Cardio-C apparently not working, still have fatigue

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Cardio-C apparently not working, still have fatigue

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:18 am

Dear Dr. Fonorrow,

I have been on the Cardio-C Formula (3 scoops daily, 20 minutes before meals) since July 1. Prior to that, I was taking smaller dosages. Initially, I was super enthusiastic and eager about this approach to cardio issues. However, I must say that I have noticed NO improvement in my general wellbeing. In fact, I have been experiencing much fatigue. I have read the the book, "How To Live Longer and Feel Better". While the book is quite compelling and believable, I now question what I should do next. I did not want to go to a cardiologist for fear that I would be exposed to traditional methods of treatment, including numerous tests and probably eventual surgery. I keep meticulous records of all my historical blood testing. Further, I maintain a spreadsheet of my entire vitamin intake as well as blood pressure history.

I will very much appreciate your valued input and direction. I do not take vitamin E as I was told by my cardiologist years ago that vitamin E was contrary to good heart health. Further, I was told not to consume calcium supplementation as this would contribute to plaque buildup. I am totally perplexed by what to do or where to turn.

I will be more than happy to provide you with the aforementioned detail above if this will offer you help in guiding me to the next step.

Thank you Dr Fonorrow.

Mr. Lynn

The first thought that crosses my mind is based upon my own recent experience of last summer. Without knowing your age, I am willing to wager that your lack of a positive reaction to vitamin C and lysine is from adrenal fatigue. However, while the answer is simple, finding a knowledgeable doctor is next to impossible. You probably require cortisol replacement (the primary hormone deficiency when the adrenals become fatigued) and this requires a prescription.

While the adrenal tissues have the highest concentration of vitamin C in the body, no amount of vitamin C can overcome a lack of cortisol production. (This from personal experience!)

To understand what I am talking about, read SAFE USES OF CORTISOL, 3rd Edition, 2004 by William Mck Jefferies. (If finances are an issue, ask your library to get you a copy.)

In the meantime, your doctor is wrong about vitamin E. Start taking it, and I would suggest 2000 iu of A. C. Grace's Unique-E product. (Life Extension sells Unique-E) .

You don't mention what drugs you are on, but most heart patients are on drugs that deplete ubiquinone (CoQ10). This will definitely cause pain and muscle fatigue. If you are not already supplementing CoQ10, go to at least 200 mg per day with meals. (600 mg would be even better.)

Have you been able to determine your vitamin C bowel tolerance? (See: This is important. 3 scoops sounds like a lot (7500 mg of vitamin C) and for most people it is adequate. However we are all different, and as you will see from the Cathcart table, sick people may require over 200,000 mg of vitamin C daily when fighting certain conditions.)

If you want to share your supplements and the drugs you are taking, send them to me in a concise manner (text file) and I'll post them
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Cardio-C apparently not working, still have fatigue

Post by ofonorow » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:02 am

Dr. Fonorow,

Thank you for your response. I must say I am impressed by your diagnosis based on very limited info. Over the past 8 years or so, I have had two hair analysis and one saliva test, all suggesting that I have adrenal fatigue.

[deleted based on last paragraph?]

Dr Fonorow, I consider some of the material included in this e-mail to be personal and confidential and request that it not be shared with others. I will send you a separate e-mail to include a spreadsheet depicting my daily vitamin and medication intake for your review and assessment. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.

Respectfully and Very Sincerely,

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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