Pauling Therapy in simplest terms?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Pauling Therapy in simplest terms?

Post by JohnDonna » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:35 am

Hi, I have a friend who has just been diagnosed with a heart condition
similar to one that recently killed her brother. He died of a ruptured
aorta following an aneurysm and multiple strokes. It is a hereditary
condition and she was tested. She says she has been told her arteries are
30% blocked resulting in high blood pressure for which she has been taking
medication but having a tough time getting it down. She is the
owner/operator of a rescue ranch for abused animals, mainly horses. It is
very stressful and she does it all by herself. She is a wonderful, generous
person and her first concern on hearing this diagnosis is for her animals
and what will happen to them if something happens to her. I hope to use
that motivation to get her to follow the Pauling Therapy.

She is open to alternative therapy - for example is a big believer in
Lysine and uses it as a remedy for many of her animals health issues. My
problem is that she is not well educated, is extremely ADD, has learning
difficulties and finds it hard to take in information that is full of
technical terms, big words, etc. Her attention span for reading is not
good. I am trying to find a version of the Pauling Therapy that I could
give her that would be easier to understand. I found the Pauling Therapy -
Short Version but that would
be beyond her ability to understand. I have tried to rewrite it much more
simply but have not had much luck.

Incidentally, her doctor has prescribed a "cholesterol drug" which I am
afraid is Lipitor.

If anyone could help me with this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

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Re: Pauling Therapy in simplest terms?

Post by pamojja » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:46 am

The shortest and best version is in his 1986 book.

How to Live Longer and Feel Better

  • Take vitamin C every day, 6 grams to 18 g (6000 to 18,000 milligrams), or more. Do not miss a single day.
  • Take vitamin E every day, 400 IU, 800 IU, or 1600 IU.
  • Take one or two Super-B tablets every day, to provide good amounts of the B-vitamins.
  • Take 25,000 IU vitamin A tablet every day.
  • Take a mineral supplement every day, such as one tablet of the Bronson vitamin-mineral formula, which provides 100 mg of calcium, 18 mg of iron, 0.15 mg of iodine, 1 mg of copper, 25 mg of magnesium, 3 mg of manganese, 15 mg of zinc, 0.015 mg of molybdenum, 0.015 mg of chromium, and 0.015 mg of selenium.
  • Keep your intake of ordinary sugar (sucrose, raw sugar, brown sugar, honey) to 50 pounds per year, which is half the present U.S. average. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee. Do not eat high-sugar foods. Avoid sweet desserts. Do not drink soft drink.
  • Except for avoiding sugar, eat what you like - but not too much of any one food. Eggs and meat are good foods. Also you should eat some vegetables and fruits. Do not eat so much food as to become obese.
  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Keep active; take some exercise. Do not at any time exert yourself physically to an extent far beyond what you are accustomed to.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages only in moderation.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes.
  • Avoid stress. Work at a job that you like. Be happy with your family.

Additionally recommended l-lysine at 6 g/d for CVD. I'm sure nowadays he would include vitamin D3, K2, more magnesium, CoQ10 and some other amino acids too.

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