus pauling protocol to cure myself of bladder cancer and angina, thats why, i am bloggingwith Michael.

Is the vitamin c foundation interested in his proposed Therapeutic trial? thanks for your answer

We do not assume basic Pauling therapy has an effect on calcium - vitamin C/lysine (and proline), but adding regular vitamin K (w/k2) can have profound effect on calcium scores.

Read new book by Steve Hickey - Tarnished Gold - The Sickness of Evidence Based Medicine

We need to know if Fred was also taking vitamin K.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Bloggers in New Zealand Report Success with PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:55 am

thanks for your answer. I am not taking vitamin k and yet my score did descend to 0, I must be just an odd anomoly. Would't it be a good idea to add vitamin k to the L. P. protocol ? That way, the majority taking L. P. protocol could measure and see their score descending. There has been a lot of publicity on calcium score by sanjay gupta and dr. oz on oprah, and more and more people are aware that C.A.D. is reversible.

It is a GREAT idea, (I include it in my protocol, see: ) and for some time we added it to Tower's Ascorsine-9.

The problem is that most/many heart patients are on "rat poison" blood thinners, and are advised by their doctors to AVOID vitamin K, (aka Leafy green vegetables) so then taking our product goes against doctor's advice. E.g. coumadin and warfarin.

I believe adding only K2 (not K1) could solve the problem and not affect INR.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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