eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

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eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by ofonorow » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:44 am

Long story short, shoes designed to prevent diabetic foot sores backfired and caused two now very deep sores, one on each foot. I should have been able to control, but was in hospital so I couldn't use.my DMSO tricks

I have soaked my feet in probably a 25-35 % DMSO solution for the last few nights. But the sores are so deep the doc can see my ligaments. Should I keep soaking with DMSO with sores so deep?

Any other ideas? Thank you
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:34 pm

DMSO as a spa treatment?. Did the first two hours at high concentration last night. Met with real estate agent this morning, and she kept saying how good I looked.

And now for your next trick eDoc.

My brother has serious infection in the jaw that affect his teeth. They always say antibiotics don't work because there are no blood vessels.

Well DMSO travels through tissue and carries things with it.

What would you recommend mixing with DMSO while holding in the mouth to kill the infection?

Thank you sir
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by salim » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:39 am

Good day to you respected edoc as you know I have always trusted you with you brillianc. I have a pain on my right kidney. With all due respect how can DMSO helps me. I am have Jacobs 99.98 percent and I have the 70 percent. You are speaking to your old friend Salim I also sent you a PM however still awaiting your reply.
Thank you very much for your kindness and caring.
Humble regards

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice kidney

Post by salim » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:50 am

Good day to you respected edoc as you know I have always trusted you with you brilliance I have a pain on my right kidney. With all due respect how can DMSO helps me. I have Jacobs 99.98 percent and I have the 70 percent. You are speaking to your old friend Salim I also sent you a PM however still awaiting your reply.
Thank you very much for your kindness and caring.
Humble regards

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice kidney

Post by eDOC » Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:28 am

salim wrote:I have a pain on my right kidney. With all due respect how can DMSO helps me. I have Jacobs 99.98 percent and I have the 70 percent. You are speaking to your old friend Salim I also sent you a PM however still awaiting your reply.

Hello Salim,

I did reply to your earlier PM and email, regarding 70% causing skin blistering.

Regarding DMSO and Kidney pain, it should help alleviate it. But to be more precise I need to know specifics, like Renal panel lab, any other associated disease, on any Rx meds, life style etc.

You have my email, feel free to contact.

Good luck.
Best regards!


PS: Check your email Spam folder.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:21 am

My odyssey with large foot sores on the bottom of my feel isn't over, but thanks to some advice from Dr. Levy, they have begun to shrink dramatically.

Owen, if your foot sores are still unresolved, you might want to get some regular insulin and inject 2 to 3 units in several places by the wound border. You can also inject a similar amount directly into the wound. It can also be applied topically. If you have access, ozone bagging over the wound site also rapidly accelerates healing.

Cell and molecular mechanisms of keratinocyte function stimulated by insulin during wound healing


We show here that insulin, when topically applied to skin excision wounds, accelerates re-epithelialization and stimulates "maturation" of the healing tissue. These effects are dependent on the insulin receptor but independent of EGF/EGF-R; PI3K-Akt-Rac1 signaling pathways are critically involved, and healing is ?3 and LN332-dependent.


Insulin has great potential for the treatments of chronic wounds in which re-epthelialization is impaired. Understanding of the pathways induced by insulin is important for the development of analog molecules that function strictly in healing. Because of its long history of safe use in humans for decades, this protein may prove to be a powerful therapy without major adverse effects.

DMSO may have prevented infection, and stabilized the growth of the sores, but did not reduce their size.

The wrapping on my legs prevented me from reaching the wound to add insulin, (although keeping blood sugar low is another way to ensure insulin is available at the extremities). I started adding insulin to the wound once per week after the techs removed the compression bandage, before the wound doctor arrived. Good results from this limitied application the beginning.

Happy with the progress, last week, the Would Center changed the type of dressing so that I am doing the bandage myself, and thus I can add insulin about 3 times per week. Then during the last rewrap, I also added hydrocortisone cream.

The size of the sores, directly on the bottom of my feet, has dramatically shrunk. Thank you Dr. Levy!

The doctor is quite pleased with himself and I don't have the heart to burst his bubble and tell him about the insulin.

It all makes sense because the major difference between diabetics (prone to foot sores) and others is that diabetics have an insulin disturbance. We learn from our "Man from Mars" that glucose (insulin) is required for healing. And it is a logical assumption that when insulin is in short supply, it would have the most trouble reaching the extremities, etc.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by jimmylesante » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:30 am

Interesting treatment and result.
Owen - there was a discussion in your forums regarding pathways for ingestion of normal vit c and then liposomal vitamin C. Do you have th elink byu any chance.,

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:11 am

Jimmy, if it hasn't be automatically trimmed, it would likely be in the archive forum. What are you thinking?

More from Dr. Levy on insulin and vitamin C.

Dr. Levy wrote:Owen, I would also point out that insulin dramatically increases the uptake of vitamin C into the cells. And hydrocortisone has a similar impact. This is why VC, hydrocortisone, and insulin are so synergistic in their
wound-healing impact. The more VC inside the cells, the more rapid, complete, and quality the healing.

This brings several things to mind. The difference between regular vitamin C and liposomal is apparently that liposomal can enter cells without the help of insulin. This is very likely the reason much smaller amounts of liposomal vitamin C are so effective.

Putting this all together we can understand Dr. Ely's "error" in his Glucose Antagonism theory, thinking that high blood sugar blocks the uptake of vitamin C (as well as Dr. Steven Sinatra's error in thinking fat is required to absorb CoQ10 from the blood stream.)

When there is no disturbance of insulin, glucose (and all nutrients bound to glucose, including VC) rapidly enter cells. Blood sugar is low.

When there is a disturbance of insulin (Type I can't make it, Type 2 has cell membranes blocking the normal action of insulin - insulin resistance) then blood sugars become elevated.

What Dr. Ely was seeing is not explained by high blood sugar blocking VC, but an insulin disturbance keeping blood sugars elevated. This reduction in insulin function blocks both glucose and vitamin C from entering cells. Said another way, high blood sugar is an indicator of an insulin disturbance, meaning glucose and VC are not easily entering cells.

We have long followed Thomas Smith the author of The Great Diabetes Deception." Mr. Smith's research discovered the "long lost" science that fats cause Type 2 insulin resistance, and his protocol was to completely eliminate fats. Blood sugars inevitably dropped, and now we can understand why. Smith felt that trans fats were the key problem, because when the body used inferior fats to repair cell membranes, glucose/insulin metabolism was affected. Since cell membrane repair is an ongoing process, over time, after eliminating trans fats, and introducing only healthy essential fatty acids, Type 2 diabetes can be reversed.

The "Man from Mars" (Medical Medium) explains that fats in the blood block the entry of glucose into cells. The source calls this "insulin resistance." Unlike the Smith theory, this resistance is a temporary phenomenon that happens every time we eat fat. (And most protein's contain some fat.) Many fats are out of the blood stream in a few hours, but so called "Radical fats" might last in the blood stream for many hours, blocking the entry of glucose (and the nutrients it may be attached to) into cells during these periods. (With my continuous glucose monitor, I see this all the time. When I splurge for a pizza for example, my blood sugar shoots through the roof!)

This brings us to Dr. Sinatra the late CoQ10 expert. He routinely measured CoQ10 levels in his patients, trying to understand what products were best. He noticed that when his patients ate CoQ10 with fats, CoQ10 levels in the blood were higher. His (false) assumption was that fat was required to move CoQ10 from the digestive tract into the blood stream.

Dr. Sinatra was seeing the same phenomena. Insulin resistance caused by fats. The high CoQ10 levels in the blood indicate an insulin disturbance, blocking the CoQ10 from entering cells. Apparently, without fat, CoQ10 rapidly enters cells.

I have been parroting Dr. Sinatra's advice to eat CoQ10 with fats, which is particularly bad advice and will endeavor to correct it everywhere I can.

And we can now understand that the best for a normal person to take their supplements is with glucose, away from fats. Adding VC and supplements to fruit smoothies seems ideal. It is a little trickier for a diabetic, but the same principles apply, take supplements (w/insulin) and away from fats.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:40 pm

Makes sense- so then fat soluble vitamins shouldn't need to be eaten with fat or oil -- theyll simply be ingested via small intestine.

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Re: eDOC: Just bought a gallon of DMSO. Seeking advice re: deep foot sores

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:08 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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