Cardiologists want me on 80 mg statins!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Cardiologists want me on 80 mg statins!

Post by ofonorow » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:34 am

Dear Owen,

Thank you for your detailed response. I suspected that the Cardio-C manufacturer might have changed. Also, I should have figured out the difference in the scoop size: Having noted that the texture had changed, I should have realized that the density would also be different thus the need for a different sized scoop to obtain the same weight per scoop full.

I changed cardiologists 4 times during the past 4 years. They all wanted to increase my statin dosage to 80 mg. The last one tried Crestor on me which was the last straw for me. I quit statins completely and started taking Niacin ER 1000 mg twice a day and
Fenofibrate 54 mg also twice a day. Both of these are supposed to convert the bad small, dense LBL (pattern B) to the benign large, fluffy LDL (pattern A) and also to decrease Lp(a), another risk factor. I had a VAP (Vertical Auto Profile) blood test done by Atherotech Lab in Birmingham, AL, which measures the LDL sizes. I have succeeded in removing all Coronary Risk Factors by a large margin.

I do not know how much Cardio-C helped in my regimen. At my age of 75, I could not afford to follow the scientific method of introducing one item at a time to find cause and effect. I used the buckshot approach which was successful therefore I will be continued with it.

Most cardiologists appear to be brainwashed by the pharmaceuticals. Their assumption that patients will be saved by reducing their total LDL to 70 is not supported by facts. In the meta-analysis referenced below the records of 136,000 patients admitted to hospitals for CAD were examined. Half had total LDL values below 100 and half above 100. The normal scientific conclusion should have been that high total LDL might
not be causative to CAD. Instead these analysts started with the assumption based on faith that LDL is the cause and concluded that the target of 70 LDL might need to be lowered even more!


An interesting research sponsored by Texas Heart Institute concluded that statins*increase* the relative concentration of the bad small, dense LDL (aka pattern B) and *decrease* the relative concentration of the benign large, fluffy LDL (aka pattern A). The inconsistency is hereby resolved that statins are wonderful medicines...except that they do not decrease overall mortality.


Thank you again for your response.



Congratulations on your improvement. If Linus Pauling was right (as I believe he was) then the vitamin C (and lysine) contributed to that improvement. Glad you are off statins! Thanks for the links.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Cardiologists want me on 80 mg statins!

Post by Johnwen » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:41 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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