Where to Start to Reverse CVD

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Where to Start to Reverse CVD

Post by KewlKat » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:46 pm

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Re: Where to Start to Reverse CVD

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:39 am

In a nutshell. Have him take more vitamin C.

In my lay opinion, your husband is doing every thing right, and if he increases his vitamin C, there is every reason to believe that his upcoming testing will show that he has improved. (Is he scheduled for another nuclear stress test? Carol 2's story is that her heart was blocked, and she recovered to the point her entire heart was bright - blood flow restored - on her second thallium stress test, after starting a vitamin C and lysine product. This on the front page of PaulingTherapy.com

Hi Owen,

In answer to some questions on your forum on how I found out that my heart was clear from plaque.:::: I had a Nuclear Stress test late in 2006 that showed my heart in real distress. The pictures that the test recorded, showed that my heart's arteries were nearly completely darkened in by plaque. This means that the arteries were all clogged, i.e., getting very little oxygen. My doctor said that I needed a bypass or a stent and must start on statin drugs immediately. I turned it all down. Needless to say he was really worried. I was very sick...couldn't walk far or fast, out of breath, blue feet...I felt like I was dying. Sooooo I started taking the Linus Pauling cure that I had been reading about... smile... I started feeling better within the first week. Each time I went to see my cardiologist he would comment on how well I was doing. My EKG's were even getting better. Then I took another Nuclear Stress test in late 2007, which showed my heart to be clear of plaque.

My doctor drew a picture of before and after for me. My feet went from blue in 2006 to skin color in 2007... My cardiologist said he no longer recommends a bypass or statin drugs. I have new energy...and a new life. A few months later in 2008, I had an echo cardiogram performed which showed my heart had gone back to normal size and that my valves were working perfectly. Previous to 2006 it had been enlarged. And that's the simple truth. My doctor is still amazed. I'm still working on the AFIB. You can put this on your forum... Carol 2

I would guess your husband was not on vitamin C previously, or a very low dose. Try to get him to at least 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily. (If there are bowel issues at that dosage, some of the vitamin C can be switched to the form of Lypo-C which doesn't cause diarrhea in most people.

Vitamin C is at the crux of his problem and thus supplementation is the solution.

The Pauling/Rath invention for reversing existing CVD - is to add lysine (and later proline) to neutralize the sticky Lp(a) cholesterol. Pauling recommended 2 extra grams of lysine daily for prevention of CVD, but apparently 5000 to 6000 mg is enough for most people to reverse symptoms of cardiovascular disease (aka chronic scurvy).

The other supplements are helpful, especially vitamin E, magnesium (which will dissolve kidney stones by the way), and a Super B-complex has been Pauling's standard recommendation since 1986.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Where to Start to Reverse CVD

Post by KewlKat » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:05 pm

I think the followup is to see how he's doing on the meds he's not taking... ;) and to see if he's changed his mind on the angiogram. I don't believe we'll do another stress test for a bit but had wondered if maybe we should get an angiography now to see if there are blockages. That way no catheterization or stent. I wanted something to show his health now, besides the stress test so we can show recovery. I've been looking for a place we could get a Calcium Score CT done but so far no luck.

He's been on low dose of vitamin C tablets. Maybe 2 or 3 grams a day for maybe 6 months but he's not always good about taking stuff. I added the MG about a couple weeks before the stress test. He said at the time of the test that he felt better than he thought he would and only had slight discomfort at the end of the test. I found a study on MG and B6 helping to eliminate chronic kidney stones and am duplicating that. He has dozens at a time in both kidneys and has for 21 yrs. So he's now taking 500-600 mgs of MG right now, 500 mg of lysine (too low), the Vit C, some EFA, copper/zinc, B-Complex, and Vit E (all 8 parts).

I'm going to order the Cardio C then and I did find a source of Vitamin C capsules from Doctor's Best that uses the Quali-C like you use in your product. I figured I could get more C into him without the lysine/proline part.

How about spacing the doses part. Should he take C every 4 hrs? or is twice a day okay? I thought about twice a day for the cardio C and then have him take the extra C in-between that, equal spacing. What do you think?

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Re: Where to Start to Reverse CVD

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:56 pm

We think we understand the pharmakenetics of vitamin C, and that its half-life is about 30 minutes. Expert and author Steve Hickey wrote that you can think of it like a bucket with a hole in it. You fill the bucket with water above the hole, and it drains down to the level of the hole - but not lower. This is how the kidneys work. They pump a certain amount of vitamin C back into the blood. From this and the Hickey/Robert's dynamic flow theory, the way to keep vitamin C levels high is roughly 500 mg every 4 hours. (Animals produce their own vitamin C 24/7 ) But this optimum runs into issues of convenience.

Pauling recommended taking vitamin C at least once every day. Not skipping a day.
I take my 10,000 mg twice per day - every 12 hours. (There is a high probability that
some (a lot) is wasted, and that if I took 500 mg every 4 hours, I might only need 3000 mg per day. But 2 rather than 6 times is easier for me.

Encourage him to take as much as he can without diarrhea, several times, maybe only twice per day. The objective is to get vitamin C into his cells that need it.

Personally, I have no knowledge of the pharmakenetics of the amino acids, but based on the results we have seen (which may be partially due to the aminos "chelating" with ascorbic acid, and making it more bioavailable) I'd say it doesn't make too much difference as long as the correct dosage is taken during the day. Over the years, people have reported "best results" (fewest nuisance issues) taking Cardio-C or Heart Technology 20 minutes prior to a meal.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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