Chelation clear calcium plagues

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:37 am

I found infomation regarding to EDTA chelation theory which claims it clears out all toxic matel in body include calcium that has deposite in arteries.

Anyone know anything about this?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by tjohnson_nb » Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:44 pm

But how do you address why the calcium got there in the first place?
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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:21 pm

This is not the solution for the root cause. It's kind of convincing this thoerpy could wash away the calcified plagues that are already built inside the areteris?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by tjohnson_nb » Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:40 am

But you would want to be on the Pauling therapy before doing this IMO. There might be a better way to remove calcium deposits with nutrients like magnesium, Vit K2, boron, etc. in a more natural way.
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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:59 pm

I am currently on PT (vitamin C + l-lysine) and taking K2 (240mcg) daily. I just thinking if addition oral EDTA would help speed up the process. Not sure this would help, any advice?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Joanna45 » Sun Dec 25, 2016 7:19 am

Jack ....I'm on the Pauling Therapy Heart tech 2 jars a month.. I had 50% narowing of the superior mesenteric arteries.
I was so skeptical that this would work, as I was having angina pain also ..but after a week on it all symptoms went away..and have stayed away..I also was having pain immediately after eating as the mesinteric artery feeds blood to the stomach..and that went away also..I am back to all my regular routines hiking skiing and daily walks and some weight have to take Lysine and proline to accomplish this..that is why I chose heart tech.. I find that it's more difficult to do when it should be refrigerated.. would be curios as to what others do.


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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by tjohnson_nb » Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:15 am

I have no experience with EDTA, I only commented because I think it may be too harsh a treatment.
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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:37 pm

Thanks both.
How about supplement in "free form", is it good? Since they charge almost double of the price. I came across these when I shop Lysine and Proline. It claimed this form is 90%+ absorptive. Is it true?
Since I am living on the other side of the world. I need to make my own PT.

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:23 pm

Joanna45 wrote:Jack ....I'm on the Pauling Therapy Heart tech 2 jars a month.. I had 50% narowing of the superior mesenteric arteries.
I was so skeptical that this would work,


Hi Joanna, are you taking statins or aspirin? Are your blockages improve aver time?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Joanna45 » Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:59 pm

I'm not on any statins or cholesterol levels were normal ...and my arteries must have cleared up as I do not have any symptoms but will be seeing my doctor in a month and hopefully will have the mesenteric artery ultrasound redone..I did have the the echocardiogram stress test done after I had been on the PT for 8 weeks and passed with out any problems and they said that was normal..I have had no more angina pain and no pain after eating ,and no fatigue while hiking and walking daily. Also back to skiing three times a For me the PT therapy has been a huge success..are you on the PT from tower Labs..and how are you progressing are you getting better..

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:40 pm

I am taking PT, however, not from Tower. Since it would be a big hassle and costly order from Asia. I order v-c, lysine, and proline from local suppliers which offer some products similar to Amazon, ie Solgar, NOW, etc. I hope they work the same.

I've had a CT scene around a year ago with one of the oldest version of 64-slices machine (pictures were very unclear). I have 30-50% blockages in 4 of my arteries, and since then, I have not taking other test. I refused to take angioplasty procedure (doctors really want to sell). Then, my doctor recommended me for MRI or Cardio Perfusion Scene hopefully to have a clearer picture of the actual situation.

I had taken home made PT for over 5 months now. I have no idea if there is any improvement.... It seems no way anyone could find out?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Joanna45 » Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:23 am

Before I started using Tower Labs heart tech I used pure l ascorbate acids and Lysine tablets and that worked in about 4 days with feeling better and doing more gradually, it worked so good that I went with heart tech from tower labs because it has all the ingredients that I needed .
Vit C 5000
Lysine 3000
Vit E
Vit B2 and b6
Folic acid 400
L proline 400
L arginine 200
I double the dose for now anyway.
So where are you that you can't order this on line..or other Vitamin C
You would know it was working because you would be symptom free.


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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:44 pm

Anyone know if supplement made in "Free Form" any good? It costs almost twice as much compare to regular lysine and proline. Is it really highly absorptive as claimed? If this is that good, should I take lower dosage? Anyone please?

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:05 pm

First of all this started asking about EDTA and I am personally grateful EDTA therapy exists. There is a group of EDTA physicians (who formed ACAM.ORG) and who have created many miracles using EDTA IV. (Improving eyesight, etc.)

In the beginning, when heart patients had intractable pain and there was nothing more that conventional medicine could do, cardiologist would advise their patients to "check the internet for an alternative" probably thinking they would find the EDTA chelation doctors.. Instead many found us on the Internet, and the rest, as they say is history.

The standard ACAM EDTA protocol includes vitamin C and magnesium in the IV. Early on many people who had tried EDTA IV turned to us when it didn't work. Usually the doctors was using only EDTA, not the full ACAM protocol. This happened enough to convince me that EDTA will not work like the Pauling Therapy - unless it contains part of the Pauling therapy, i.e. vitamin C (and magnesium). And as far as the EDTA pills, you would need a lot, maybe half a bottle, to be equivalent to the EDTA intravenous infusion.

So if you think that part of your problem is heavy metal toxicity, then you should consider adding EDTA, and I would recommend it IV. In Ty Bolinger's cancer book, he reports on a case of a mother curing her son's Autism - and the protocol relied heavily on "chelation." If I had a child with Autism, EDTA chelation would be high on my list of protocols to try.

Finally, thanks to Life Extension Foundation, we have learned that there is nothing better than vitamin K for moving calcium out of soft tissues and into bone! (Note this hormone like action preserves the calcium for bones, where as EDTA would move calcium out of the body through the urine.)

Finally, I too hope the vitamin C you have obtain is really vitamin C. Dr. Cobb and others who routinely prescribe the Pauling protocol to heart patients have noted that failures only occur on "other" forms of vitamin C. As Joanna45 has pointed out, she obtained great benefits in 4 days on pills. If someone has not experienced relief on the Pauling therapy, and are using an inexpensive vitamin C, try another brand and see what happens. And please report the results to us here at this forum. I, for one, would really like to understand why some forms of "vitamin C" do not work. (Are some brands not real vitamin C?) Now, our approved products are all ascorbic acid (as is most vitamin C on the market) so non-ascorbic acid vitamin C might be part of it. Looking for answers here.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Chelation clear calcium plagues

Post by Jack » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:52 pm

Thanks Owen.

Since I am living in the other side of the world, I could only get supplement from available source locally. I order ascorbic acid from California Gold Nutrition which claimed their product was manufactured by Quali-C (manufacturer that you recommend). I get Lysine and Proline from Solgar in "Free Form".

Any comment? Do you recommend product under "Free Form"? Claimed to by extremely absorptive.... Or you recommend I should switch back to regular power or pills.


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