When to back off??? Help

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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When to back off??? Help

Post by Mike » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:13 am

I am taking now about 8 grams of Vit C powder mixed with sea salt to combat Lyme disease and severe, severe allergies. At this dose, I have bad gas and not the runs, but lose stools that smell toxic. Should I muddle through? is this a cleansing reaction? or is this nature way to say back off? Please help, Mike


Post by Kay » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:16 pm

Do you know what it is your allergic to?
Are you drinking plenty of water?
It sounds like you are detoxifying.
If you are experiencing that, I think nature is cleaning you out.
It doesn't sound like you're exceeded any limit yet.
Does it feel like furniture rumbling around inside?
That usually means bowel tolerance has been reached but then I just found out about that so someone else may be more knowledgable.


Re: When to back off??? Help

Post by davids » Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:46 pm

Mike wrote:Hi,
I am taking now about 8 grams of Vit C powder mixed with sea salt to combat Lyme disease and severe, severe allergies. At this dose, I have bad gas and not the runs, but lose stools that smell toxic. Should I muddle through? is this a cleansing reaction? or is this nature way to say back off? Please help, Mike

Hi Mike,

Are you taking 8 grams per day all at once? The more doses you can divide it up into, the more you can ingest and absorb. My advice would be to definitely continue, i.e. "muddle through!" Yes, it is probably just a cleansing reaction, like eating a lot of friut. I believe in time you will find you are able to ingest more and more with less and less discomfort and inconvenience, and with a noticable improvement in your overall health.

By the way, what form of ascorbate are you ingesting, e.g. ascorbic acid or a mineral form?




Post by Guest » Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:33 am

Thanks for your help. To answer the questions:

Allergic to everything. Mostly outdoor pollens. Thanks to Lyme wrecking my system.

Taking divided doses of 1 - 2 grams each time.

Taking Ester C and sometimes Sodium Ascorbate.


A book that could really help

Post by Kay » Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:18 am

Oh my. I think I read somewhere that allergies are more common if ones immune system is not built up. That sounds very difficult to cope with.
I would definitely stay with the C. I'd like to also recommend a book that got me off five prescription drugs. It is called "You're not sick, you're thirsty"
Now, if I get occasional heartburn, I drink a cold glass of water and it is taken care of instantly.

The book contains a huge amount of information about allergies and drinking water. It goes into all kinds of allergies, and how dehydration can contribute. Addresses pollen, case histories, histamines and all kinds of things. Solved by simply beginning to drink water all day long.

I realize drinking water sounds simple and maybe people dismiss it, but believe me, it has changed my daily life. I'd be much worse off wihtout my 120 oz. a day and when I read the book (five times now) and realize it all makes sense.

It is by F. Batmangheidj, MD

I bought it on a whim, was bored one day and picked it up and could not believe how I had been slowly killing myself with Diet Coke, coffee, and an occasional juice thinking that was "hydrating" me.

I would also do everything you could to strengthen your immune system.
I hope something here is of some help.


Mineral ascorbates vs. ascorbic acid

Post by davids » Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:33 am

Anonymous wrote:Thanks for your help. To answer the questions:

Allergic to everything. Mostly outdoor pollens. Thanks to Lyme wrecking my system.

Taking divided doses of 1 - 2 grams each time.

Taking Ester C and sometimes Sodium Ascorbate.

Hi Mike,

Two things:

1) As your system "cleans out" you will [probably] find you can ingest more and more ascorbate. My advice would be to continue to stay at your "bowel tolerance" i.e. ingest all of the ascorbate that your body wants and can handle, at all times. If you are unfamiliar with the "bowel tolerance" method of dosage determination, the following article will be instructive: http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm

2) The ascorbate you are using is not as potent an antioxidant as ascorbic acid (gram for gram). The medical doctor with more clinical experience in megascorbic therapy than any other on earth (more than 20,000 patients treated) had this to say,
"I have not been able to achieve the ascorbate effect with mineral ascorbates orally. Mineral ascorbates are fine forms of vitamin C but when you are really sick, the mitochondria are failing in their refueling of the free radical scavengers with electrons. The ascorbic acid carries 2 extra electrons per molecule where the mineral ascorbates seem to carry only one (plus per molecule the mineral ascorbates are heavier due to the mineral weighing more than the hydrogen the mineral replaces). So the mineral ascorbates are not potent enough to accomplish the ascorbate effect. There may be other reasons that we do not appreciate additionally." -- Dr. Robert Cathcart, III, M.D.
My advice Mike, would be to take as much of your ascorbate as you can in the acid form, and then the rest [up to "bowel tolerance"] in the [buffered] mineral form, preferably sodium only. You will [probably] find that as your health [gradually] improves, you will be able to take more and more of your ascorbate as ascorbic acid, until you can take it all that way [as I and many others do]. You might also like to take a look at this: http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/esterc.htm

Just my view,


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Re: A book that could really help

Post by epm » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:40 am

I dint knew this point of water. Interesting one. Besides the vitamin C is divolved in water increasing, perhaps, its content in cells and tissues of the body...
thank you very much, Kay!


Post by Kay » Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:14 am

Yes, well, with the water a person really has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Its free, our bodies sure are made up of a lot of it, we obviously need it and we obviously are not getting what we need. But, hopefully with the advent of so many great bottled waters out there, that will change.

As I said, if it doesn't help you aren't out anything but as with anything I would give it a time. Trying to get ahead of a condition is a lot different than preventing one. It really takes longer than if a person is starting out 100% healthy.


Acid stomach and sinus draining

Post by johnor » Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:23 am

I have started using large doses of C - close to 10,000 mg. Also using Lysine - about 4000mg. My sinuses are starting to drain with post nasal drip. I also have a lot of acid. My circulation feels much much better and I'm warmer and more flexible.

Can I expect the acid reaction and sinus dripping to stop soon?


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Re: Acid stomach and sinus draining

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:10 pm

johnor wrote:I have started using large doses of C - close to 10,000 mg. Also using Lysine - about 4000mg. My sinuses are starting to drain with post nasal drip. I also have a lot of acid. My circulation feels much much better and I'm warmer and more flexible.

Can I expect the acid reaction and sinus dripping to stop soon?


Unusual reaction. High vitamin C usually acts like an anti-histamine and dries the sinus. Keep us informed. Maybe a coincidence? Also, what frequency are you taking the C (how often) and have you forgotten to take it?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Acid stomach

Post by johnor » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:02 pm

I am taking it every couple of hours. I'm being pretty regular about it. I haven't gotten to the diarrhea stage yet. Certain things seem to be going better but I do have acid and if anything, I seem a little constipated.


Re: Acid stomach and sinus draining

Post by davids » Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:13 pm

johnor wrote:I have started using large doses of C - close to 10,000 mg. Also using Lysine - about 4000mg. My sinuses are starting to drain with post nasal drip. I also have a lot of acid. My circulation feels much much better and I'm warmer and more flexible.

Can I expect the acid reaction and sinus dripping to stop soon?


Hi John,

If I were "in your shoes," I would simply take whatever amount of sodium bicarbonate I needed to feel comfortable. I believe if you persevere, you will find [eventually] that you will experience virtually no over-acidity at all.



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