Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:27 pm

Because he's the one that put my stent in back in 2009 which was in the CX artery om1, and this is a minor branch off of the CX. Anyway when I had my calcium score down for first time this past May and I had to much plaque in my LAD that I'm freaking out he wrote that it could actually be on the outside of the artery?

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:05 am

Which would make sense it it is calcified.

Probably worth repeating the story of the late William Decker, Founder and CEO of Tower Laboratories. Decker knew Pauling, and after meeting with him, he was briefed on "Lp(a)" - Pauling had told him that if the experiments they were running panned out, it would mean the end of cardiovascular disease. (The experiments did pan out - the Lp(a) in the guinea pigs did become elevated). With Lp(a) burned into his brain, he started thinking about products at some point - because he wanted it for himself. (He had contacted Rath's group, willing to purchase from them, but they told him the reason they had such small amounts in their products is that doctors wouldn't purchase products with higher amounts. At that point, he decided to form Tower.) He saw our add for the Linus Pauling video on heart disease in a national publication, and we became partners and friends.The drink mix made sense, rather than all the pills. And the rest, as they say, is history.

So after several years taking his own Heart Technology, a friend had invented a new type of fast CT-scan and offered to "test" how well Decker's Heart Technology product was working. Decker eagerly took the test, and was shocked by an ultra high calcium score. Shaken, he immediately checked himself into a hospital for an angiogram. The cardiologist told him that his arteries were clear and wide open! No blockages - even with the shockingly high Fast-CT score.

What was going on? We surmised that unlike the ordinary cholesterol (Lp(a)) based plaque that grows in the inside, calcium must appear mostly on the outside of our "pipes" (arteries). We also surmised that vitamin C and lysine are unlikely to have a great affect on calcium build-ups, which even though they (the calcium) don't seem to inhibit blood flow, can keep the arteries from dilating properly - leading to high blood pressures.

A few years later, Decker and I had cardiovision tests for arterial stiffness. Mine was normal, but his was again "off the charts" stiff. I had just read the life extension article (circa year 2000) on vitamin K, and its effect moving calcium from soft tissues into bone, and suggested he try vitamin K. He did for a year (low dose) and the next year, at the same conference, we both had the same cardiovision arterial stiffness test, and his score was then low and equivalent to mine. The only thing he changed that year was adding vitamin K
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by francisunderwood » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:59 am

Which K and what dose would be a good preventive for someone without cvd?

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:42 am

ofonorow wrote:Which would make sense it it is calcified.

Probably worth repeating the story of the late William Decker, Founder and CEO of Tower Laboratories. . . .

Wow that's awesome news ty!!!!
I purchased Vitamin K from Life Extension and started taking 2 gel capsules a day.
Is that enough?


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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:27 am

Yes, but, if your "facial angina" is caused by toxicity in your mouth - the most deadly toxins known - you still have to deal with that fact.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:31 am

Never heard of it, so your saying my angina that I feel in my neck ,jaw and face have nothing to do with plaque in my coronary arteries?

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:42 am

I think it has everything to do with it... But it is interesting that you are feeling the pressure in your face/jaw, and are always saying there is no way you can/would remove your fillings, root canals, or what-ever other source of toxicity that you may have. The knowledge developed at this forum is that we have seen very high dose vitamin C apparently control this toxicity (and by high, I mean our old friend David - who hasn't contributed in a long time. He routinely said that he took 100,000 mg of vitamin C daily, and his mouth was full of toxicity, and he was fine. I stress "was" as we haven't heard from him.) Other knowledge in Levy's books and in the lectures of Boyd Halley are that the toxins analyzed from extracted root canals, are the most toxic substances known. That EVERY root canal that has ever been extracted and analyzed was toxic, etc. That these toxins generally travel through the lymph, and the lymph system is shared with the breasts, and the late Hal Huggins believed that ALL breast cancer can be explained by the release of these toxins in the mouth after dental work.

So assuming you have root canals, and assuming that like every other root canal that has ever been extracted and analyzed yours are highly toxic (meaning the organisms living in them take a lot of deadly craps) then a lot of the vitamin C you take would be "used up" detoxifying any of these toxins that make it into your blood. Thus you would have a vitamin C deficit - leading to your symptoms of heart disease.

I read johnwen's explanation of what may be causing facial pain - and your revelation that you had a major blockage - but the origin of the pain/pressure seems to be a strong clue as to what is going on - around the face.

And for anyone reading this and worried about breast cancer, we learn in Ty Bollinger's CANCER: STEP OUTSIDE THE BOX, of a study in women who wear bras. The numbers are in the book, but if you where a bra all day - the incidence of breast cancer is extremely high, if you take the bra off at night, it cuts the chance of breast cancer in half, and women who don't wear bras have very little incidence of breast cancer. This fits with the idea that the toxicity draining through the lymph from the mouth is the cause. A bra traps the toxicity - which isn't "pushed" by a heart beat in the lymph system.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:49 am

How come if this pain is coming from toxicity in my jaw how I only feel it when I exercise, which presents it's self like the typical angina?

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:49 am

Some people have "silent" angina. Johnwen? They don't feel pain around their heart. It doesn't mean that blood flow isn't restricted, they are unable to feel it.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:52 am

OK but again, my angina is in my jaw, neck and face when exercising, that's not uncommon to have your angina present itself in your face, shoulder, chest or even arm

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:45 am

If you say so, but sure, why not. Most people have toxic dental work.
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:02 am

If I say so?, so you disagree that a lot of people don't have Angina in their face, neck, shoulder? And of course when I started getting this Angina in my face while jogging in 2009 I had an angiography and showed a 90% blockage in my OM1.... So obviously it was due to the blockage. In addition after my stent It went away until it got blocked again which I have come to find out happens quite a bit.

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:44 am

That is evidence. Johnwen would KNOW and I believe he has commented on the why of it. I no longer take phone calls, but for the 15 years I did, none of the people with heart disease who I spoke with mentioned facial angina.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:25 am

Well every medical study I read on Angina mentions, chest, shoulder, jaw, neck,face

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Re: Was reading some old emails between me and my Dr

Post by guitarplayer007 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:27 am

Hmmmm Lets see...I had pressure in my neck,face while Jogging in 2009 , I get angiography, shows Major blockage, I get Stent....Angina goes away for a while....That's not evidence ?

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