The Orthopathic Diet

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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The Orthopathic Diet

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:32 am

I hereby propose a new Diet Plan, lets call it the Orthopathic Diet, based on the new information the "universe" has recently provided, i.e. that the health of our livers is "everything." Looking for anyone to second the nomination?

The Medium that expouses this information tells us that fat intake must be limited, but the form of the fat is of minor importance, i.e. whether it is "saturated fat," or not, doesn't matter. The strain on the liver by eating fat is because fat forces the liver to produce more bile. The less fat, the less bile the liver needs to produce.

Looking at previous diets, the Ornish diet has been rated #1 for Heart Health, yet if the Medical Medium is right, the Ornish obsession with eliminating "saturated" fats is an error. The restriction on fat is more general, all fats are limited to 10% of calories.

The Medical Medium suggests completely eliminating eggs, dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt) and highly refined processed foods and artifical sugars, for reasons that appear to be entirely related to how these foods are processed and stress the liver. Yet the closest diet to this ideal, the Paleo diet, was rated last (See below) , ostensibly because it doesn't provide all the necessary nutrients. Another problem, from the Orthopathic point of view, is that a Paleo diet may have too much fat, in too much animal protein.

The macrobiotic diet, may be a happy medium, but it too doesn't precisely match the new information from the Medical Medium either. It's strong plus is that it does prohibit plants with lectins, per Dr. Grundy's finding and belief that our body reacts to "lectins" in these plants, leading to skin eruptions and strange rashes.

9. Certain vegetables known as nightshade vegetables are excluded from the [macrobiotic] diet. Nightshade vegetables are not generally thought to be unhealthy except for in some cases of arthritis, where they seem to increase joint pain.

Interestingly, from what I've noticed that so far, the medical medium's nutritional advice lines up with this idea. Anthony does not generally include tomatoes in the lists of vegetables.

All diet plans agree that processed foods should be eliminated. All would agree that most artificial sweeteners, and especially High Fructose Corn Syrup should be eliminated.

And of course, no diet, except perhaps Atkins/Keto, restricts fruits and vegetables.

Alas, I was hoping there was an existing diet that we could recommend, that was consistent with the new knowledge from the medical medium. Apparently close, but not exactly... Thus...


The OP diet has elements from and common to Ornish, Macrobiotic. and with a wave to the ideals of Paleo, eliminate everything that is available today, that wasn't when our species grew up. Except, since the soils are now depleted of minerals, leading to foods deficient in nutrients, the OP Diet will recommend supplements, on the order of Linus Pauling's standard recommendations.

Primary Directive: Limit Fat Intake to 10% of the diet, and eat fat (from protein) during one meal daily.

Eliminate: Eggs, dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt) and especially anything sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Eliminate: Any food that is processed (comes in a box)

Eat: Most fruits and certain vegetables. Eat together. Fruits provide sugars (mostly glucose) in the best form so that the other nutrients in these foods can be driven into cells.

Anthony tells us that the Medium Often recommends a "Grazing protocol" to nurse ill people back to health. The Grazing protocol is but one implementation of the Orthopathic Diet, but almost perfect.

Grazing Protocol.

Eat one fruit (for the glucose) and one vegetable (for the sodium and potassium) every 2 hours. The books provide the acceptable fruits and vegetables.

Protein (and the 10% fat) should be eaten during the main meal of the day, probably late afternoon or evening.

This protocol would be the perfect implementation of the Orthopathic Diet, and can include ordinary sugar, unrefined salt, and should be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Supplementation unlike the original Pritikin, ultra-low fat diet - which didn't recommend supplements. The Pritikin literature provide recipes for the main meal consistent with the new Orthopathic diet.

Those not recovering from illness have discovered that fruit and/or vegetable smoothies are a wonderful, no-fat way to start the day.

Note: For those not wanting their daily meal to contain animal protein, it would appear that a lot more food is required for obtaining amino acids in plants. We see no reason why people on plant proteins shouldn't supplement this protein with Amino Acid supplements, or healthy protein bars, and the healthiest would be sweetened with glucose. (Table sugar is sucrose, half glucose)

Another problem with not eating meats is the lack of vitamin B12, CoQ10 and carnitine in the diet, which should be supplemented on those avoiding meat.

Here are some information about the standard diets.

Ranked #1: The Ornish Diet and Heart Health: 14 Things You Should Know

The Macrobiotic Diet and Heart Health: 10 Things You Should Know

Ranked Last: The Paleo Diet and Heart Health: 10 Things You Should Know
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: The Orthopathic Diet

Post by johnjackson » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:02 pm

I like this OP diet
what about getting fat from w-3s?
and fruit is good for breakfast, but eating veggies/fruit high in nitrates is great for the production of Nitric oxide

-Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits

which hits upon
Dr. Louis Ignarro' sdiscovered "the atom" of cardiovascular health--a tiny molecule called Nitric Oxide. NO, ... 0312335822

and the ornish diet allows egg whites, right?
fat free, full of proline/lysine



Lunes Payling
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Re: The Orthopathic Diet

Post by Lunes Payling » Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:27 pm

Thanks for the support. Like Pauling before Anthony, I am simply (trying to) parrot what the Medical Medium writes, as I understand it.

And he/they wrote yet another "college course" in a another book on this topic: LIFE CHANGING FOODS.

To your points based on currently incomplete knowledge of the medical medium writings:

johnjackson wrote:I like this OP diet
what about getting fat from w-3s?

Good point, and he does state that we should avoid trans and poly unsaturated fats (w-6s?) , and that leaves w-3s (Omega 3s). However, regarding the problem of total fat, Anthony's source says that the type of fat matters little compared to the total amount of all fat eaten (creating bile).

Praise be to the spirit of compassion :-)

So it would be more useful if you find something in these writings you disagree with, although I don't mind being the foil, I'm simply not an expert in the MM material - yet. But I want to learn.... True Knowledge that will never be overturned.

and fruit is good for breakfast, but eating veggies/fruit high in nitrates is great for the production of Nitric oxide

Hmmm You might be on to something. As I said, there is a college level textbook on this subject LIFE CHANGING FOOD . (The book covers water and sunlight. Did you know that in this century we are all deficient in sunlight compared to as recently as last century?)

-Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits

which hits upon
Dr. Louis Ignarro' sdiscovered "the atom" of cardiovascular health--a tiny molecule called Nitric Oxide. NO, ... 0312335822

and the ornish diet allows egg whites, right?
fat free, full of proline/lysine

Good points. I am just learning about the other diets, and the Ornish seemed very good, except for the fear of saturated fat. We should fear all fat, not one specific type. Apparently egg whites ARE better than the yolks, but this is WTH? info, not source info. If/when you get to the MM Foods book, maybe he will say something about eggs. No, I checked the index. No mention of "eggs" in foods.

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Re: The Orthopathic Diet

Post by johnjackson » Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:36 am

Lunes Payling wrote:Good points. I am just learning about the other diets, and the Ornish seemed very good, except for the fear of saturated fat. We should fear all fat, not one specific type. Apparently egg whites ARE better than the yolks, but this is WTH? info, not source info. If/when you get to the MM Foods book, maybe he will say something about eggs. No, I checked the index. No mention of "eggs" in foods.

Ornish seems pretty good, as does the DASH diet,
basically any diet high in nutrients, fruit/veg is good and better than others.

I like low fat/high nitrates because it helps the body make more NO(nitric oxide) which helps with boners/blood pressure and high fat diets seem to give more disease. ala Mcdougal, md

dietary treatment of cancer
715 shows a chart about breast cancer/total fat

now a Dr mosley talks about how bad IGF-1 is and why eating and fasting(eat:fast or his 5:2 approach) is so great
and then Dr Haub is all about just counting calories ... index.html

In the end, the first thing you should do is take lots of vit C
then do whatever you have to do to not be fat(under BMI 25 or 15% bodyfat guys)



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