Low fat diet

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:09 pm

Csquared wrote:Grazing is different on this diet. You are grazing on mainly veggies as I understand it, which gives you very few calories and very healthy ones at that. That is why it looks good. It should trick your body into thinking it is eating and therefore resist it changing your metabolism. At least in theory.

different how?
cause grazing is no calories? only veggies?
trick the body? how is that? "thinking" it is eating?
you must be thinking by eating SOMETHING, , you can change "Ghrelin"

Ghrelin is what tells the brain the stomach is empty, so it goes from the empty stomach to the brain and says, "Im HUNGRY"
eat some non calories fiber will impair ghrelin and therefor your hunger
Consuming small amounts of guar gum or psyllium fiber between meals might help to keep ghrelin down during a diet.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/126 ... d_RVDocSum

you can train ghrelin to tell you that you are hungry or not hungry.
you know how you get hungry at lunch time or 6pm, dinner time, etc
Ghrelin is what causes that feeling
lack of ghrelin is also what is thought to make bariatric surgery appears to be so successful is that, despite the massive weight loss generated, there is often no increase in ghrelin levels as would be seen with diet induced weight loss.

n one study increases in ghrelin with weight loss were related primarily to fat free mass loss but not body fat loss per se. As good reason as any to ensure that the diet is set up to prevent lean body mass loss.

of course , obviously, no one is wishpering into my ear
, nah
i just learn from standingon the shouolders of others
https://bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/ ... ones.html/




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:46 pm

Your research is in its early stages. To me you are in grade 1, and I may be in grade 6 if you were to make an analogy. To you it is an intellectual exercise, to me it is literally life and death. My best case scenario is maybe having a limb amputated, and probably much worse. This is why I will leave no stone unturned until I am cured of this disease. You've told me you were in a diabetes research clinic, but to me that means nothing as modern medicine is looking in the wrong direction and misses so much right in front of their eyes. My research has led me to so many false prophets claiming diabetes revesal that I get pissed off at the audacity of these idiots claiming that just to make a buck.

I need reality, anything else will leave me an upset individual.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:15 am

Csquared wrote:johnj,
Your research is in its early stages. To me you are in grade 1, and I may be in grade 6 if you were to make an analogy.

my research in what?
I am not researching anything, I share what i know and then give you guys links so you can see where Im coming from
I hope you get out of grade 6 soon, then maybe you can write so I can understand wtf you are talking about




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:34 am

johnjackson wrote:
Csquared wrote:Grazing is different on this diet. You are grazing on mainly veggies as I understand it, which gives you very few calories and very healthy ones at that. That is why it looks good. It should trick your body into thinking it is eating and therefore resist it changing your metabolism. At least in theory.

different how?
cause grazing is no calories? only veggies?
trick the body? how is that? "thinking" it is eating?
you must be thinking by eating SOMETHING, , you can change "Ghrelin"

The grazing "technique" is provided in the chapter on Adrenal Fatigue. (Which is close the condition I have, so that is perhaps why I focused on this technique.)

Again the words from the book are worth reading, a few short paragraphs

So jj, when you ask another reader, "what it means", it tells us you have't read those paragraphs. Are you afraid?

It is a very specific technique, not only vegetables (which provide potassium and sodium, and as we learn later, promotes glucose entry into cells, as if sodium is a grease in this regard) but also fruits, which are probably more important (for the sugar, natural glucose and some fructose)

Why in the context of adrenal fatigue? Again, Anthony is quite the savant, because he realizes that when blood sugars start to drop after a meal, some 90 minutes to 2 hours after the meal, the "body" reacts by increasing glucose in the blood to keep it from dropping too low. How does the body normally do this? By releasing cortisol, which stimulates the liver to release glucose. The "grazing" technique "rests" the adrenals by keeping glucose elevated, so it doesn't have to release cortisol.

He mentions this technique as a starting point for treating other conditions, and he also says you don't have to skip meals, e.g. normal breakfast, lunch, dinner.

So again, jj, why not read prior to speaking?

Ghrelin is what tells the brain the stomach is empty,

How is this relevant, except to show that you have heard about this hormone? Congratulations.


Caquared wrote:To you it is an intellectual exercise, to me it is literally life and death. My best case scenario is maybe having a limb amputated, and probably much worse. This is why I will leave no stone unturned until I am cured of this disease.

Before MM, I suspected that elevated glucose blocking vitamin C was the reason diabetics lost their eyesight, limbs, suffered neuropathy, etc. Now that I have been taught the primary role of glucose, I see that it is this energy source, glucose, not making it into cells, which is the cause of these maladies. So Csquared, I'd continue taking lots of vitamin C, but the new message is not to be afraid of fruits - glucose, because your cells are starving for glucose in diabetes. Be very afraid of fat.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:00 pm

This is the theory, that fat is bad. And I am giving it the full test.
I am concerned though. You cannot go without fat in your diet. And weren't we meat eaters for a lot of our past as human beings?
I don't know, there are so many theories about that, it seems everyone makes a different one up to support their diet or way of eating.
167.5 is my new weight, we'll see how far down the rabbit hole I can go. (175 when I started)


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:07 am

I am concerned though. You cannot go without fat in your diet. And weren't we meat eaters for a lot of our past as human beings?

Somewhere the uncommon mind tells us that we can get by just fine on a diet of 10% calories from fat. His green liver condition does start at 15% of calories as fat. No one is saying eliminate fats, we are just discussing the new knowledge, that fats in the blood stream block glucose entry - leading to elevated glucose in the blood.

The other aspect is the knowledge that glucose in fruit (combined with nutrients and minerals) along with special sodium in veges, are together perfect for nourishing your cells. And if you graze every 90 minutes to 2 hours, you have the added benefit of resting your adrenals. Do not fear glucose, especially in fruits.

The final point, that you helped me realize. Since fats have about twice the calories, we are talking about half of 10%-15% in terms of grams of fat.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:49 pm

This diet is unforgiving. I had a birthday dinner out on Sunday and had to choose between fajitas and veggie burger for low fat options(didn't want to just have a salad). I chose chicken fajitas which I thought lean meat and mostly veggies. I went from 167 to 171 and it has taken me 3 days just to get back under 170. I also had corn bread with that so maybe that did it. Anyways I will be more careful, most restaurants have a nutritional guideline online and I can just check that before I go out. I still have an ice cream cone from McDonald's or a frosty from Wendy's as a treat(both under 10 grams of fat and confirmed by still losing weight).
I would say compared to a low carb diet where I was always hungry this diet is easier to stick to for me. I still get hungry but not as bad.
As for my diabetic numbers, still up there and I'm thinking will only go down once I have lost the stubborn visceral fat around my liver and pancreas.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:04 pm

3500 calories in a pound of fat
Water weight fluxes a lot with carb increasing or decreaseing
Glycogen holds water. No glycogen no water
You cant gain 3-5 lbs of fat in a meal




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:53 pm

I'm not sure your point, but I've heard similar talk before in regards to a low carb diet. This isn't that. Carbs stay pretty steady but fat increasing and decreasing makes a big difference.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:49 pm

? Unsure what you are saying

Sugar/carbs are stored as glycogen
Glycogen holds water

You go on a low/no carb diet, you use up the glycogen and
Then you also lose water
-this is why keto diets lose so much weight so fast




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by pamojja » Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:14 am

Csquared wrote:I would say compared to a low carb diet where I was always hungry this diet is easier to stick to for me.

Interresting observation pointing to bio-chemical individuality again. When I changed from a 30 years low-fat diet to high-fat, my apetite really decreased. And without knowing anything about intermittent fasting, I naturally changed from 3 to 2 meals a day with a 16 hrs fasting window.

johnjackson wrote:-this is why keto diets lose so much weight so fast

Not in my case, my weight stayed the same by changing to a high-fat/low carb diet. With a BMI of 20.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:56 am

Very interesting.
When you say low fat your whole life, are talking the usual low fat 30% recommendation?
Most low fat diets use this as a guideline.
I am halfing that at 15%. I admit I am new to low fat so am open to any insights you may have. I'm sure over the years you have had lower fat weeks or months. My whole dieting life has been low carb so I can't relate, but it seems our pasts have been diametrically opposed. Interesting that either way works for weight loss.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:12 am

You remind me of my wife, I ask her for clarification on something and she just repeats what she said previously. Doesn't help.
Glycogen holds water. Keto diets lose weight so fast because of water loss.
Common knowledge.
You recommend low fat diet but your primary knowledge seems to be low carb.
I'm not ragging on you but I need more. Both diets are effective but why?
Again grade 1 stuff. Impress me


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by pamojja » Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:52 am

Csquared wrote:When you say low fat your whole life, are talking the usual low fat 30% recommendation?
Most low fat diets use this as a guideline.

Some ceavets with me being low-fat for 30 years: I wasn't dieting at all. I just watched the animals and butcher in my neighborhood at age 10, and decided I wouldn't want to nourish myself with all that stress hormones released at the time of death in an animal. That was a fight with my parents, and at that time had no other choice than eat what came on the table: usually low-fat side-dishes. So definitely developing nutrient diviciencies already at that time on such a limited diet. Being born with a pneumonia, and numerous childhood illnesses and antibiotics till age 10, that first decade of being a vegetarian onward I was verry healthy again.

Soon I lost my taste also for eggs, fish and anything butter by itself. So wholewheat bread and Muesli cerreals without any fats. An other confounder are the 10 years I spend travelling mainly in developing countries. I had to eat some. As a vegetarian in rural Mexico or Africa, that meant mainly tortillas with frijolles, or rice and beans. India is slightly better, and definitely got some unquantified vegetable oils with their food. That's also where numerous health-difficulties occured: Malarias, diarheas, hepatitis and fatty liver, psoriasis, spondilodiscitis and schistosomiasis.

However, the times I cooked myself while travelling, or cooking myself before and the decade again after travelling - though I never actually calculated how much fats I've got - I never used any known fat containing ingredients. Like oils, butter, milk, eggs, fish, meat, nuts, etc. at all. So probably more like 20 years really low-fat only. After a further decade of good health again: my walking-disabilty from PAD 10 years ago, me consciously changing to low-carb/healthy high-fat and calculating for the first time all macro- and micronutrients of my new diet. The rest with remission is history.

Csquared wrote: Interesting that either way works for weight loss.

I believe the biggest mistake that could be made is mixing even moderate amounts of fats with high carb. Either low-carb or low-fat will probably work best for a particular bio-chemical individuality. And mixing both should not have happened during my first 10 years of life, and again while travelling. Both periods with extensive acute illnesses. While the chronic PAD in the end was more confounded by decades long nutrient deficiencies compromising immunity and allowing numorous infections. Also at that particular place of my aorta, where a 80% blockage much later occured. But no severe calcification anywhere else.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by pamojja » Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:53 am

johnjackson wrote:
pamojja wrote:and time and time again, people underestimate what they eat

By buying pure vegetables, cooking and adding spices myself, and not adding anything else. How could one ever underestimate? In veggies there isn't any fat to underestimate.

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