Nicotine the Miracle Drug

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Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:39 am

The irony -- should nicotine be able to do everything that it is now claimed

Did you know that nicotine has "anti-cancer" properties?

I was casually talking with my dentist, and he brings up the fact that nicotine is used to treat overdosing of certain heart/blood pressure medication. He told me a story that there is a yearly event in Texas, a context like a rodeo to de-venom rattle snakes, and that all the collected snake venom is bought by a pharmaceutical company that makes this heart medication from the venom. This common drug lowers blood pressure I believe. One of the contestants was bitten during the contest, and nicotine was used to save her life.

The story went in one ear and out the other, until I listened to Tucker Carlson's interview of Andrew Tate
Near the end Tate mentions that he smokes cigars because of the "known fact" that nicotine increases testosterone levels. Hmmmm

Then I am told by a friend that the fact that nicotine benefits Parkinson's patients made national news, and she thought 'everybody knew it." See this forum post for details on Nicotine for Parkinson's

What I learned from these links is that nicotine is NOT addictive !?! Last link in that topic I believe covers animal studies where they couldn't create a nicotine addictions in lab animals. They also point out that these nicotine patches have a high failure rate, and most people restart smoking. (It seems likely that something else in cigarettes is creating the strong addiction.)

My wife has Parkinson's and other "memory" issues, which I think I have been slowing improving following the Medical Mediums Brain Saver "heavy metal detox" protocols. I asked her neurologist about nicotine, and she hadn't heard about it either.

Last week I bought some nicotine patches (and gum) and the effect on her mind was startling and almost overnight. The first night (after chewing the nicotine gum on the way home from a store) we had a normal conversation in bed like the old days. We hadn't conversed in that way for at least five years. She was lucid. No hesitation in her speech, etc. She remembered several details in a movie we had watch two days prior. (storage/recall of long-term memories is her biggest problem outside of Parkinson's)

Unfortunately, this was just after a change (increase) in her Leva/Dopa Parkinson's medication, so it was hard to know for sure what happened. And with her newfound awareness of her surroundings, "Why doesn't my right had work?" she wanted to get up and start doing things (like cooking). Unforunately, her Parkinson's has yet to improve so her body isn't letting her do what her mind now wants to do. She can't sit still, is fidgety, After consultation with the neurologist, we decided to stop the nicotine and focus on how she reacts top the medication change.

Again, the change was like day and night after discontinuing the nicotine. The next morning she was "dazed and confused." She kept saying "I'm confused.." "I can't do that.." etc. The fidgeting was less, but it was still hard for her to sit still, like she has for years.

We have currently reset her Leva/Dopa dosage to what she had been taking for over a year. And as I told the neurologist, at some point we will be restarting the nicotine because she is much more of a partner with a mind improved by the nicotine patch. Memory, yes. So far, motor skills, not so much.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by Blargus » Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:48 pm

I researched this for myself a couple years ago and was pretty astonished to come up with a favorable view of tobacco and I posted something here awhile ago with someone asking about nootropics and nicotine was one. Some books I used in my research:

Smoking is Good for You Dr. William Whitby ... d-for-you/

The Health Benefits of Tobacco William Campbell Douglass ... te-Smoking

Whitby's books you can find as a free download.

Glad to hear your wife did better cognitively with the patch, it has been studied to help cognitive function in Downs syndrome I think that is in Dr. Davis's book. My thing is I remember what I was taught about tobacco growing up that upon reflection seems to me somewhat political in nature and if you read Whitby there was some global warming-esque vehemence to the anti-smoking campaign that makes me suspicious. And it's also pretty clear that the famed smoking lung cancer link was actually really not that solid. It might be today since additives in cigarettes etc. I dunno.

Lots of interesting things about tobacco yes including that prehaps the apparently infamous I think 1964 Phillip Morris report to congress that nicotine was not addictive but simply an accustomed habit was perhaps accurate and scientifically sound.

I experimented with smoking a half pipe of organic tobacco once every other day then cut it down to once a week or less. I personally find that I think it is pleasant but I can take it or leave it and miss days weeks months without smoking and not feel compelled to smoke. At least one other pipe smoker I know has reported the same thing. That is contrary to my lifelong view of tobacco that I would become rapidly addicted and even inhaling it second hand is dangerous.

Dr. Levy says smoking disrupts your oral microbe balance so theres that. I do oral sanitation and take extra vitamin C for the smoking--C depletion of what 65 mg or something I recall.

If you'd like to borrow Dr. Davis' pdf book I can email it to you if you're strapped for the $5 or so it costs I hope he wouldn't mind.

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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:58 am

Thanks for these pointers. I am not promoting smoking, per se, and it must be something else in the average cigarette causing what is the strongest addiction known. And if not cancer, there are other serious lung issues, e.g. COPD .But it was a surprise the isolated nicotine is not addictive and has so many beneficial health effects, probably from interacting with the brain's dopamine receptors.

And we are lucky these nicotine patches are available over the counter.

Another point is that when they were looking at smokers trying to link lung cancer to smoking epidemiologically, the fact that smokers had far less Parkinson's disease "popped out."

What is the natural brand of pipe tobacco?

My son found a "natural" brand of cigarette that he smokes occasionally, and has not felt any addictive pull what-so-ever. I'll edit with the brand.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by Blargus » Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:49 pm

American Spirit brand has an organic tobacco that is just organically grown leaves no preservatives or additives so they say. You can also buy organic whole leaf tobacco. I grew some in the garden and it was pretty good though I am not sure how to dry or cure it.

I am not sure about smoking either but according to Dr.Douglass, pipe and cigar where you do not inhale are safer than cigarette with the paper, and water pipe is above pipe and cigar in terms of health. Again, not sure it's 100% healthy but it is interesting that people like the UN are still incredibly against it and trying to eliminate tobacco use compared to their other health-related priorities.

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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by ofonorow » Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:10 am

American Spirit is the brand my son smokes. I'd be tempted, but its just not not inhaling, its creating what amounts to air pollution you are breathing. All the smoke in the air.... your own private Canadian smoke.....
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by Blargus » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:39 pm

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:54 am


I may have mentioned elsewhere that the effects on my wife (she has some memory/cognitive difficulties in addition to the motor problems caused by Parkinson's) is IMMEDIATE. After one day, it was like her mind turned on. No delay. And when I stopped the patch, the next day her mind turned back OFF.

It was very encouraging to read the research summaries above. Thank you! (At some future point I may focus more on nicotine. At this point, there are bigger fish to fry, e.g. Myocarditis! And figuring out how to keep my company in business with the hyper inflation that seems to be hitting us.)

I know that we are sticking with the Nicotine patch, and thanks to the ancient science, I know the memory and Parkinson's are caused by "heavy metals" in the brain (not viruses) which interfere with the electrical nature of the brain.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by Blargus » Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:57 pm

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Nicotine the Miracle Drug

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:01 pm

Reversing Parkinson's, Type 1 Diabetes, Brain Tumor Growth, Myocarditis - Dr. Bryan Ardis

This is a great overview of Nicotine, and its role in health. Dr. ARDIS's theory is the COVID is really derived from snake's venom. CoVID could itself be a flu-like virus for transmissibility and everything in this video could still be true. Especially the part about the spike protein being identical to snake venom neurotoxin. Good information about the safe nicotine patches (Rugby and Lucy?)

I'll post this same post in other related topics.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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