Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

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Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:31 pm

I've been full on PT since April. I was following it for about a month earlier using a lot of pills and capsules. I switched to a blended powdered product, and have been faithful in taking it, but did miss one day in the hospital, but picked it up the next day, secretly. I had severe chest pain on Wednesday evening, tried nitro sublingual, and after several attempts (very mild resolution at first, but then unrelenting) I called 911 and took a little trip to the hospital. I do believe that the PT will work, but I have some occluded areas where PT may not be able to get through. The good news is my ejection fraction is the same (50-53%) as it was in November when I first started having chest pains. I did not consent to a cath, loudly refused stents, and my cardiologist is asking for a cath to look at my vascular anatomy. Based on my echo and previous Cardiac CT, he says I need bypass. (He is not a cardiothoracic surgeon, and is saying I should consider a beating heart bypass since I won't consent to thoracotomy.) My doc has been listening to me and I'm confident he would honor the no stent provision. I'm T2 diabetic, tightly controlled by HFLC diet, and even the hospitalist and cardiologist are surprised at how well that is working. In the hospital I was on a heparin drip from Wed pm to Fri am, and came home on aspirin 325 mg, refusing all the meds with the federal black box warnings. Pre MI I was taking isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur) 60 mg twice a day, nitro sublingual, and that was it. I did agree to metoprolol 12.5 mg twice a day (was on higher doses after the CT scan, and had an idiopathic response--gave me bounding irregular heartbeat.) It's practically a law to get put on beta blocker when you have been admitted with a cardiac diagnosis. By the way, this is my first MI, no stents, no surgeries. Potassium was low but corrected in the hospital. Will have to monitor lytes better in the future. I was very tired after the MI, got no sleep in the hospital, slept 13 hours once home. Since coming home my BP has been low, lower than usual for me. Usually I ran systolic 110's-120's, and diastolic 70's t0 80's. I'm barely at 100 systolic 50-60 diastolic, and am hydrating like crazy, and watching when I stand or walk to the kitchen or bathroom for safety reasons. Yes, I will report these findings to the MD in the morning.

What do you think about the angioplasty idea?

Remember, folks, this is VitaminCFoundation, not Forks Over Knives. I'm only listening to PT input.


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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Johnwen » Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:08 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:56 am

Thanks Johnwen. Yes, I'm familiar with serrapeptase and will start right away. And thank you for the calculations. I'm taking a product usually referred to by a letter and a number, which Owen designed, and is sold at Tower. I'm aware that using product names is dangerous on this forum. PM me for details if I'm being too cryptic. I'm taking more than the calculated amounts, but have to take it in small divided doses every 2-3 hours while awake due to BT. Sorry for not being clear, but yes, I was asking about a cardiac angiogram and specifically additional balloon angioplasty. I don't know what I don't know. I realize there are risks with any invasive procedure, and that with a coronary angiogram and/or balloon angioplasty having a heart attack or stroke is possible; some of the risks include plaque breaking off and creating an embolus, the guide wire puncturing the vessel, the vessel clamping down after the procedure is over. Then there's concern about kidneys handling the dye (so far kidney function is A-OK), or bleeding, to name some. Trust me, I'd like to avoid anything invasive. I was wondering if it seems like a reasonable course of action to attempt balloon angioplasty along with the cardiologist's requested "look see" because if the vessels could be opened a little more, then PT would have a chance to work. Really, I don't want an angiogram or angioplasty, and would prefer to supplement. I'm pretty sure the reason the MI was not worse than it was is the PT, including magnesium. No chance of marathoning, Johnwen. Right now I am just walking around inside my home, and that's plenty of activity as I recover. What other questions have I neglected to ask? What else should I consider? I genuinely appreciate your help.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:08 am

Johnwen, I forgot: are you suggesting additional l-lysine beyond your calculated dose? Yes, I do still have the pills lying around. When I first started PT, I was taking a capsule form of two-stage, timed release buffered C that did not challenge me intestinally. 500 mg per capsule. I will add that back in.

Again, your response means a lot to me. I do also appreciate your prayers. Grateful.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by pamojja » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:23 am

Alafairsmom wrote:Johnwen, I forgot: are you suggesting additional l-lysine beyond your calculated dose?

Sorry to hear about your MI.

First up your PT to a 100mg/kg Min.

I think with his calculation Johnwen meant the absolute minimum amounts. You have good reasons to take as much as you can handle. Though with Lysine wouldn't go much higher than 9 g/d. For ascorbic acid powder only the sky is the limit (or rather .. the toiled).

Best wishes for recovery!

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:09 am

Thank you (again) johnwen, and we appreciate your expertise.

Now that I am diabetic (thanks to a missing piece of my pancreas) I think I know that even with blood sugar controlled, this condition is probably a large piece of the puzzle. Insulin *IS* required for vitamin C to enter certain cells, for sure our immune cells. Type II's diabetics are supposed to be making their own insulin (I am supposed to be making my own insulin..) Yet the SpectraCell test found that MY IMMUNE cells are deficient in vitamin C, despite my 15 to 20 grams of vitamin C daily :shock: Everything else in the SpectraCell report/assay made sense..

And you mention magnesium, which was among my early thoughts to recommend. How much magnesium are you taking and what form? Also CoQ10?? Also, what drugs are you on? And finally, how is your diet? By this I mean, how many foods to you eat from a box? (If you haven't read this article, you should as background on Type 2:

While a balloon angioplasty might prove beneficial, my father died during this procedure. As you say, you do require blood flow...

So I would reexamine my magnesium, Coq10, Vitamin E and vitamin K supplementation, and adding L-carnitine isn't a bad idea either.

And then I would look at adding some liposomal vitamin C to help "bypass" the GLUT/Glucose issue. I am not sure True-liposomal can or will inactivate Lp(a) in the blood, but I do think it can get more vitamin C inside your cells, which should have many healthful benefits.

Also remember to take your PT away from fiber foods that may "trap" the supplements and prevent them from being absorbed during normal digestion.

Which leads to the idea of regular intravenous vitamin C, perhaps with EDTA (and magnesium).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:50 am

Pamojaa, thanks for the kind words and the clarification.

Owen, I do take the C away from fiber. If I feel I need to buffer or if I get an upset stomach with C I eat a piece of full fat cheese (Limit to 4 oz a day)

Here are the responses to your other questions:

[quoteHow much magnesium are you taking and what form? Also CoQ10?? Also, what drugs are you on? And finally, how is your diet? By this I mean, how many foods to you eat from a box? quote]

Here's the supplementation schedule:

4 scoops of TT top of the line powder, in 4 divided doses (I'd like to give the product, but won't) It gives me 6000 C and 5800 lysine; I'll increase lysine
Super B twice a day
Vitamin K 2 day (each one is MK-4 25 mg, K1 5 mg, MK-7 0.5 mg)
Tart Cherry extract in capsule for inflammation, 4 capsules a day (Each is a 4:1 extract = 1000 mg of tart cherry)
L-Carnitine and L-Arginine, 2000 mg each daily
Probiotic, 5 billion CFU/15 strains, 1 daily
D3 three 2000 iu daily
Omega 3 Three gelcaps daily: EPA 1200/DHA 900 mg/other O-3 FA 150 mg in each gel cap
1 multi vitamin/mineral with manganese 2.3 mg--trying to keep it low
Vitamin E 3 gelcaps 432 mg each, mixed high gamma tocopherols from a well respected source
Co-Q 10 Three gelcaps, 200 mg each as ubiquinol
Magnesium Taurate 8 capsules a day, divided=total 1000 mg daily
Beta Carotene 25000 iu daily

Since I came home from the hospital added 4000 mg buffered time release C daily, in divided doses (better tolerated for me than the true liposomal C--gives me fire butt..., but I can go back to it)
and just added serrapeptase per recommendations.

Drugs: Newly added during the hospital:

Metoprolol 12.5 mg twice a day
Full strength aspirin, 325 mg enteric coated (was on 81 mg previously)

Old drugs:

Imdur (Isosorbide mononitrate, a long acting nitrate) 60 mg twice a day. If I'm having a lot of angina I will take another 30 mg)
Nitro Sublingual, 0.4 mg as needed per protocol for angina

I do have slow acting (not extended release) niacin that I have not started. Thoughts?


For the last 4 years or so I was on Atkins, low carb, high fat, moderate protein.
I don't eat anything out of a box, rarely anything out of a can. I try to eat fresh, just switched to grass fed antibiotic free beef. Eggs, cheese, dark greens like chopped kale/brussells sprouts/cabbage blend for salads. No dairy except heavy whipping cream in my (now decaf) coffee. No soft drinks or artificial sweeteners, no grains, no processed foods. Chicken. Salmon usually twice a week unless it gets crazy expensive, shrimp once month or so. Occasional canned albacore tuna.

In the past few months I have taken the MOST restrictive parts of three diets: Richard K Bernstein diabetic diet, William Davis WheatBelly Diet, and Atkins. I don't use any of the diet convenience foods, avoid sugar alcohols, use olive oil and apple cider vinegar or smushed avocado on my salads for dressing. I drink about 3-4 L water a day, one cup of coffee, now decaf, occasionally almond milk. I limit my carbs to 20 or fewer net carbs a day. Blood sugars are well controlled. In the hospital, the first reading I had in my room was 88. It scared the tech and he said he had to go get me juice. He is used to seeing 300's in that hospital. I refused the juice, explaining that 88 was a perfectly great number for BS. The highest it got in the hospital was 146 when I was actively having a heart attack. (Stress and illness raise glucose.)

Angina is brought on by activity and emotional stress. I'm an RN. Sheesh...but followed MD advice to find lower stress job, and since January have a desk job, but was put back on patient care part time 4 weeks ago, and the heart attack occurred on a patient care day where I was up and down stairs, walking home care. When HR department decides they're not scared to death of me, I will return to the desk job, and might work from home. I'm released to work already, but HR needs clarification before they let me back. I'm chilling out at home, not worried about anything, watching TV and napping.

I'm grateful for the responses. Thanks.

Owen, I'm so sorry about your dad. I hope I didn't hurt you with my questions about angioplasty. I've been vehemently avoiding anything invasive. I lost my husband to medical hubris and don't trust allopathy. I only went to the hospital with the heart attack because I couldn't take the pain any more.

Thanks again.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Johnwen » Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:13 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by tangy » Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:03 am

I am no expert but I feel you should increase your Vitamin C intake drastically as your case is very serious. The Vitamin C you are currently consuming is what a healthy person should consume daily, ideally. I am suffering from peripheral arterial disease in my leg and I take anywhere from 10 to 15 grams of C per day. I also use Serrapeptase which is the only thing that stopped my calf muscle pain almost instantly. I was taking 800k SPUs when I started and am now taking 200 to 400 SPUs. You might want to consider upping your Serrapeptase dosage too.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:56 pm

Thanks, tangy. I'm really working on it. The C powder and plain pills gave me watery diarrhea, even taking it in small, spaced, divided doses. I have liposomal C and it hits me in the behind too, but I keep trying. I have serra-natto, but will be getting plain serrapeptase tomorrow from my good friends at Amazon. Since I am on aspirin and Vitamin E, I'm watching the nattokinase hoping I don't overly thin the blood, but am taking one serra-natto three times a day, and am sending PacMan thoughts into my bloodstream after I take it. (Yes, it's on an empty stomach.) I don't know that imagery it helps, but it won't hurt and it makes me feel like a participant in that process. I'm trying buffered time release caps (C) also, trying to find something that allows me to increase the C as much as I can. I'm also looking into Vit C infusions in my city.

Johnwen, nope, they didn't order an Hs CRP in the ER. It was an experience... I have an appointment in 1.5 weeks with the cardiologist and have a few things on the list; my Hs CRP in March was 9.4. In the hospital I asked for a full lipid workup with the Lp (a) but I was told they don't have the capability to do it. It's on the lab list for me to ask the cardiologist to order, and I hope I can get in quickly so the results are there when I have my appointment. I'll be making sure we are rechecking lytes, too. Yes, I will ask about the Norvasc (DAW). Am I correct that you are saying get rid of the metoprolol and replace with Norvasc rather than an add on?

So, I have been on the Imdur 60 mg twice a day for a few months now, with no hypotension. And the extra 30 mg is not every day. (My doc said the max dose is 240 mg per day) Until the last month when I was doing more physically demanding work, I could go days without the Nitro SL. The hypotension was once I was discharged from the hospital on the very low dose metoprolol tartrate. The cardiologist thinks I might just be overly sensitive, and the plan is to keep track, if necessary drop to once daily dosing, and then stop it all together.

It's not like they didn't want to do an angiogram when I was in the hospital; in my first post on this subject I said I wouldn't agree to one, but once I got home I kept thinking I need to get the blood flowing somehow. Got a little desperate and thought maybe balloon angioplasty...but honestly I don't want it. I appreciate all the education about the vasospasms. I don't know enough except to move cautiously where the regular docs are concerned. They make it sound like stents and bypass are magic, but the studies I read say they are not effective against future heart attacks. I have a considerable calcium burden, which I posted in a different topic a few weeks back.

Message received. NORVASC. Working on increasing the C. Added the serrapeptase and will increase the dose. I looked at this site and plan to do the 7 day arterial blockage full court press dosing to see if it will help. ... ptase-faq/

If more CoQ10/E/etc will help, I'm there; please let me know. I'm working hard on increasing the C. I'm wondering if the low potassium might be related to the watery diarrhea from the C attempts. Dunno. Keeping at it.

Thank you everyone. I'm genuinely grateful.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Johnwen » Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:23 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:55 pm

I'm at the emergency vet right now so I can't look up the exact labs but I can tell you that my BUN, creatinine, sodium, magnesium, serum calcium, and GFR were all excellent. Glucose was I think 146 during event. Potassium...don't remember, maybe 2.8? I was given 3 oral doses of 40 mEq of potassium. I had ST depression on the ekg, and they discharged me with NSTEMI. Hypokalemia can cause the ST depression, I read. Again tried liposomal C today. Stayed in my GI tract maybe 30-40 min. 1 packet = 1000 mg. I had elevated cardiac enzymes...again, I think maybe due to the vasospasms exacerbated by the hypokalemia. Yes I know about tartrate being short acting vs succinate being long...I don't see MT chilling my heart rate. (my fit bit tells me my resting rate is creeping higher, about 78 now, and it's not uncommon to see routine 90-120.) I do deep breathing to help bring it down if I'm not having angina. I've only been on that whopping 12.5 mg metoprolol tartrate bid for about 5 days. My BP is better today, and it might be that I've gotten caught up on post hospital rest, and am doing some more routine activities. I'm stumped about the C. My body has to be screaming for it but I just can't get it to remain in place. Would Imodium help? Hurt? Blood sugars are consistently in high 80's with maybe 110 post prandial, and first thing in AM. Thinking dawn effect. I have checked 3am readings and they are also 80's, so it's not an overnight drop.

I'm an odd duck, I know. Thanks, Johnwen for taking the time to read, post, and educate.

Dog is okay. Headed home.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:48 am

Hmm. I was flighty in my last post; a little distracted while waiting for the vet. Let me know if you need me to straighten any of that out.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by tangy » Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:16 pm

Try one capsule of Vitamin C every hour and then increase it gradually. I was taking 3 grams at a time and used to suffer like you but after testing different doses I realized 2 capsules every hour suits me the best.

Since you will be taking mega doses of Vitamin C it is very important to choose the brand of C which uses the least amount of fillers. I take only Quali-C variety of Vitamin C, as its the only one I know for sure that's not coming from China. I don't know if I can mention the specific brand names here, so please PM me if you want to know.

I have tried Serrapeptaise, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase, from my experience Serrapeptase works best for me. Again, if you want to know the specific brand names, hit me with a PM. I am still taking Serrapeptaise and Nattokinase. From my experience I feel Natto is not very potent, so it should not thin your blood too much but again I am no expert, I can only tell you what I have experienced.

You need to be careful about which brand of Vitamin E you use.

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Re: Need advice from VitaminC peeps...had a mild MI on Wednesday

Post by Alafairsmom » Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:40 pm

Zarfas, started full PT from PMWAL in April, but plain PT about a month before. I didn't start a log but looked back at my online ordering to get approximate start date.

Total cholesterol was 533 in December, 483 last week. I will get the drill down labs including the Lp(a) soon. What I didn't notice in the hospital discharge papers is they did an A1c; my Hgb A1c was 5.4% last week. It was 5.8 in March before I started full PT and incorporating Richard K Bernstein's vegetable restrictions (tomatoes and onions are now off my diet, boo) and I've lost almost 9 lbs since then. I'm still overweight and working on it.

My cardiologist told me in November to lose the diet drinks, and I lost 5 lbs before my visit with him 2 weeks later. I don't use any sweeteners except the stevia in the TT product. I don't miss them, but I was bummed about the loss of the diet Coke at first. It's worth giving up.

It's easier if you just follow the plan for today and not compare to anyone else, then wake up tomorrow and do the same thing. Day after day.

Tangy I will pm you about brands. I just started this morning with that very suggestion to take C 500 mg every hour or two, and am at about 4000 mg with better results, fewer rushes to the toilet. I'll keep it up. The rest of the PT I'm doing pills or capsules for now and holding off on the mix. I bought the serrakinase in 40,000 and 120,000 strength. I'll update you on the tolerance and hopefully on improvement.

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