Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by farside » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:25 pm

I'd like some thoughts on this one.

"How I Reversed My Arterial Age 20 years (pt2): My Scores"

His CIMT changed from 0.88 to 0.67 over 1.5 years.
He claims a combination of LOW dose crestor (statin) and ramipril (ACE inhibiter) did the trick.
Also says he used high dose niacin, keto style diet and fish.
Hard to untangle what the magic was, but claims medication cleared arterial wall inflammation and 'sucked out the plaque'

Sadly no mention of Pauling and Vit C.


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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by pamojja » Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:07 am

farside wrote:His CIMT changed from 0.88 to 0.67 over 1.5 years.

CIMT below 0.9 mm is normal. Also it varies quite a lot in the carotids. So if the ultra-sound technician didn't find the exact same spot, this small difference of 0.21 mm might just reflect the difference between different spots in the carotid.

Anyway, by only meassureing CIMT, he cannot claim to be in the known how much his CAC increased in the last 1.5 years. Or if there any other plaques in the extremities.

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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by farside » Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:23 am

Thanks Pamojja.
Indeed, measuring a 0.2mm change would be a challenge.
In the video, he claims the 0.88 was not normal for his age - he refers to the nomogram in his scan report.

In a related video:
"How to Reverse Plaque - John Lorscheider" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOCmA370-ag
is raised the scary idea of soft unstable plaque.
It is proposed that if there is a thin fibrous cap covering a significant volume of 'soft' plaque, then a serious event occurs if the cap fractures, releasing the soft plaque into the blood stream, which precipitates a clot.
He therefore suggests that it is better to strengthen the cap by making it more calcified, to prevent rupture.
So the idea of using vitamins K2 and D3 to de-calcify the plaque could lead to a rupture.
I am not at all convinced by this, but the argument seems plausible. His solution is to use statins (again!) to stabilise the plaque.
This runs against the ideas promoted in this forum, so I would appreciate your thoughts.
(please note that I am not trying to detract from PT - just trying to understand what this video is saying and whether it is sound science or not).

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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by pamojja » Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:47 am

farside wrote:He therefore suggests that it is better to strengthen the cap by making it more calcified, to prevent rupture.

Nature takes care of this itself. Also the experience at the TrackYourPlaque formum with serial CAC-score meassurement: Usually the first year calcification growth is still high, and only slows down after. And then below 15% anual growth no more future adverse events. Without statins of course.

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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by farside » Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:30 am

Do you have a link to that TrackYourPlaque forum?

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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by ofonorow » Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:15 am

I hate to be a cynic....

One Pfizer ad proudly stated that there have been "400 studies of their statin cholesterol-lower against heart disease."

Think about that? Why so many studies? Because none of these scientific studies were able to demonstrate or prove the efficacy of statins for reducing arterial plaque! So they kept running them, hoping eventually at least one study would back up their fictitious claims that statins are good for heart disease. When you have a P=95 - that means that 95 times out of 100 a study should have the same result. They were obviously hoping to have one of the 5% "wrong" results appear. And it apparently did for one Crestor study, which actually started showing a slight benefit for the crestor group over the placebo group - at which point the study was immediately halted! Fine science, don't you think?

In a perfect world we'd know whether such an anecdotal report, such as you posted, was, lets say, monetarily induced. Or, perhaps he was one of the lucky 5% that can benefit from a statin drug.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by pamojja » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:38 am

ofonorow wrote:Because none of these scientific studies were able to demonstrate or prove the efficacy of statins for reducing arterial plaque!

Yes that's why they used the opportunity to mud the waters even further. By the increase of the CAC score, plaque alledgedly would be stabilized..

..blinding out this 'stabilization' shoold not grow exponentially at one point, if it really stoped plaque-growth. Calcified plaque can only make up a a certain percentage of plaque. If it continues to grow exponentially, also plaque grows exponentially.
Last edited by pamojja on Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dr Brewer reverses arterial disease using statin & ACE

Post by pamojja » Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:43 am

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