Cardio-C has failed to improve my calcium scores

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Cardio-C has failed to improve my calcium scores

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:02 pm

Hello, and Happy New Year,

I've been using your Cardio-C for a good while now, which I supplement with liposomal C from to reach 10+ grams (along with all the recommended additions like L-Lysine, L-Proline, Rutin/Bioflav complex, and Vitamin E). And I was using Mercola's liposomal Vitamin C for a good while before I discovered your product.

Unfortunately my heart calcification has apparently not improved. In fact it may be getting worse. I recently had an experimental heart CT-scan done at NIH and the results don't seem to show improvement, though it's a different test than I ever had before. In years past I had two stents put in, and my calcification remains high. It appears my high dose Vitamin C may not be preventing further calcification or be clearing my arteries either. And of course my doctors say it won't, but that's another story.

Sorry to hear about your non response, my comments below and I will post at our forum (anonymously) because you mentioned using Mercola's "liposomes."

I respect Joe Mercola, but he was bamboozled on his "liposomal" product. It does not contain liposomes, and that is easy to prove. Open up the capsules. There is no water. There absolutely has to be water for there to be liposomes.

Dr. Hickey has contacted Mercola about this - so far without response.

As far as calcium - you'll need to add vitamin K to reverse calcium scores.

This vitamin K topic is at the top of our heart disease section.

In a nutshell, ?Pauling's therapy doesn't usually reduce calcium (reason we believe is because the calcium is apparently deposited on the "outside" rather than interior of the arterial wall?.) We try to be clear about this, both at our forum and my book. The secret to reducing calcification is adding a vitamin K, such as Super-K from Life Extension (LEF.ORG).

Also, I'm reading a book called The Calcium Lie II by Dr. Thompson. He says that the "real" vitamin C in fresh foods is completely different than anything called Vitamin C "as ascorbic acid" (or similar), and that the real thing contains a number of additional things that are required for Vitamin C to function correctly. He goes into a lot more detail. I recommend this book if you haven't read it. He also says that anything else, like Ascorbic Acid, acts somewhat like an antibiotic, and also as a pro-oxidant, not an anti-oxidant! Worse, he says ascorbic acid type Vitamin C BLOCKS AND PREVENTS real vitamin C from working. Until I figure out whether and where I can get "real" Vitamin C (other than whole food), I don't want to order any more Cardio-C. I have 3 unopened tins of it in my freezer anyway.

If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

?I'll post this because we discuss these claims all the time. The good Dr. Thompson, is incorrect. Not even close. Our paper on this was written long ago and summarizes the arguments. Note that If Thompson is right, Linus Pauling was wrong.

Have you done any real research on your customers? I suggest a scientific survey of all of them to find out your success rate.

?We have success stories continually.? You can see the tip of the iceberg by scrolling down.
We also continually discuss new cases at our heart disease forum.

At this point, we are actually more interested in the exceptions, i.e., the failures. If you are willing to provide details, we'd be happy to analyze your case. Let me post this and then let me know. We'd need medical history, age, medication and other supplements.

P.S. I also saw somewhere recently that taking Vitamin C with or close to a meal, as I've been doing, can easily cause Iron to be released from food, possibly reaching a dangerous level. That source said it should be taken at least an hour before or after meals. Have you heard of that?



Doubtful that it would raise iron to "dangerous levels." ?I would like to know where you are getting your information. Please send us the link.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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