Low fat diet

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:34 pm

According to the medical medium, 15% of calories maximum should come from fat. 15% of a 2000 calorie intake would be I believe 33 1/3 grams of fat.
To lose weight I would think 2000 calories wouldn't do it for me at 6' tall and 170 lbs. So I'm guessing 1500 calories and 25 grams of fat would be better. Unless the lower fat content allows you to eat more calories and still lose weight. I assume there is a formula somewhere?


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:59 am

Csquared wrote:According to the medical medium, 15% of calories maximum should come from fat. 15% of a 2000 calorie intake would be I believe 33 1/3 grams of fat.
To lose weight I would think 2000 calories wouldn't do it for me at 6' tall and 170 lbs. So I'm guessing 1500 calories and 25 grams of fat would be better. Unless the lower fat content allows you to eat more calories and still lose weight. I assume there is a formula somewhere?


secret is simple
and lyle mcdonald gets in on what you need to be doing
https://bodyrecomposition.com/training/ ... cret.html/
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:46 am

I know it seems a newbie question, but I am a lifelong low carb snob and have always looked down on those ancient and ineffective low fat and calorie counting pathetic attempts at losing weight, and now I find myself on one of those diets. Apparently I have to walk around with a notebook and mobile calorie and fat counter to satisfy the requirements of this diet. This is so 60's. Don't they know carbs are the true evil?
At least I can enjoy my glass of wine or beer on this diet. All is not lost.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:24 am

Csquared wrote:According to the medical medium, 15% of calories maximum should come from fat. 15% of a 2000 calorie intake would be I believe 33 1/3 grams of fat.
To lose weight I would think 2000 calories wouldn't do it for me at 6' tall and 170 lbs. So I'm guessing 1500 calories and 25 grams of fat would be better. Unless the lower fat content allows you to eat more calories and still lose weight. I assume there is a formula somewhere?


Excellent point, calories not grams. FAT has twice the calories of CARBS...

As you read these works, the grazing protocol is genius. There is no fat all day long as you consume your fruit and vege every two hours. So no calculation. Plenty of fiber. You learn that the "salts" in the veges improve the bodies ability to obtain glucose (from the fruits.)

That leaves the one main meal with your protein and any other fat. (This is very much like Fung's intermittent fasting, by the way.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:01 am

problem i have with grazing is 3 fold:
-eating all day isnt allowed on a 8/16 diet, all calories in 8 hour widow
-eating many small meals leaves little calories to satisfy in any one meal
-spending all day eating is distracting, one fairly large meal, boom done.
the rest of the time my body can be healing
(onlye calories matter, so I can take my AA all day an water/coffee)_

why do you like teh grazing way?(im open to learning)




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:04 am

johnjackson wrote:problem i have with grazing is 3 fold:
-eating all day isnt allowed on a 8/16 diet, all calories in 8 hour widow

Read before thy speakith.

-eating many small meals leaves little calories to satisfy in any one meal

Read before thy speakith

-spending all day eating is distracting, one fairly large meal, boom done.
the rest of the time my body can be healing
(onlye calories matter, so I can take my AA all day an water/coffee)_

why do you like teh grazing way?(im open to learning)

Read before thy speakith again.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Wed Sep 25, 2019 10:26 am

such a weak position that you cant inform me of your stance?>
read lyle mcdonald/mcdougall/leangains , then when you have knowledge, get back to me or change your view, like I changed your view
-mega dosing B5 vitamins,
-not being on a meat eating diet, eating more greens ie plant based diet





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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:44 pm

What Owen is trying to say is that the medical medium is a higher plane of knowledge and not incomplete like human knowledge. So we should take it as gospel. Of course I am on the fence on this and need more proof. His assertion that diabetes is an easy cure caught my attention and his 15% fat diet is what I'm trying right now. He has a podcast on sound cloud if you want to listen to a lot of the material for free.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:21 am

Csquared wrote:What Owen is trying to say is that the medical medium is a higher plane of knowledge and not incomplete like human knowledge. So we should take it as gospel.

No, not quite. I am not ready to take it yet as gospel, however, the more I read, the more I am convinced that this hasn't been written by one human being. That I am certain of. So where does it come from? How can four "text books" be written consistently and without error (a single inconsistency)? Any theory about where it comes from (AI, University or IBM team, etc.) fails to account for certain things we know, that most don't.

Of course I am on the fence on this and need more proof. His assertion that diabetes is an easy cure caught my attention and his 15% fat diet is what I'm trying right now. He has a podcast on sound cloud if you want to listen to a lot of the material for free.


Everyone should be skeptical. But, everyone has to read to make up their own mind. So Dan, how are you doing/feeling so far?

As far as john jackson, I simply have trouble reading his incomplete sentences. I still don't know what question he asked that I didn't answer.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:50 am

ofonorow wrote:
Everyone should be skeptical. But, everyone has to read to make up their own mind. So Dan, how are you doing/feeling so far?

As far as john jackson, I simply have trouble reading his incomplete sentences. I still don't know what question he asked that I didn't answer.

I am skeptical and if I can ever get thru owens post without his ridiculous indirect insults, without my eyes glazing over, Id wonder why he has so much faith in some dude who believer that magic gives him info ?




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:02 am

After a few days on this diet I noticed I had to use less insulin, which was good. But after that initial lowering of the dose, that effect hasn't changed.
So I'm using the same dose now that I did after the first few days into the diet. I'm hoping over time it gets better.
Starting out I actually just tried to eliminate fat altogether, and when I would feel weak I would have some avocado as a snack (I'm kind of a radical dieter) but now I'm going to start seriously counting calories and fat grams. (fat has 9 calories/gram). It makes it a little more tolerable when you can have 25 grams of fat on 1500 calories, so I don't feel I'm starving.

As for you guys and your little spat here, johnjackson has a few of his favorite experts which he regards as gospel and which in his mind no one can argue against. And Owen is leaning towards the medical medium which is a hard sell in a scientifically based crowd. Both are entrenched and wondering why the other doesn't look into their respective positions. So we have a stalemate.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:02 pm

great news
your dietary change is?
low fat? more plants?
Im trying to get my t1d, with insulin pump. who eats mainly fat/protein to get more veggies and less fat
what can I tell him?




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:47 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Sat Sep 28, 2019 9:03 pm

Im not sure what to get from that?

my T1D friend has a CGM and insulin pump and tracks his insulin well
He eats 2-3 (1 big meal, from what i recall talking to him, I will ask monday to be sure) day and his numbers,m shown by a graph, are pretty good, a1c 5ish, I believe

I used to do "grazing" , ie eat 5-6x a day and then i learned intermittent fasting and about Jack Lalanne http://rippeder.com/content/jack-lalann ... nd-fitness

who was a muscle bound nice guy who ate 2 meals/day breakfast dinner
so I'm not inclined to go back to 5-6 meals a day and see no reason to.




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:28 pm

Grazing is different on this diet. You are grazing on mainly veggies as I understand it, which gives you very few calories and very healthy ones at that. That is why it looks good. It should trick your body into thinking it is eating and therefore resist it changing your metabolism. At least in theory.


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