Going past bowel tolerance

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Going past bowel tolerance

Post by NiacinVC » Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:05 pm

So what happens if you get past the point of bowel tolerance and continue to saturate your cells with a plentiful dose of vitamin c? Would this be a bad idea?
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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by pamojja » Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:39 pm

To find bowel tolerance you have to go past the point of saturation, otherwise you haven't reached it yet.

Then you can answer your question all too easily on the toilet yourself ;-)

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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:35 am

Right, bowel tolerance indicates the MOST your body can absorb, and we are all different.

If you do want to obtain more than your body can normally absorb in the digestive tract, the answer seems to be the liposomal form, e.g. Lypo-C from livonlabs.com
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by VanCanada » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:54 pm

NiacinVC wrote:So what happens if you get past the point of bowel tolerance and continue to saturate your cells with a plentiful dose of vitamin c?

In 2009 I wrote about my experience with this here:

and in 2011 here:

NiacinVC wrote:Would this be a bad idea?
It would depend on whether or not you wanted to get a case of diarrhea and clear out your bowels.

The following diagram may be instructive. Good luck.

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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by majkinetor » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:39 pm

I do not think that going past the bowel tolerance too often is good idea. You may induce dysbiosis that way. There is no research about so its a speculation. I asked Thomas Levy about it and he couldn't guarantee me that some level of it doesn't happen based on his clinical experience.

What is the source of that image, I couldn't find anything ?

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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by NiacinVC » Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:48 am


where did you find the graph?
"When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have"- Steven Hawking


Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by VanCanada » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:59 am

Sorry folks for the delay. I guess I missed seeing "majkinetor's" question.

I found the graph from Owen's very own Vitamin C Foundation homepage (about eighty percent down this very long page):

But there you will see Owen provides a link to where he himself found it:

and that is the January 2009 Townsend Letter_____________________Image

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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by dectiri » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:02 pm

ofonorow wrote:
If you do want to obtain more than your body can normally absorb in the digestive tract, the answer seems to be the liposomal form, e.g. Lypo-C from livonlabs.com

So you're saying that I could take all the lypo-c that I had in my fridge and never budge that gut tolerance???

Then what guide does anyone have as to the 'right' dosage...

Ditto for IV-C, does that not trigger gut tolerance?

And per Hickey, does that half-life amount (going into the urine) just stay the same (with lypo-c or IV-C) regardless of the disease? Or would there be some merit in finding the amount of C in urine... since I haven't yet seen any finger-pricking blood test for C-level in the blood, noticing that blood level doesn't indicate the amount being scarfed up by organs... yikes, what a tangle...

If gut tolerance is some measure of what the body needed, as Cathcart has suggested, then why don't lypo-c and IV-C show some impact of disease-need? Not to mention the half-life idea when you're piggy-backing c doses by some short time period........

And this gets even more frustratingly bewildering, when you're treating a pet (cat) who already has diarrhea from maybe hyperthyroidism... arrrgh.... and that's just the sound of face clasping with no remembrance of the needed icon... ttyl

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Re: Going past bowel tolerance

Post by davids1 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:29 pm

Hi Dec,

I have always found Cathcart's discovery of the Bowel Tolerance method of dosage determination to be an absolutely "magical" thing, because it allows a person to self-dose, i.e. with no need of a health practitioner and/or body fluid check whatsoever. And not only "self-dose," but even pro-actively "derail" any and all pending health maladies, i.e. at least in theory. However, at least initially, depending upon a person's overall GI tract health, they may not be able to [orally] ingest, i.e. absorb, an optimal amount of ascorbate [for whatever current health malady they are facing]. When that is the case, IV/C, and now [apparently] liposomal ascorbate, can be used [very effectively], because they cause no Bowel Tolerance reaction, i.e. thereby allowing a theoretically unlimited amount of ascorbate intake [and, at least in the case of IV/C, "absorption"]. I do not know if anyone has ever tried to ingest 20 to 40+ grams of liposomal ascorbate all at once, i.e. to see if there was/is a Bowel Tolerance reaction [or some other useful indicator(s) of "saturation"].

But, yes, you are correct, Dec, i.e. that always leaves a person "guessing" as to how much ascorbate is "optimal" at any particular moment! Without Bowel Tolerance, one is left with checking fluid levels, i.e. of ascorbate [and I am not sure if that would tell a person all they wanted to know], and/or symptom amelioration [not as precise, in the immediate/short run, but effective ultimately].

The only [practical] way to "untangle" it, Dec, as far as I can see, is to ingest a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid every day of your life, i.e. and let Nature takes its course!

Just my viewpoint and "two cents worth," Dec, and I hope it helps [with your challenge of "untangling"].

JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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