Question on type of vitamin C recommend for PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Question on type of vitamin C recommend for PT

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:32 am

I hope you don't mind me emailing you as I am sure you are busy. The nice lady at the Vitamin C foundation was trying to be helpful but could not answer my question so she gave me your email address. I have just recently found your site through Dr. Mercola's site and am now really hopefull!!! (really worried about my husband!)

I actually have 3 questions.

1. He has a heart murmur that is getting pretty bad (it triggered them to do more testing and found the heart test where they hook you up was abnormal and wants us to come in to see the specialist (scary). The question? Will the Vitamin C along with the lysine help this? or is this a defect? (I know you can't diagnose over the internet, just need an idea if its possible to fix it with the Vit. C.

2. I bought your book, Practicing Medicine Without a License (very interesting by the way!) and did not really see anything except in the life stories about high blood pressure. My husband was in ICU for 4 days 6 months ago cause it went haywire. The question? The same as above, will the Vitamin C deal with this?

3. And the question I really need answered...On chapter 7 that has the Pauling therapy... it says vitamin c but not in what form. It says every 4 hours. Is that in the form of pills or powder? Buffered or not buffered?? I know the buffered helps with the stomach(which may be an issue) but may not be as affective for what we are trying to accomplish and the dose may be different. I looked up what you recomended, the lypo-Spheric vitamin C and it is a bit more expensive which of course is an issue. So I guess the real question is... Pills or powder, buffered or not buffered? I really appreciate your time, hopefully soon my mind will be more at ease!!! And I hope you find your day going well!!

Shelley M.

First of all, if Pauling was right, then the entire problem of heart disease is really a problem of low vitamin C intake in humans. So it makes sense to up your husband's intake to more optimal levels and then see how he reacts. Safe, non toxic, essential, etc.

Lysine's specific value is w/r to the "plaster" casts - atherosclerosis, but it doesn't hurt and often helps makes arteries stronger and more healthy.

Here is a protocol to start taking higher vitamin C and lysine, and once you know his tolerance, (very low, low, normal, high, etc.) we can recommend specific products.

Again, almost any product labeled vitamin C is going to work. Dosage is everything. Our starting product is called Cardio-C -

The buffering issue is/w to "stomach" issues (really pain in the esophagus) and it doesn't hurt to do what Pauling himself did - add some bicarbonate (baking soda) to the ascorbic acid.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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