Celery Juice: Name one new modality the Medical Medium has suggested (Split from cornary artery athero..)

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Celery Juice: Name one new modality the Medical Medium has suggested (Split from cornary artery athero..)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:05 am

I admit it is frustrating, the level of information that is being divulged. The intent seems to be a scientific course correction, almost as if to keep science pointed in the right direction, without spilling all the beans. I say again, IMO, Anthony Williams didn't write the five books by himself, and they are internally consistent. Sara's case makes sense, given that she has the Epstein Barr Virus per her "fibromyalgia" and "hasimotos."

My low grade anxiety and depression was gone and I looked forward to everything ordinary all day. I do have fibromyalgia and sjogrens syndrome along with hashimotos. My pain was gone. After the fifth day I awoke with my bottom lip swelled so much it was cracked open and bleeding.

William does not recommend high amounts of celery juice to start, on the contrary, the recommendation is to start slow, because most people's livers are full of toxins and/or viruses, and the celery juice is a liver cleanse. The liver's job is to protect the body from toxin release, so if Sara's liver is weak, then her lips are an obvious "detox" reaction to the poisons that were released by her liver - but not expelled properly out of the body. The Liver book also covers people with food sensitivities and food allergies.

And if you aren't willing to listen to those making money, then you must ignore your M.D. (specialists make around $300,000 per year) and your favorite Big Pharma company. Last I checked, the profits of the 10 Pharmaceutical companies in the Fortune 500 EXCEEDED the combined profits of the other 490 companies.

Medical Medium
Celery Juice
Larger Quantities
It's okay to do more than 16 ounces of celery juice...

What you don't want to do is wake up one day and say, "I've never had celery juice before. Let me start with sixty-four ounces." Celery juice is going to cause some cleansing and purging in your system... Especially if you're sensitive or dealing with a lot of toxins in your system, or if you live with a virus such as Epstein-Barr (causing, for example, fibromyalgia...Hashimotos...)...

I recommend that first-timers start with 16 ounces or less and graduate to higher quantities over time if it feels right. You could start with 4 ounces, and then every single day, a little at a time, keep graduating until you reach 16 ounces.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Celery Juice: Name one new modality the Medical Medium has suggested (Split from cornary artery athero..)

Post by johnjackson » Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:54 pm





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Re: Celery Juice: Name one new modality the Medical Medium has suggested (Split from cornary artery athero..)

Post by Csquared » Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:28 am

Ok if he did indeed say to start slow I stand corrected. In his podcasts I didn't get that, but I haven't read the celery book, just the liver one.

And if you aren't willing to listen to those making money, then you must ignore your M.D. (specialists make around $300,000 per year) and your favorite Big Pharma company. Last I checked, the profits of the 10 Pharmaceutical companies in the Fortune 500 EXCEEDED the combined profits of the other 490 companies.

Specialists are so named because they have extensive training in their field, not zero training as Anthony does. And pharma I hold in low regard as they use their funds to bend ethics, funding studies to suit them and buying the loyalty of doctors and the FDA.

I can bring lots of arguments as to why he is not legit, but you are already a convert so I would be wasting my breath as you would already have a justification for anything I could bring up. He has conveniently made it so that any new information he has can't be verified because it is too advanced for our science (how convenient). But in time we will figure it out (eyes rolling). Absolutely nothing of substance where we could check and verify.

You are in hook line and sinker with zero science based evidence. Faith is the domain of the religious, not the scientific.

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Re: Celery Juice: Name one new modality the Medical Medium has suggested (Split from cornary artery athero..)

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:17 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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