Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:21 am

Tuesday I started feeling bad, Chills so bad that I could not get warm even with electric blanket and toboggan, Headache, Sore throat, Diarrhea, oxygen lever 94, and generally no energy.
I started Nebulizing with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for 15 minutes twice daily, and taking EGCg with Zinc, Vitamin B1, and 10 G. L-Lysine and no Arginine.
The problems started to get less after the 1st. day, after the second day even less.
Last night I sept without a electric blanket, and Now as of Friday morning I feel back to normal, none of the symptoms. Oxygen Level now 98.
Was it covid ? I don't know I never got tested, but I felt like Sh*t.
But each time I nebulized, and hour later I would feel some better.

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Re: Covid maybe ?

Post by pamojja » Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:50 am

Where to you life for not getting tested? Here they test everyone for free wanting to go to the restorant, events, accross the border, and in some cases (client contacts) weekly for one's working-place.

In my case without real symptoms got tested PCR positive, been self-isolated for 7 day ('tested free' by a further negative PCR), and now enjoy the advantage of not having to test for half a year again due to natural immunity.

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Re: Covid maybe ?

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:07 am

In Tennessee, we are Fully Open, No testing to go anywhere, Restaurants, Gyms, Football games, stores.
Our Governor, runs the state not Joe Biden.
I just went by what Dr. Levy said, at first signs of a sore throat, cough or anything where you feel out of sorts, start Nebulizing. It worked for me.

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Re: Covid maybe ?

Post by pamojja » Fri Oct 15, 2021 10:46 am

DiverDown2 wrote:In Tennessee, we are Fully Open, No testing to go anywhere, Restaurants, Gyms, Football games, stores.

Lucky you!

I just went by what Dr. Levy said, at first signs of a sore throat, cough or anything where you feel out of sorts, start Nebulizing. It worked for me.

I started Nebulizing with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for 15 minutes twice daily, and taking EGCg with Zinc, Vitamin B1, and 10 G. L-Lysine and no Arginine.

In my case without symptoms I needed nothing to add. However, I also anyway take loads of all vitamins, EGCG, Zinc, Lysine, Arginine and much more already since 13 years (which along with life-style changes already caused remission of PAD, COPD, PEM..). I did purchase a nebulizer and Hydrogen peroxide just in case, but simply didn't needed it.

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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:55 am

Tennessee is a Republican State is why we have been completely open for over a year.

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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by confused1 » Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:32 pm

My wife and I had basically the same experience. Nebulized, lots of vitamin c and other vitamins and minerals, and ivermectin (horse paste lol). Third day gone feeling great. Really only one bad day and a blah day and then fine. They have a cheap antibody test but I don't know how accurate it is.

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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by pamojja » Sat Oct 16, 2021 3:33 am

confused1 wrote:They have a cheap antibody test but I don't know how accurate it is.

The quicker and cheaper antigen tests has lesser false positives. However, here each positive antigen would have to be confirmed by a following PCR, to become exempted from obligatory testing for the next half year. Negative antigen results required for immetiate events are only valid 24 hours, PCR results for 72 hours.

In my case tested both at the same time and spot, for being considered tested for the following 2 days. The antigen result came back negative 20 minutes later, the PCR positive result arrived 24 hours later (with a CT-value of 37.8).

Other than the most likely interpretation of CT-values above 30 being most likely false positive (3 in 4 cases), the contact tracing team here seem to believe in only 2 possibilties of interpretation for such unlikely high CT-values: the infection stlll increasing or already declining. They did however confirm that with a CT-value above 30 I most likely wouldn't be infectious to others.

Interestingly, the official self-isolating order stated, my PCR unequivocally proved that I'm infected with covid (without mentioning the unlikely high CT-value), at the same time acknowledging that a 2nd test on the 7th day with CT-value above 30 would then be considered a negative result, and a free pass for me to leave the self-isolation.

How can the first test with a CT above 30 be interpreted as definitive positive, but a second on the 7th day with the same negative?!? Their reasoning is because after an infection resolves, the PCR with higher CTs would still show positive because of death viral fragments without the ability to infectiousness anymore.

Antibodies might be produced in dedectible amounts after an infection. Do prove that you had an infection and give you exemption from futher testing for 3 months (in the EU). However they might not be dedectible even with certain previous infection, due to immunity having other means for resolving an infection (ie. mucosal immunity..) without the need to produce antibodies.

Many times Antigen and Antibody due to their similiar name are confused. Antigen test are taken as swabs from the nose (similiar as PCRs), Antibodies are tested with blood.

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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:18 am

In early July I was diagnosed with an unknown "infection" that began with chills and inflammation, but no lung involvement. Three weeks later I wound up in the hospital after becoming incoherent and unable to walk. I "passed" two Covid tests in the hospital. Not Covid. That experience is described in this post

The fact that it lasted more than 3 weeks was unusual for an "infection." My brother-in-law just told me that he has had "Covid" three times in the last two years, and the last time he became incoherent and couldn't walk and was also hospitalized. Steroids brought him out of it too. He is smart enough not to go near a Covid vax with a 100-foot pole.

I have seen scattered reports that there are "HIV" elements in all this, and something along these lines may explain the length of these infections as well as their repeat occurrence.

Then we read of the leaked Defense Department report

WORLD BOMBSHELL: Leaked DARPA document, DRASTIC analysis confirms attack on humanity using aerosolized, skin-penetrating nanoparticle spike proteins ... ead=185147

A leak that seems to confirm Dr. Lee Merrit's thoughtful analysis that all evidence indicates an aerosolized spike-protein bioweapon for the Covid outbreak.

A long way to go, sorry, to report that early this week, I woke up around 5:00 a.m. with chills that made the first episode of chills in early July look like Child's play. I fell down trying to get out of bed, but could walk to my hydrocortisone (and though I vomited, reminded me of a stomach flu) I was able to hold down the hydrocortisone AND made it to my nebulizer.

I nebulized - three 20 minutes sessions that day with 3% hydrogen peroxide. The viral episode was essentially gone after the first session. (Thank you Dr. Levy!) Like a miracle, but I kept it up. I didn't eat anything for two days, and the only symptom I felt most of that first day after nebulizing was a slight headache.

Moral: What ever this is, or what ever they are releasing upon us, hydrogen peroxide not only works, especially when used early, but it works quickly. Readers would be foolish not to own a nebulizer and understand how to use it.
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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:18 pm

I thought about getting tested, but to me it does Not matter, I am Not getting Jabbed.

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Re: Covid maybe ? (Felt like S#%t, Nebulized, Gone)

Post by pamojja » Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:05 am

DiverDown2 wrote:I thought about getting tested, but to me it does Not matter, I am Not getting Jabbed.

Yes, if I understand it right in many places like the US, showing one has recovered from a positive PCR doesn't gives excemption from the gene-therapy. And therefore is really useless.

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