high cholesterol 8yr old child

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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high cholesterol 8yr old child

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 23, 2012 2:52 am

Hi Dr. Fonorow,
My name is [deteled]. I am a Pharmacist with [deleted] in Southern California and am very knowledgeable of natural supplementation. One of the managers of the store has an 8 year old son who was diagnosed with high cholesterol. He did not know the numbers but said the Doctors at this point are treating this condition with diet and exercise. He came to me to ask my advice. I am very familiar with Linus Pauling, Vit. C, L-Lysine, and Proline and a product called Cardio-C, which I want to recommend for this child. I am also very familiar with Serrapeptase which I know how to dose for an 8 year old. However, a gentleman at the Vitamin C Foundation recommended that I communicate with you for a suggested dosage of Cardio-C for a tall 8 year old boy with high cholesterol. If you would help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very much. Ed RPH

We'll do our best. The interesting number would be a measured Lp(a) number for the child. Also, compliance, because as the vitamin C intake is raised, so does a short-term dependency on vitamin C, per Pauling's HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. (In fact, you can get Pauling's book for pennies or a few bucks on Amazon - and that might be an excellent way to familiarize the parents with Pauling and vitamin C. Especially the material on Ginter, vitamin C and cholesterol.)

Okay, I haven't studied this table for a while, but a forum member created this table of dosage per body weight

It might provide a guide to dosage for the child based on body weight.

The E. Ginter work referenced by Pauling showed that cholesterol will normalize to 180 mg/dl (total) on the optimal vitamin C intake. So this can be another indicator. On the "right" amount of vitamin C, could be more than 10,000 mg daily, the cholesterol should move down to less than 200 mg/dl.

Given this, vitamin C is key, but the elements in Cardio-C might be very important if the Lp(a) is high. (Even if it isn't, the amino acids are healthful.)

So I might suggest starting with a serving of Cardio-C daily -
2500 mg vitamin C as ascorbic acid
2500 mg lysine
500 mg proline

Add one scoop to a bottle of water. Test bowel tolerance. If this is well tolerated, then either 2 scoops/bottles per day, or add some vitamin C (maybe sodium ascorbate) to the bottle.

Again, the cholesterol measurements can providve a guide. Unfortunately, it might take a little time for the numbers to come down.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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