100% uptake (Van Carmen)

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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100% uptake (Van Carmen)

Post by joiv » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:37 am

I believe Van Carmen has claimed that one can get 100% uptake sublingually. I tried it myself, don't know if it worked, but I got soar under my tongue because of the acid.

Van Carmen, if you read this, I'd very much like to hear some more details of how you ingest your ascorbic acid. Do you make a very dilute solution and place drops underneath your tongue?

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Mucous Membranes

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:31 pm

Pauling mentioned that some C is absorbed by the mucous membranes in the mouth, but I too have suffered the "cold sore" like result of ascorbic acid in the mouth or under the tongue for any extended period. (I have not tried sodium ascorbate this way)
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Van Carman
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Mouth Absorption

Post by Van Carman » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:21 pm

I feel that the entire mouth(mucous membranes)mixed with saliva,is a good ascorbic acid absorber.Sodium ascorbate would be better to get away from the sores ,I feel.Van
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A Small Amount Goes A Long Way

Post by Van Carman » Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:32 pm

I take 200 mgms of the crystals on top of the tongue and let it melt in my mouth.It seems to have the effect of 1000 mgms.taken internally.I do not mind the sour taste.A small price for almost complete absorption.I hope this helps.Sincerely,Van
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Diference between having vitC caps or diluted

Post by epm » Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:30 am

For me there is a huge diference between taking the C in caps or a tsp diluted in water, taking the same amount. It could be due by the faster disposal by the mucose of the stomach as i see. When caps i am not aware of the efect of the vitamin, unlike the diluted one.
That is another confirmation that sublingual asorbtion can be so high as probably there is a lot more substances in the stomach that react with and dilute even more the C.

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ascorbic acid is bad for teeth and good for the stomach

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:13 pm

100% absorption of ascorbate sublingually is not likely.
Cathcart recommends mixing ascorbic acid with water and drinking it through a straw to prevent erosion of tooth enamel.
Ascorbic acid in the stomach reduces heliobacter pylori and reduces the risk of gastric cancer. Ascorbate also plays a role in reducing carcinogenicity of nitrosamines.
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Re: 100% uptake (Van Carmen)

Post by dectiri » Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:47 pm

Good heavens, why use the acid.. in our cat rescue work we use only ascorbate, so when i want to do my own divided dosing, i remembered an article on (or comments by) Irwin Stone (at DoctorYourself) and Irwin said that he had a client/friend who had defeated cancer many years and that the fellow used a mix of ascorbate and acid with ascorbate being nearly all the crystals, and the acid seemed just for the mouth watering effect... so I use a 3 to 1 ratio, and when i have my 'shot' of C-water, i let it stay under my tongue for as long as possible, letting a small swallow satisfy your natural need to swallow as the mouth watering effect proceeds with most of the shot safely held in the cheeks til after a swallow then back to sublingual... about 5-6 such small swallows til the shot is gone down the hatch...

I was also astounded by how effective this sublingual is compared to my original simple shot routine... so then came an 'opportunity' to apply this idea wider.. someone in the household got a cold, so it occurred to me that the real power needed was to get the C where the inflammation was, and by that time I had studied Dr Saul's course with his use of B12 -- INTRANASALLY -- BOOM... putting the C as close to the stuffy inflamed nasal/sinus tissue did the trick with very little increase in C from normal divided dosing sublingually.. boy would I have loved to call up Linus and tell him that glorious news, his C was undeniably powerful right where it was needed... you could feel it, just like when we used it transdermally on poison ivy... even did it for the achy-ness in the ear when the blessed rhinoviri tried that route... bingo..... transdermal where the need was, right along with the usual divided doses sublingual...

always ASCORBATE FOR THE DIRECTLY PRESSED TRANSDERMAL USES.. best as always... and get us an american manufacturing source for this life supporting vital need somehow........ see ya....

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