Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:42 am

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:57 am

Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:06 am

I like both of the LEF.ORG products, but if those numbers are measured Lp(a) (I'm pretty sure they are not) then you should consider adding another dose of an Lp(a) Binding Inhibitor, e.g. Cardio-C, or better yet, add the 3rd dose as Tower Ascorsine9. This is to prevent the high levels of Lp(a) from being able to form plaques. I hope johnwen will help you wean the Crestor. Bad drug :evil:



Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by Johnwen » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:42 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by Tomasz » Tue May 30, 2017 10:40 am

Hi . I am new in this forum
I have a question regarding LP(a). In since January I am on Linus Pauling Therapy . Since January even though I am taking Vit C , Lisyne , Proline , Q10, and Homocystex X (to lower my Homocysteine) and my Lp a still is 1556 mg/L. I am not taking any medicine except Brilinta and aspirin after stents done in July 2016. Could you help with that

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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by Tomasz » Tue May 30, 2017 11:11 am

Also my LIfeLab does not know how they lab in Hamilton ON measure the Lp(a) only that this is in mg/L
" 1556mg/L - See Comment mg/L
Risk of Cardiovascular Disease > 300
mg/L Increased Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease
This test was referred to Hamilton Health
Sciences Main Lab (Hamilton General)
237 Barton St E, Hamilton ON L8L 2X2"

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Re: Lp(a) rising since January on Linus Pauling's Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:54 am

Not used to those units, but assume 1556mg/L is 155.6 mg/dl (dividing by 10). What is your total cholesterol, and especially LDL? (If your reported Lp(a) is HIGHER than LDL, there is a problem because Lp(a) is a SUBSET of LDL cholesterol. And in that case, my guess is that the Lp(a) is "calculated" (e.g. useless) rather than measured.

In any case YOUR ARE DOING EXACTLY THE RIGHT THING IF YOUR Lp(a) IS INDEED THAT HIGH. Pauling and Rath invented Lp(a) binding inhibitors, basically lysine (and proline) added to vitamin C. These orthomolecular substances at the proper dosages (you seem to be okay or close) will inactivate Lp(a) in the blood making it "less sticky." So the higher the Lp(a), the more you need Pauling's therapy. Capice?

As far as lowering Lp(a), there is little data/science to support such a phenomenon - other than reports at this forum. There is anecdotal evidence that the proline plays a pivotal role in lowering Lp(a). I know that johnwen's and my Lp(a) numbers are less than something like 3 mg/dl.

There is an interesting report from a Life Extension consultation. The LEF.ORG advisor found a study that carnitine lowers Lp(a).

Added - I thought I had read somewhere, maybe another post, how much vitamin C, lysine and proline you are taking. How much are you taking?
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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