medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:27 pm

You could say all diets work for awhile. The body then goes into survival mode and adapts to the diet making what was easy weight loss in the beginning extremely difficult after awhile. The body changes it's metabolism.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:09 pm

Otherwise no one would starve to death!!

Look at the Minnesota starvation experiment

Bunch lean guys on hAlf maintenance calories dieted for
6 months in clinical setting
All got sub10% bodyfat
They never stopped losing weight

All diets work
Its just hard to stay on a diet cos ur body hates you



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:31 pm

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:15 am

Csquared wrote:The point is every diet eventually signals to the body that it isn't getting enough food, and the body reacts the same way every time, by doing whatever it can to survive. You can say every diet works if you stick to it, but in the real world the odds are already stacked overwhelmingly against you.

I am missing how i am wrong?
diets work , you lose fat/etc on diets

Yes, your body does whatever it can to "save" you

you missed when I said

"They never stopped losing weight

All diets work
Its just hard to stay on a diet cos ur body hates you"

low ghrenlin, low leptin, (did you read about the starvation study? )
those guys became obsessed with food.

the body thinks it is starving to death, but did they stop losing weight?
the guys only stopped losing weight after getting 5% bodyfat or so, due to water retenion

YES dieting is hard, you gotta find what works for you to lose the fat, but if you were thrown in a room and given only half maintenance calories, you;d lose weight,



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:54 am

pamojja wrote:So you actually have been diabetic all along, and never been able to get out of the diabetic range with low-carb alone. How many net-carbs (without fibers) you ate per day the recent years? (some need to go as low 15 g per meal to get out of the diabetic range) How high have your triglicerides been in average the recent years? (an indicator of too many carbs than tolerated)

Though a sure improvement from being all the time above 150 mg/dl, you're still diabetic. Personally wouldn't be satified with anything than remission from diabetes. Keep monitoring closely. Also do double-check with a normal blood-glucose monitor, read numerous reports these CBGs can get very inaccurate.

I require insulin because of pancreatic surgery that removed a portion of my pancreas.

I (like everyone) requires insulin to "drive glucose" (and we learn "with nutrients") into cells

I just noticed that my overnight levels (while fasting) were pretty constant about 150 mg/d.

After I stared eating root beer floats, bread, pasta and potatoes, but NO FAT, in 3 days that changed, and my overnight fasting readings were closer to 90.

squared wrote:
He Who Has Knowledge that Will Never Be Overturned

lol let's not annoint him so quickly. Keep a scientific mind about it.

Science has disproved a great many false prophets. Keeping an open mind is key.

You say on the Pritikin diet the weight just fell off. For me it was the Atkins diet. So biochemical individuality plays a part. I can see future diets where you take a blood test first to see which diet will be right for you. That is my prediction, without any divine influence lol

I am being a little tongue-in-cheek, as we are discussing the material with the eye of proving it wrong. EVEN ONE THING WRONG PROVES IT IS OF HUMAN ORIGIN. I've also decided to take the authors at their own words, and I would suggest that readers open their mind to the idea that this material is exactly what it says it is - Help from above for millions of people suffering because our science is flawed. So I'll keep using the words TRUTH - THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY WILL BE OVERTURNED until we run into something.. The more I read, the more I am comfortable using these words..

Have you noticed that writing? Most human authors would be tempted to show off how much they know. Its never written at the level of "glucose drives nutrients into cells with an insulin push" We who know and care read "glucose drives nutrients into cells" and know they are talking about insulin. When they talk about the compound the liver uses for detox and expulsion, I think I know they are writing about glutathione, etc. Anyone can read these books and obtain exactly the level of knowledge that fits them, without the details that would turn most readers away. Genius. Are we indeed reading Truth? All should consider the possibility

csquared wrote:You are doing better than me. My morning readings are around 300, and my sugar spikes go from 400-500 and occasionally the meter just says HI which means i've gone higher than it can measure. Which is why I will try anything to get rid of this condition.


Right, that is how I was in the beginning. SO YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TELL WHETHER ELIMINATING FAT BRINGS THESE READINGS DOWN. I anxiously await.. (You might want to read Thomas Smith, - his protocol to "cure" your Type II starts with eliminating all fats from the diet...) I should say that I also take my endrocin's favorite drug - metformin (because it is also among Life Extensions favorite drugs). When I was put on it, she reduced my insulin.

p.s. I think john jackson knows what he is talking about, but doesn't do a great job of conveying it because of his tendency to make blanket statements. He sees "diet" and thinks "losing weight." We aren't really discussing weight loss, per se, just the best way to eat in order to achieve the best health. (I'm sorry I mentioned my Pritikin Experience, and I'm glad Dan mentioned his Atkins. About to start a topic on Atkins). Both/All "diets" eliminate processed foods - so that may explain some of it.

The "news" here is the problem fat in the diet, any fat, presents to the liver.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by pamojja » Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:15 am

ofonorow wrote:
pamojja wrote:So you actually have been diabetic all along, and never been able to get out of the diabetic range with low-carb alone. How many net-carbs (without fibers) you ate per day the recent years? (some need to go as low 15 g per meal to get out of the diabetic range) How high have your triglicerides been in average the recent years? (an indicator of too many carbs than tolerated)

Though a sure improvement from being all the time above 150 mg/dl, you're still diabetic. Personally wouldn't be satified with anything than remission from diabetes. Keep monitoring closely. Also do double-check with a normal blood-glucose monitor, read numerous reports these CBGs can get very inaccurate.

I require insulin because of pancreatic surgery that removed a portion of my pancreas.

I (like everyone) requires insulin to "drive glucose" (and we learn "with nutrients") into cells

I just noticed that my overnight levels (while fasting) were pretty constant about 150 mg/d.

After I stared eating root beer floats, bread, pasta and potatoes, but NO FAT, in 3 days that changed, and my overnight fasting readings were closer to 90.

Without answering my questions about net carbs and your triglycerides level, we have to assume you never been really enough low-carb. Nor did you ever meassure to know where you at concerning net-carb intake, or by eliminating most offending foods by meassuring postprandial blood-glucose responses.

But as already mentioned numerous times, there is bio-chemical individuality. And if it was possible for me to experience remission from diabetes, it might be possible for you with the complete opposite intervention - just remember on either low-carb or low-fat, never mix with its opposite.

Keep on monitoring BGs. Most prediabetics have overnight fasting reading closer to 90, the diabetic spikes do come with meals not tolerated. By the way, the morning Cortisol awakening response (CAR) does have the beneficial effect of lowering overnight inflammation. I experience the same (though more in the 10-30 mg/dl spike range). Do you have high inflammation markers, or a are aware of ongoing chronic inflammation?

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:33 am

I don't follow your questions. I have been monitored for years by an endocrinologist. My total cholesterol is 130 mg/dl. I was basically a meat eater who avoided fruits and vegetables like the plague. I loved cheese. Ate eggs all the time. I had even restarted milk, though I know it has "carbs."

Now avoiding eggs, dairy, etc.

So I added my favorite candies :-) last night. Fun! I did slip up, had meatloaf at Cracker Barrel, so some fat yesterday, yet here was my overnight.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:53 am

ofonorow wrote:[b][color=#000080] I had even restarted milk, though I know it has "carbs."

Now avoiding eggs, dairy, etc.

I'm confused: so you are drinking milk? or arent?
I try to avoid dairy after watching

althought that has no real mention of dairy, but calcium supplementation.



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:58 am

ofonorow wrote:p.s. I think john jackson knows what he is talking about, but doesn't do a great job of conveying it because of his tendency to make blanket statements. He sees "diet" and thinks "losing weight." We aren't really discussing weight loss, per se, just the best way to eat in order to achieve the best health. (I'm sorry I mentioned my Pritikin Experience, and I'm glad Dan mentioned his Atkins. About to start a topic on Atkins). Both/All "diets" eliminate processed foods - so that may explain some of it. [/b]

My eyes glazed over this prolix post:
the above statement was talking about dieting meaning weight loss.
and Id prefer "diet " to mean, "losing fat", but that isnt that case around here, that depends on training/what your food consists of.



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:27 am

(You might want to read Thomas Smith, - his protocol to "cure" your Type II starts with eliminating all fats from the diet...)

Funny you say this. I wasn't feeling very good today and I know I tend to get obsessive about eliminating fat just as I used to with carbs on a low carb diet. I ate some avocado and felt better. I don't think you can eliminate fats as we always need some. Your guru says 15%. Tough to measure that though.

There's a reason they say:
'In reality, 97 percent of dieters regain everything they lost and then some within three years.'
You can't fight the body when it decides it's had enough. But people are blamed that they didn't have the willpower to persevere. No, sorry but you never had a chance when you see the lengths the body will go to to trip you up.
Your blanket statement that all diets work is like going to the casino and having a winning streak, then telling everyone that you always win at the casino. Both statements are short sighted and in any real sense, inaccurate.


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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by pamojja » Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:59 am

ofonorow wrote:I don't follow your questions. I have been monitored for years by an endocrinologist. My total cholesterol is 130 mg/dl. I was basically a meat eater who avoided fruits and vegetables like the plague. I loved cheese. Ate eggs all the time. I had even restarted milk, though I know it has "carbs."

No endocinologist can tell you which foods cause a particular high blood-glucose spike in you. Only postprandial meassuring by none than your self does. I cut out even the little milk in my coffee because of BG meassuring. The only way to know how many carbs (or fat) one is ingesting is by weighting each bite for some days, and entering in it free software, like cronometer.

Total cholesterol tells nothing about eating too many carbs, only triglycerides do.

By the way, till now I saw only your overnight fasting glucose meassurement. How do they look during the day while eating?
Last edited by pamojja on Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:03 am

you are talking about a different topic. as owen did in the b5 thread: What I call, "refattening"
You still havent said what i was wrong about. because I am not wrong
all diets work,

you want to change horses, but I havent commented about how to avoid step 2, refattening I am soley talking about losing weight.
you set out to lose weight, you can. that's what diets do, lose weight

keep weight off and regain weigh? well, that's a different topic(s)

a corollary to what you are saying is , you dont make money at your job
you get money and spend money, so you dont make money at your job



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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:54 am

All diets work
I always win at the casino

You don't see the similarities?
For the length of your winning streak your statement of the casino is true. Same for your diet. But people go on diets not to lose for a little while. They go on diets with the intent of keeping the weight off. If they knew it would be back on and probably extra put on later on, they might think twice about it. In those very real terms, ALL DIETS FAIL. And you will lose at the casino.

When you say all diets work, you are encouraging people to diet, because, hey, it works!

No it doesn't.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by Csquared » Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:52 pm

And that is the inherent problem with blanket statements. How would you feel if 10 people read your posts and went on a diet because you said 'All diets work'. In 6 months when they have failed miserably are you going to feel good? If you had said 'All diets work in the short term', then everything is good. Your statement is completely correct. People will go 'They only work in the short term? That's not what I want' or maybe they investigate further. Accuracy matters when you post.

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Re: medical medium - we know the info on marathon running is wrong

Post by johnjackson » Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:43 pm

Try to make sense AND be accurate when you post

again, you are lumping 2 different things together.
They arent similar



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