Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:29 pm

Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

While adding hydrocortisone to the administration of vitamin C can further improve an already excellent therapy, the use of this combined therapy appears to be an optimal way to approach syndromes that are characterized by persistence of the COVID-related spike protein in the body. Individuals experiencing problems following COVID vaccinations, as well as "long-haul" COVID, which is basically a low-grade and ongoing chronic COVID infection, should prove to be optimal candidates for treatment protocols that include combined hydrocortisone and vitamin C administration. As mentioned above, vitamin C alone given in sufficient doses can still effectively "saturate" the targeted cells, but the doses required simply make many physicians with only limited vitamin C experience too uncomfortable to give such doses, whereas the same result can be achieved with lesser doses of vitamin C combined with hydrocortisone

Entire Levy Article

Vitamin C and Cortisol
Synergistic Infection and Toxin Defense


Two things to keep in mind: First, doctors are familiar with the "synthetics" (e.g. prednisone) and think correctly that these are dangerous.

Medical doctors usually know little or nothing about the hydrocortisone - the bio-identical version of cortisol, thus the safest.

Second, finding a doctor who might give a proper prescription for hydrocortisone is probably next to impossible, i.e., a prescription usually requires an endocrinologist, and around here that means at least a 4-12 week wait for an appointment.
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:51 am

"which is basically a low-grade and ongoing chronic COVID infection, should prove to be optimal candidates for treatment protocols that include combined hydrocortisone and vitamin C administration. "

Nope that is what they will not do. It's amazing, this is the first time I've seen anyone come right out and say it: Long Covid is an ongoing Covid infection. They won't say that. They apparently have no way of figuring that out. My partner was tested 2 weeks before he died, and it came back negative. Meanwhile, his lungs were going, and had been for weeks. They did nothing for his lungs.

There's no way any of the hospital doctors would have gone for this, and he trusted them way too much.

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Re: Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:26 pm

Further thought: what about using olive leaf extract together with vitamin C? As I recall, the olive leaf recycles the vitamin C, and you don't need to take as much.

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Re: Optimizing the Treatment of Spike Protein Persistence

Post by pamojja » Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:00 am

Qimualaniq656 wrote:Further thought: what about using olive leaf extract together with vitamin C? As I recall, the olive leaf recycles the vitamin C, and you don't need to take as much.

That was only theorized. Practically I took Olive leaf abd fruit extract, regularly consume olives and its oil, and vitamin C at 25 g/d for 13 Years. Still took me 7 years to have final remission from a 60% walking-disabilty (due to a stenosis from PAD). The once taken vitamin test I took (indentionally taking about 40g of ascorbic acid in the 12 hours fasting period before the blood test) showed about half the vitamin C level possible on high dose vitamin C (tested on people taking 20g throughout the day).

Shown was only that it spares some viamin C in small doses, just as quitting cigarettes does, but not the effect on blood levels compared to someone taking megadoses.

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