Questions on amino acids, balance, antagonism

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Questions on amino acids, balance, antagonism

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:46 am

sounds like I posted an earlier query from this individual.
Dear Owen,

Thank you so much for your reply to my query re Vit. K2 and for creating a forum topic on it. So far no-one has commented, but hopefully that will change. I did find a comment elsewhere on the site from Johnwen saying that for K2 MK-7, 40 - 400mcg is required to be effective and for K2 MK-4 5 - 10mg. Plus Vit. D. He doesn't give a source for this information but seemed quite definite about it.

Would you mind if I ask your opinion on another aspect of the protocol? It seems that L-arginine and L-citrulline are very positive amino acids to incorporate in any heart healing programme, but I see frequent references to amino acids (particularly lysine and arginine but also I think with L-carnitine, taurine and others) cancelling each other out as they use the same pathways.1) Do you think it is better not to use L-arginine or L-citrulline when on the Pauling protocol or should they just be separated time wise? If the latter, for how long? 2) I notice that L-arginine is included in the Ascorsine-9, but in a smallish dose. Is this effective or would it be better to use one of the other products without arginine and take the arginine separately in higher doses? 3) I see in your book that the Ascorsine-9 used to include L-carnitine. Was this removed from the formula because it competed with the other amino acids or for some other reason? Do you think it is a good idea to add it to one's protocol and should this be with the Ascorsine or at a different time?

Not sure why the took carnitine out of Ascorsine -9 , but there used to be a stupid restriction to Canada - they did not allow carnitine to be imported.. You'll have to ask Tower. Important to include it.

Amino acids are the digested products of proteins, and if they are essential (e.g. lysine) you have to get them in the diet in certain amounts. I think Pauling said you need at least 1 gram of lysine in the diet daily.

Lysine and proline have a specific function neutralizing the lysine(proline) binding sites on the Lp(a) molecule. This was Pauling's rationale for including high dosages.

The other aminos are mysteries to me, although I have read quite a bit about Arginine - and have no doubt it can help lower blood pressure by helping to create NO - causing arteries to dilate (if they can.)

If you are looking to beat cardiovascular disease - vitamin C, lysine (and proline) are the tickets.

I have similarly seen quite a few references to the importance of excluding sugar from one's diet because it competes with Vit. C for a pathway.1) Does this also apply to ribose? 2) Do you think it is a good idea to add ribose to the protocol? There seem to be a lot of references to it in the literature. 3) I have heard that while stevia is chemically different from sugar that the body still reacts to it as a sugar. Do you have any comment on this and could stevia interfere with the Vit. C absorption and effectiveness?

If Stevia raises insulin, that is news to me!
I am having my doubts these days how much glucose really blocks vitamin C - under conditions of TYpe II diabetes, it is not the sugar competition - but the problem with the cell membrane that is causing the problem.

I am sorry to bombard you with questions this way, but I imagine you will appreciate there is a lot at stake for us here and we want to get it right - or as near to right as we can.

Thank you very much for your help and for all the work you have put into your book. Very last question, do you have any idea when Vol.2 is to come out?

Good question on volume 2. 3/4 written.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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