medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:42 pm


Just to play devil's advocate, I listened to your medical medium, and stopped after a couple of issues:
1. Supposing to have advanced knowledge, he states that without glucose, marathon runners
wouldn't be able to run as far or as fast. Yet we know that once adapted to a low carb diet, marathon runners
are performing much better, and not just them, but throughout all different sports.

2. His constant 'go spend money on my stuff'' selling throughout his talks is anything but spiritual.

3. A couple of interesting reads: ... XQJpChKguU ... ny-william

An MD gives her opinion: ... m-a-ghost/

Those are the tip of the iceburg from google

I personally believe that he has scoured the internet for alternative cures and has used them (for instance Dr. McDougall
and his low fat diet for diabetes reversal) and combined that with some pseudoscience like epstein-barr and its
60 different types which he knows will be tough to prove false or will take awhile to prove. Look, we all want to believe that
there is some medical knowledge out there that exceeds ours, but he is tapping into a large void out there of people sick of being sick
and the medical science not catching up fast enough. People want to believe so bad they will overlook that he charges I think
$500 for a half hour with no diagnosis, just telling you which supplements to take, or he is constantly pushing his books, making
his motivations less than altruistic. My BS meter has gone into the red zone on this one.

I along with you had high hopes, and wished he was legit, but my opinion as of right now is this guy is hurting a lot of desperate people
in his quest to make himself a lot of money.


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Re: medical medium - we know this (marathon runner) info is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:37 am


Please keep playing Devils Advocate! I had and have the very same question. I posed a similar question to Peter Defty, the Fat-Adaption expert, who trains Champion 100 mile marathon runners.

Maybe we can figure this out? (Please note that this post will be moved to the new forum devoted to Medical Medium knowledge)

While understanding this is low on my priority list, what if vitamin B5 (which promotes fat utilization and metabolism WITHOUT ketosis) is the key for someone with a healthy liver, - switching instantly to utilize body fat in a marathon - not wasting glucose reserves. Becomes fat adapted instantly instead of the normal 3 weeks without glucose. Great point, please keep it up.

Dan, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Keep reading LIVER RESCUE to understand why eating fat strains the liver.

If you would quote EXACTLY the part you think is wrong, where he mentions the problem of a marathon runner, we can dissect it. I remember the section, and I have a feeling that what was said will turn out to be True. That marathon runners need to understand the problem and risk of depleting their livers of glucose - without being fat adapted. So if we can find (or may have already found) a way to switch to fat metabolism without using up glucose stores - wham, bang, thank you ma... The problem is eating fats, not using fat for energy.

More comments on our comments in next post.. Changed the title by the way
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:54 am

Csquared wrote:Owen,

Just to play devil's advocate, I listened to your medical medium, and stopped after a couple of issues:

Love you playing devil's advocate, which is a pun in this case.

It is your choice to stop reading, of course, but you have no idea how much value, to me personally, there would be if you keep reading and questioning - everything.

1. Supposing to have advanced knowledge, he states that without glucose, marathon runners
wouldn't be able to run as far or as fast. Yet we know that once adapted to a low carb diet, marathon runners
are performing much better, and not just them, but throughout all different sports.

Can you post the exact words, because I don't think that is what he said or implied. I think he means that under ordinary circumstances, if a marathon runner had not fully charged their liver lglucose stores, they run out of glucose and hit the wall. (You added your own knowledge that fat burning is better, no argument, but that isn't mentioned and few people know it .)
2. His constant 'go spend money on my stuff'' selling throughout his talks is anything but spiritual.

A few examples? I have hardly scratched the surface, but I have never seen or heard this appeal? I'm told he recommends supplements, is that what you mean?

I am not ready to read or care much about what others think, I am reading myself, and based upon my knowledge,I am in awe. Anthony is human, and if this is really happening to him...

I personally believe that he has scoured the internet for alternative cures and has used them (for instance Dr. McDougall
and his low fat diet for diabetes reversal) and combined that with some pseudoscience like epstein-barr and its
60 different types which he knows will be tough to prove false or will take awhile to prove.

Begs the question, when did McDougall first start writing? As Anthony points out, he recommended Cilantro for detox at age 7, long before there was an internet. They can both be true. The question to me is, what does Anthony have wrong, if anything? And how could this fellow cherry pick the Internet and get everything right... I'm putting McDougall on my reading list, but I long ago I read the Pritikin Diet.. The first ultra-low fat diet, and I followed because at that time, I thought lowering fat protected against heart disease. Maybe it does, but the thing I remember is weight literally falling off me. I got skinny.

And if what you say is true, that at an early age he started lying that someone was speaking to him - well enough to diagnose automobiles, and started collecting only the best human science, how could he have gotten everything so right? A savant without a college education. The books are of great value, no matter what the source of information, so long as the information is true.

So far, so good for me... Little details I resonate with.. Low Stomach acid causes GERD... 3 minute entry of certain sugars into the blood stream, avoiding reaching the intestinal lining. There is no such thing as autoimmune. Who on the Internet says this? (I am about to have a paper published on Cortisol in the Townsend Letter, where I went out on a limb, and said basically the same thing, that what the medical profession calls autoimmune (because they cannot find the pathogen that excites the immune system) is caused by low cortisol levels in tissues.)

And what about the Marathon runner Jim Fix - who keeled over dead during a run I think. Now we probably know why.

Look, we all want to believe that
there is some medical knowledge out there that exceeds ours, but he is tapping into a large void out there of people sick of being sick
and the medical science not catching up fast enough. People want to believe so bad they will overlook that he charges I think
$500 for a half hour with no diagnosis, just telling you which supplements to take, or he is constantly pushing his books, making
his motivations less than altruistic. My BS meter has gone into the red zone on this one.

I along with you had high hopes, and wished he was legit, but my opinion as of right now is this guy is hurting a lot of desperate people
in his quest to make himself a lot of money.


That's just it... He has an impossible record of healing... Look at The people like Sly Stalone, Robert DiNiro, Gweneth Paltro.. who are willing to associate themselves.. I just want to find a black swan.. where he is wrong.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Tue Sep 10, 2019 8:27 pm

I've tried twice now to respond to this, so I'll make this one brief.

I can't get past the woman who paid this guy $500 for her son who died. He didn't even give her a refund for useless information. Of course I am aware that once someone professes to have spiritual information there will be an inevitable backlash and it is possible these negative blogs could be fabricated to cast him in an unfavorable light.

I have been listening to his podcasts and haven't been impressed. As much as I don't want to give a false prophet money, I see no alternative but to read the actual material myself, to make up my own mind. I assume the liver book is the one to get if one were to only get one book of his?


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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:59 am

Csquared wrote:I've tried twice now to respond to this, so I'll make this one brief.

There are problems, sorry. Just logged me out and Norton put up a SCAM screen when I tried to login.. It will get fixed. Thank you for your perseverance.

I can't get past the woman who paid this guy $500 for her son who died. He didn't even give her a refund for useless information. Of course I am aware that once someone professes to have spiritual information there will be an inevitable backlash and it is possible these negative blogs could be fabricated to cast him in an unfavorable light.

Me thinks you nailed it. (Negative blogs. Anthony has to make a living, with this damn voice in his ear..) I suspect that story is a pure lie. This MEDICAL MEDIUM information is potentially the largest threat to the economics of medicine in world history (and that realization created another: We WHO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND can make a lot of money replacing Big Pharma, but more on that later.) They (medicine, pharma) will employ every trick in the book, so beware. Our new venture may benefit from Anthony having a voice in his ear and this UFO-like umbrella may be just what the doctor ordered. Many who would oppose will ignore us as "kooks" so we will be able to infiltrate.. like a virus attacking medicine.. (until we start telling people how to control their heart disease, kill their cancers, control or kill viruses, and cure diabetes in 3 days :D .) A large flock will gather to our new Religious Order -- without a word of advertising or taking a penny to reach people.

My journey started with the first Medical Medium book, which is hard enough to accept face value, until it dawns on you that Anthony couldn't have written it alone, no human could have, even as a large team. See the Factiods (THE LIST) in this forum and please all contribute - these may someday become PhD research projects :-)

I have been listening to his podcasts and haven't been impressed. As much as I don't want to give a false prophet money, I see no alternative but to read the actual material myself, to make up my own mind. I assume the liver book is the one to get if one were to only get one book of his?


Dan, thanks for hanging in there. I have only listened to one podcast, and while the information was superb, ( I now understand more about the brain, Alzheimer's Disease - how to cure it), if I was just listening to that, without the book to reinforce where he gets his message, I would not be impressed. There isn't the weight of an education, he lacks Gravitas. He's conveying what a "holy spirit" is telling him. So focus on the message, not necessarily the messenger. Again, his lack of gravitas is ironically proof that he alone couldn't have written the books. (I still haven't gotten to the Celery Juice "stuff", I have barely cracked the 2nd and 3rd books, LIVER RESCUE and THYROID HEALTH ... But he has created a craze.. Celery Juice must work.. For reasons we can begin to understand by reading LIVER RESCUE.)

Yes, at this point, LIVER RESCUE is the one book I would recommend reading. (Most "textbooks" like this would be closer to $100. LIVER RESCUE is what, $10?)

INSTITUTE FOR ORTHOMOLECULAR STUDIES (The Institute for Orthomolecular Study is a trademark of the Vitamin C Foundation (for now))

Now as a small incentive to you, and other readers, we are forming a new quasi-religious Institute that will confer degrees, in lets call it "Perfect Naturopathy" for now. We could call it "Perfect Medicine" but there are no drugs to learn about, other than they are toxic to the liver.

The entire body of study, for the equivalent of the B.S. Degree in Orthopathy (A Naturalist following the right (ortho) path), will be the MEDICAL MEDIUM series.

Those reading these books are doing the essential Orthopath course work as correspondence training. Readers who master the material can become certified as an Orthopath. Pass the certification test - which proves you have read and understand the material - The Institute will confer the "Degree" without cost.

But there is a lot more, e.g., we will be sending "orthopaths" out into the world... More on that later, but if an Orthpath doesn't accept money for consultations, why couldn't the Orthopath tell his client how to control heart disease? Or cure cancer? (Raises Practicing Medicine Without A License to a new level :-)

So read my friends, STUDY, as your effort assimilating PERFECT knowledge will not be a waste of your time. You may soon feel the joy that is healing others.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:25 pm

Ok, still reading the liver book. A few things jump out at me. A low fat diet was all the craze before the current low carb diets we have now. I remember my mother when I was young and her melba toast and other low fat foods before she discovered Dr. Atkins. But if I remember correctly diabetes got worse during that period, not better. If low fat was indeed the proper diet for diabetes then we should have seen a lowering of the epidemic. The advice here goes completely against Dr. Fung also, who is doing miracles in his clinics with diabetes using a low carb and intermittent fasting diet. So far this guys advice is to go back in time to a diet we know didn't work.

A lot of what he says here is just too convenient as well. At no point does he say, if medical science checks this they'll find this, it's always, modern medicine doesn't have the ability to check these at this time, but maybe sometime in the future we'll figure it out. So he can give us nothing to substantiate his claims. No proof, just a bunch of theories that we aren't advanced enough to check. You say, prove him wrong. I say, why doesn't he give us something of substance that we can check through good scientific means that would maybe prove him right?

Look, keep trying his suggestions and see for yourself, as I am. But his supplement recommendations look like they came right out of an alternative medicine website. As I said, very convenient.

Oh 98.9999 etc, a hundred 9's after the decimal place? For a fat content? And a big difference between that and 99%? Pretty unbelievable.

Ok I seem to be making fun of him a bit, but there is a lot there that seems to me to be easy to make up. I will continue reading and attempt a low fat diet as I have diabetes and his advice is pretty clear that that diet will heal that condition. If it doesn't I will know for sure that he is a fake.


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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:05 pm

Excellent, and I am thrilled for you that you are reading.. And I should spend more time here, but Ralph Lotz asked me, "Was John Ely wrong - Glucose Antagonism Theory?" (It just occurred to me what the answer to that question , so I want to post that...)

Csquared wrote:Ok, still reading the liver book. A few things jump out at me. A low fat diet was all the craze before the current low carb diets we have now. I remember my mother when I was young and her melba toast and other low fat foods before she discovered Dr. Atkins. But if I remember correctly diabetes got worse during that period, not better. If low fat was indeed the proper diet for diabetes then we should have seen a lowering of the

The only diet where my weight literally fell of was the Pritikin ultra-low fat diet. In truth, how many Americans followed these diets? The reason our grocery stores are full of the CR&P they have, is because that is what people buy. IMO, the processed foods in stores is the cause of diabetes, at least the fat in them :) The real question is what happened to people following the low-fat diets? I was impressed that Newsmax rated the Ornish Low Fat diet as the most "heart healty" and the Paleo diet - last, of the 53 diets examined.

Since I thought I knew that saturated fat wasn't the bogey man, I didn't pay much attention or Ornish. And anything that matches what a registered dietician says or thinks makes me shudder.

The advice here goes completely against Dr. Fung also, who is doing miracles in his clinics with diabetes using a low carb and intermittent fasting diet. So far this guys advice is to go back in time to a diet we know didn't work.

I'm not sure. I've read two of Fung's books and watched several of his interviews. I don't remember him favoring low carb or high carb. I believe that he, like others, said you must eat EITHER high carb/low fat, or high fat/low carb, to loose weight, but that you couldn't lose weight on a High Carb/High Fat diet (check me on this.)

Furthermore, Fung's intermittent fasting may work for exactly the reasons you are reading about, unbenownced to him - because fasting rests the liver.

A lot of what he says here is just too convenient as well. At no point does he say, if medical science checks this they'll find this, it's always, modern medicine doesn't have the ability to check these at this time, but maybe sometime in the future we'll figure it out. So he can give us nothing to substantiate his claims. No proof, just a bunch of theories that we aren't advanced enough to check. You say, prove him wrong. I say, why doesn't he give us something of substance that we can check through good scientific means that would maybe prove him right?

Maybe, but that's what the introductions say is the reason for this information, to redirect science back to the right (ortho) path :-) He must have surveyed the entire scientific literature to make all these statements... And we did find one nugget - in Life Changing foods he says it is "undiscovered" that a form of photosynthesis occurs in humans - which is what we saw in the Red Light book by Ari Whitten - 2017 research showing Co10 is regenerated from chlorophyll in mitochondria. As Darth Vadar might say, Impressive. And what you call convenient I would call genius.

Look, keep trying his suggestions and see for yourself, as I am. But his supplement recommendations look like they came right out of an alternative medicine website. As I said, very convenient.

I will, and controlling blood sugar in 3 days on the grazing protocol, also IMPRESSIVE. I even had a Rootbeer float for dinner - :-)

Oh 98.9999 etc, a hundred 9's after the decimal place? For a fat content? And a big difference between that and 99%? Pretty unbelievable.

Ok I seem to be making fun of him a bit, but there is a lot there that seems to me to be easy to make up. I will continue reading and attempt a low fat diet as I have diabetes and his advice is pretty clear that that diet will heal that condition. If it doesn't I will know for sure that he is a fake.


Important, then, do you have a continuous monitor? If you follow the grazing (no fat) protocol, and limit fat in the one meal, I'd be very interested in what happens to your blood sugar after only 3 days. Appreciate your open mind, when the part of me that is usually skeptical starts to believe, I begin to wonder.. Why now?

Anyway, have you found even a single grammatical error?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:05 pm

I don't have a continuous monitor and do it the old fashioned way, pin prick. So far am having trouble finding low fat items. I read the labels and they say low fat, but I look at the ingredients and it will say something fatty. So I'm sticking to fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, corn, rice and the only thing that satisfies me, beans. Very shaky first few days but am feeling better on the diet now. However still high morning readings. Probably because I'm eating too much sugar, to get some taste into my eating. He says processed sugar is bad but not as bad as fat. Your root beer float as an example. I'll try and keep the sugar down and see what happens.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:25 am

Csquared wrote:I don't have a continuous monitor and do it the old fashioned way, pin prick.

I think you are probably on the threshold of curing your own Diabetes, but if not, there is nothing like having an Abbott Libre Freestyle continuous monitor. You see the last 8 hours - not the single point in time. You know if the blood is going up, down, etc. And I've notice that when I wake up, there is always short spike, as if cortisol is released upon waking..

So far am having trouble finding low fat items. I read the labels and they say low fat, but I look at the ingredients and it will say something fatty. So I'm sticking to fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, corn, rice and the only thing that satisfies me, beans.

Just please set a timer and take a vege (usually celery) and a fruit (he has a long list, but we eat grapes, apples, pears, etc.) every 2 hours. This has a purpose, to maintain sodium and potassium electrolytes, while providing glucose in the form your body can use. The protocol is very close to an intermittent fasting protocol - except you are eating these veges/fruits when people following Fung's program aren't eating anything.

Very shaky first few days but am feeling better on the diet now. However still high morning readings. Probably because I'm eating too much sugar, to get some taste into my eating. He says processed sugar is bad but not as bad as fat. Your root beer float as an example. I'll try and keep the sugar down and see what happens.

I was just amazed that I could eat that float - with out my sugar becoming uncontrollable and shooting past 300 mg/dl. I'm not recommending high sugar-- yet, we learn from WHAT THE HEALTH? of that doctor who reported curing diabetes with lots of sugar in the 1940s. On my list to look him and his research up. Think unadulerated raw honey - as perhaps the perfect form to sweeten things, because He Who Has Knowledge that Will Never Be Overturned, says this form of honey can pass through the blood-brain barrier (or impies) and feeds the brain.

[color=#FF0000]Added, so here are my overnight glucose readings (the times are 1 hour off - don't take into account changes in daylight saving time)


Notice the elevation around 6-7 a.m. This is the beginning of the day bump, probably because the liver releases cortisol to get you started, and get rid of all the melatonin. Anyway if you were just measuring first thing in the a.m., the reading will be higher than it may have been all night. Notice about 2 a.m., my liver saved my butt... The sugar was dropping below my safe range (in blue)... Anyway, my overnight readings have been low-blue since starting this, where as before no-fat, they were always just above the blue, or higher
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by pamojja » Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:01 pm

So you actually have been diabetic all along, and never been able to get out of the diabetic range with low-carb alone. How many net-carbs (without fibers) you ate per day the recent years? (some need to go as low 15 g per meal to get out of the diabetic range) How high have your triglicerides been in average the recent years? (an indicator of too many carbs than tolerated)

Though a sure improvement from being all the time above 150 mg/dl, you're still diabetic. Personally wouldn't be satified with anything than remission from diabetes. Keep monitoring closely. Also do double-check with a normal blood-glucose monitor, read numerous reports these CBGs can get very inaccurate.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:02 pm

pamojja wrote:Keep monitoring closely. Also do double-check with a normal blood-glucose monitor, read numerous reports these CBGs can get very inaccurate.

type 1 diabetic at my job, passed out the other day because his insulin pump malfunctioned and gave him too much insulin

now he has an insulin pump(does not read the glucose level) and a CBG
I'm always buggin him about his diet and what his readings are
he is on a low carb diet....
1 lb of broccoli, or any non starchy veggie, would be great for him.. but no, he eats chicken and other meat,, but isnt fat, bmi 27



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:09 pm

He Who Has Knowledge that Will Never Be Overturned
lol let's not annoint him so quickly. Keep a scientific mind about it.

Science has disproved a great many false prophets. Keeping an open mind is key.

You say on the Pritikin diet the weight just fell off. For me it was the Atkins diet. So biochemical individuality plays a part. I can see future diets where you take a blood test first to see which diet will be right for you. That is my prediction, without any divine influence lol


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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:22 pm

You are doing better than me. My morning readings are around 300, and my sugar spikes go from 400-500 and occasionally the meter just says HI which means i've gone higher than it can measure. Which is why I will try anything to get rid of this condition.


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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by pamojja » Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:35 pm

Csquared wrote:..and my sugar spikes go from 400-500 and occasionally the meter just says HI which means i've gone higher than it can measure.

Holy Moses. You're real daredevils. Recently had to call an ambulance for a guy with 415 mg/dl asking for help.

Csquared wrote:Which is why I will try anything to get rid of this condition.

Anything else would be insane.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:23 pm

Csquared wrote:
You say on the Pritikin diet the weight just fell off. For me it was the Atkins diet. So biochemical individuality plays a part. I can see future diets where you take a blood test first to see which diet will be right for you. That is my prediction, without any divine influence lol


Glycogen holds water
Eat no sugar/carbs, then you use up stored glycogen-lise lots of water
All diets work. If you stick to them



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