Do you have a product that doesn't interact with heart meds?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Do you have a product that doesn't interact with heart meds?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:12 am

i am a 70 yr old male weight 222 lbs and height 5 ft 8 in. currently taking 12.5 mg beta blocker, blood thinner (plavix), aspirin 81 mg, lipitor for cholesterol 80mg, losartan 25 mg for high blood pressure.

Do you have a product that will not interact with these medicines for coronary artery
heart disease with high enough dosage vitamin c and lysine? Or whatever, else you suggest. thanks.

I leave the comments on the drugs to johnwen, but you need both vitamin C and lysine to exist, the only issue is dosage. Vitamin C and lysine are orthomolecular, meaning your body and liver are designed to be healthy with them.

According to Pauling, most drugs are "toximolecular" meaning they are foreign to your body and liver.

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, because almost all heart patients who initially adopted the Pauling vitamin C/lysine therapy were in quite bad condition, taking a slew of different medications, and almost everyone we spoke with reported miraculous results.

No, because it will interact and you will require less of these drugs. Your heart condition will improve.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Do you have a product that doesn't interact with heart m

Post by Johnwen » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:47 am

On beta blockers if he's taking Carvedilol he might get a little dizzines if he takes it too close to the V-C. So about a 2 hour spacing might be called for. Other then that I haven't seen any reactions to anything he's taking even at 100+Mg/Kg V-C doses. I'll reserve my opions on Lipator but to say I'm Not A Big Fan!
I'm not seeing any Omeprazole (prilosec) so he must not have any stomach problems. So there shouldn't be any problems. It's always a good practice to space supplements from drugs by at least an hour. Good Luck your on the right track except for lipator but i won't say any more.
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Re: Do you have a product that doesn't interact with heart m

Post by eDOC » Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:37 pm

Why is he taking beta blockers & Losartan.......any arrhythmias?

No need for Lipitor or any statins.
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