My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Fri Jun 17, 2016 6:54 am

I've had high cholesterol and high trigs for as long as I've been being tested.. I'm 41.. The first test was in 2009. At the time I was drinking about a liter of whiskey per day.. Since my LFT's were so high they couldn't put me on statins (which I didn't want to take).. That alcoholism is under control, I don't drink anymore.. Anyhow.. My total cholesterol is 300 (last test in Decemeber), my trigs were 360 (December)... Before that TC was 265 and trigs were 950. Between the 2 tests I started 2000 mg of niacin and 4 grams of fish oil.

For the last 2 months after studying this site and other resources, here is what I'm taking.

12 grams Vit C
3 grams lysine
2000 MG of Niacin (immediate release)
2 grams fish oil
400 IU Vit E
400 mg magnesium
5000 IU Vit D
B Complex 50
25 mg Zinc
600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
150 mcg Vit K
500 mg NAC
50 mg Antenlol (beta blocker for high BP)
81 mg asprin (I hear it is very bad to take, I'm just really paranoid about having a heart attack, but I'll stop if you advise)

My doctor seems super annoyed I don't want to take statins. I don't know what it is, but it seems as if everything in my soul is saying do not take them. I am adopted so I have no idea what my family history is as far as hypercholestermia or heart disease.

Over the years I've had echos..ekgs and even a nuclear stress test from ER visits due to chest pain that were determined to be panic attacks. Everything is normal except my lipid profile.

After research, I told my doctor I wanted a VAP test ordered and a Calcium score test. Those tests are not scheduled for 2 more weeks. When I had an abdominal ultrasound in December, all of my organs are fine, not even fatty liver, they did note "mild plaque" in an abdominal artery.

I have suffered from being a hypochondriac for decades now, especially when I was drinking so much. I credit my supplement use of NAC/TMG/Sam E and Milk thistle for saving my liver when I was drinking daily.

I have two children, a 5 year old and a newborn.. I NEED to be around as long as possible, I love my family and will do whatever I can to stay healthy. Is there anything I can do differently? I want to get off the blood pressure medicine as I know it is a poison as well, but whenever I skip a dose (last time was 2 weeks ago) my BP will shoot up to 150/90 or so.

Here are more details of my last blood work from December with Niacin, 3 grams of Vit C (no lysine) (prior to following the regimen religiously). I'm 5'11 and weighed 215 at the time of the test. In the last 2 months I've lost 20 lbs as well.

TC - 300 (up from 263)
HDL - 44 (up from 32)
LDL - 183
Trig - 360
Glucose - 103 (it went up from 93 two months before, I think maybe due to Niacin)
Chloride - 97
Protein - 8.4 (high)
Calcium - 10.2
Hemoglobin - 17.5 (high)
Hemacrit - 52.7 (high)
MCV - 102.0 (high)
MCH - 33.8 (high)
Monocrits - 1049 (high)
Testtosterone - 554 (normal)
CRP - 2.2

Any help you all could provide would be great. I love this site and have learned so much!

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by SonnyCrack on Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by RatherBeUnknown » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:28 pm

That niacin, is it nicotinic acid?
Do you know that niacin (nicotinic acid) is a very safe and effective blood thinner? If you take niacin, there is zero reason to take aspirin as I see it, unless you use it for something else than blood thinning (yes, I realize that there are multiple ways to thin blood and prevent strokes).

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:45 pm

Yes, it's the IR niacin. I know that slow niacin is hard on the liver and not as effective. I enjoy the flush. So if I'm on niacin I don't need the aspirin.. That's good to know! Thanks

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by RatherBeUnknown » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:03 pm

SonnyCrack wrote:Yes, it's the IR niacin. I know that slow niacin is hard on the liver and not as effective. I enjoy the flush. So if I'm on niacin I don't need the aspirin.. That's good to know! Thanks

You seem to be taking everything that's usually needed to bring chol. and the other numbers down, as well as bp. Has your blood pressure not improved at all? To me that is bizarre.

All of these things (and maybe more) can increase bp numbers:
1. Too thick blood (take a blood thinner)
2. Nitric oxide deficiency (not sure such a deficiency is possible, but take l-arginine, l-citrulline, agmatine or whatever NO product, though niacin should supposedly increase vascular NO)
3. Arterial plaque deposits (use Linus Pauling therapy, as you are doing)
4. Calcified arteries (use K2, as you are doing)
5. Poor heart function (never heard of this but seems theoretically possible, use l-carnitine, l-taurine, CoEnzyme q10, which may improve heart function, or whatever else there is)

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by vision5 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:30 pm

SonnyCrack wrote:I've had high cholesterol and high trigs for as long as I've been being tested.. I'm 41.. The first test was in 2009. At the time I was drinking about a liter of whiskey per day.. Since my LFT's were so high they couldn't put me on statins (which I didn't want to take).. That alcoholism is under control, I don't drink anymore.. Anyhow.. My total cholesterol is 300 (last test in Decemeber), my trigs were 360 (December)... Before that TC was 265 and trigs were 950. Between the 2 tests I started 2000 mg of niacin and 4 grams of fish oil.

For the last 2 months after studying this site and other resources, here is what I'm taking.

12 grams Vit C
3 grams lysine
2000 MG of Niacin (immediate release)
2 grams fish oil
400 IU Vit E
400 mg magnesium
5000 IU Vit D
B Complex 50
25 mg Zinc
600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
150 mcg Vit K
500 mg NAC
50 mg Antenlol (beta blocker for high BP)
81 mg asprin (I hear it is very bad to take, I'm just really paranoid about having a heart attack, but I'll stop if you advise)

My doctor seems super annoyed I don't want to take statins. I don't know what it is, but it seems as if everything in my soul is saying do not take them. I am adopted so I have no idea what my family history is as far as hypercholestermia or heart disease.

Over the years I've had echos..ekgs and even a nuclear stress test from ER visits due to chest pain that were determined to be panic attacks. Everything is normal except my lipid profile.

After research, I told my doctor I wanted a VAP test ordered and a Calcium score test. Those tests are not scheduled for 2 more weeks. When I had an abdominal ultrasound in December, all of my organs are fine, not even fatty liver, they did note "mild plaque" in an abdominal artery.

I have suffered from being a hypochondriac for decades now, especially when I was drinking so much. I credit my supplement use of NAC/TMG/Sam E and Milk thistle for saving my liver when I was drinking daily.

I have two children, a 5 year old and a newborn.. I NEED to be around as long as possible, I love my family and will do whatever I can to stay healthy. Is there anything I can do differently? I want to get off the blood pressure medicine as I know it is a poison as well, but whenever I skip a dose (last time was 2 weeks ago) my BP will shoot up to 150/90 or so.

Here are more details of my last blood work from December with Niacin, 3 grams of Vit C (no lysine) (prior to following the regimen religiously). I'm 5'11 and weighed 215 at the time of the test. In the last 2 months I've lost 20 lbs as well.

TC - 300 (up from 263)
HDL - 44 (up from 32)
LDL - 183
Trig - 360
Glucose - 103 (it went up from 93 two months before, I think maybe due to Niacin)
Chloride - 97
Protein - 8.4 (high)
Calcium - 10.2
Hemoglobin - 17.5 (high)
Hemacrit - 52.7 (high)
MCV - 102.0 (high)
MCH - 33.8 (high)
Monocrits - 1049 (high)
Testtosterone - 554 (normal)
CRP - 2.2

Any help you all could provide would be great. I love this site and have learned so much!

Thanks in advance.

blessings.....the cause of your problem is " FISH OIL"....get omega 3 from plant sources like organic hemp this life saving youtube video...


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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:33 pm

Thanks William. I should have prefaced, before taking ANYTHING my numbers were the same for the most part going on 10 years. I only started Fish oil late last year. I will look into switching the omega 3 source.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:35 pm

@RatherBeUnknown, thanks for your advice. I am hoping my numbers will subside a bit when I get the VAP test next week. I've never saw my LP(a) numbers yet as they haven't been tested. As far as blood pressure, it depends when I test it but it seems as if its coming down.. I have a BP cuff and measure it quite a bit. It's sitting around 120/75 now....I may cut to 25 mg and see what results I get there instead of 50.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by RatherBeUnknown » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:03 pm

SonnyCrack wrote:@RatherBeUnknown, thanks for your advice. I am hoping my numbers will subside a bit when I get the VAP test next week. I've never saw my LP(a) numbers yet as they haven't been tested. As far as blood pressure, it depends when I test it but it seems as if its coming down.. I have a BP cuff and measure it quite a bit. It's sitting around 120/75 now....I may cut to 25 mg and see what results I get there instead of 50.

As you probably know, bp should be measured immediately upon waking for the most accurate results (it's highest in the morning). Also, just a bit of physical exercise can cause it to go high for even 30 minutes (at least in me), so you need to be absolutely rested when checking.

If you can at all get your systolic bp to 120 without the use of drugs that alter heart function and thus masquerade your normal bp numbers, then that means your arteries are at least doing decently.
I have a relative with high bp and before the Pauling therapy, even if he sat completely still for 30 minutes, his systolic bp would never dip below about 170, simply because his arteries were partially blocked - that's simply how it is if your arteries are the culprit.

As for the asprin and Antenlol, I would stop taking them unless there is an exceptionally good reason to keep taking them. From reading your post it doesn't seem that there is.
And, as you probably have read before, asprin interferes with vitamin C supplementation.
Antenlol seems to just hide the underlying problem with your arteries by changing heart function, which makes it almost useless for yourself - beta blockers don't fix the underlying problem.

As for fish oil, it doesn't seem like it'd exacerbate your problem. But maybe I am wrong.
Since carnitine both strengthens the heart and lowers lp(a) I'd start taking it unless you feel that you are taking too many supplements
Taurine also has many benefits, but again if you feel like you are taking too much then forget about it.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:28 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Fri Jun 17, 2016 5:14 pm

Thanks John, I did have a full thyroid check in 2009 when my lipid abnormality was first discovered and everything was within normal ranges. 2009 is the first time I had a lipid profile done at the age of 35 (don't ask why). Again, I've had cholesterol levels at or close to 300 since then. Since I don't know my family history, could it be possible this is genetic? My research says if it was genetic, my trigs would be in the normal range, but those have always been anywhere from 275 to 950.. I'm at a loss.. Again, I will get a VAP test next week and a calcium score as well.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:14 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:35 pm

Thanks so much for your help John. I was digging through my blood work and I'm not sure if this is what you were speaking of. This was a result from last September.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
2.48 mIUn/mL
(range) 0.34-4.82 mIUn/mL

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by exitium » Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:25 am

SonnyCrack wrote:Thanks so much for your help John. I was digging through my blood work and I'm not sure if this is what you were speaking of. This was a result from last September.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
2.48 mIUn/mL
(range) 0.34-4.82 mIUn/mL

I would consider iodine/selenium to your supplementation list. Many here on the forum us it with great results.

In addition to Johns insight on your possible issue, what is your diet like? Your numbers seem to indicate you may have a high carb diet which can also contribute a lot to high cholesterol levels.

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Re: My regimen/some of the story. HELP, I really need to live another 20-30 years!

Post by SonnyCrack » Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:59 pm

exitium wrote:[

I would consider iodine/selenium to your supplementation list. Many here on the forum us it with great results.

In addition to Johns insight on your possible issue, what is your diet like? Your numbers seem to indicate you may have a high carb diet which can also contribute a lot to high cholesterol levels.

I should have did a complete list instead of ones just for heart health. I take selenium and a kelp supplement (for iodine) as well currently. My diet? It could be better, but it's not carb heavy. No refined sugars, white bread or rice. Complex carbs for the most part and lots of fatty meat.

When I get tested, if my cholesterol is still at these levels after following all of this very strict, I'm going to get some genetic testing done. Again, I'm adopted with no access to any family history. It is certainly not our of the question that I MAY have a genetic defect when it comes to lipids. If that's the case, I'll have to reevaluate. Although I am very curious if anyone with that genetic history has followed PT and had success rather than intensive statin therapy.

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