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Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 11:49 am
by ofonorow

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:57 am
by ofonorow

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:17 am
by ofonorow

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 10:58 am
by Saw

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:27 pm
by ofonorow
If it were only true! I have got to hand it to you Saw, you always come out of left field with a different perspective. My first thought was that you are falling for deliberate disinformation or misinformation, made to make people who parrot it look silly or unscientific. Have you listened to Dr. Malone, one of the inventors?

Not that certain batches aren't saline, or that batches were not kept at a low enough temperature to preserve the mRNA. With people, especially young athletes dropping like flies, who stands to benefit from promoting the idea that these vaccines do not carry mRNA?

p.s. mNRA is an interesting Freudian slip :-)

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:10 pm
by Saw
My first thought was that you are falling for deliberate disinformation or misinformation, made to make people who parrot it look silly or unscientific.

There is no disinformation campaign about mRNA not being there! Sane,rational critical thinkers want to know if
it's actually there. It's the first logical step any science based person would take. Is the mRNA actually there, everything else they've
said for the last 2+ years is false, so let's take their word on this?. That falls under the category of insanity or stupidity to just put blind faith
into verified psychopaths.

Have you listened to Dr. Malone, one of the inventors?

Too many times to count, I've had my doubts about him and McCulogh since day one.
Anyone who's still selling covid/pandemic thing after 2.5 years is either mentally slow or there for other reasons.

Not that certain batches aren't saline, or that batches were not kept at a low enough temperature to preserve the mRNA.

These are good points! No one is saying it's not there, Just let's verify it is.

With people, especially young athletes dropping like flies, who stands to benefit from promoting the idea that these vaccines do not carry mRNA?

I'm sure you've seen the microscopy, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, Dr.Novak called them nano razorblades , death by a trillion cuts?
(he died right after that video)
What happens when the artery walls are damaged? this is your expertise. How does it patch?
And the cascading effects that follow, fibrin,calcium etc
Then there's the glycol, parasites mechanical looking things, magneto something according to Kalcker
Then the strange strands of mystery items.
Why do they need mRNA again?

p.s. mNRA is an interesting Freudian slip :-)

We're all gonna need some of that soon :)

These are what people with critical thinking skills sound like...

"We Should Be Very Suspicious": Dr. Lee Merritt About Dr. Robert Malone

Montana Doctor Exposes the "Alt Doctors" Profiting from COVID by Promoting Fear


Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:49 am
by ofonorow
Logical falacy - appeal to authority. Better to list what we know. People are dying, and not from COVID ,but from the vaccines. Especially young people.

Those behind this have confused you well. All of us.

This paper discusses the technology used to create"synthetic" mRNA - which has applications far outsdie of a covid vaccine (An mRNa vaccine that is designed to use our RNA to create spike proteins)

Design, Assembly, Production, and Transfection of Synthetic Modified mRNA
The use of modified nucleosides in place of naturally occurring ones in mammalian cells dramatically reduces immunogenicity.2,4,42 Thus, this protocol substitutes cytidine and uridine with 5-methylcytidine and pseudouridine, respectively. Further reduction in immunogenicity is achieved by removing 5? triphosphates and adding interferon inhibitor B18R into the cell culture media.4

My alt. doc friend wondered why they would use modified or synthetic necleosides. Maybe for the above reason, or maybe because the body quickly breaks down ordinary mRNA..

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:33 am
by Saw
So to summarize, you didn't read my post or you just didn't get it?

No one is saying it's not there, Just let's verify it is.

Anyway Dr. Negase has pledged to have the injections reverse engineered (even though illegal)
to determine exactly what is there.

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:00 pm
by Saw


Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:01 pm
by Saw
FDA official Dr. Marks says vaccinated kids have a 500% increase of myocarditis -safe and effective?


Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:25 am
by ofonorow
Read, but maybe didn't understand.

Anyway Dr. Negase has pledged to have the injections reverse engineered (even though illegal)
to determine exactly what is there.

Saw, you don't believe in viruses (or viral infections?) yet viruses are rather large objects with their own DNA.

Yet you are willing to believe that someone has the technology to measure a small sequence of nucleosides (e.g. RNA) which are thousands or even millions of times smaller. The DNA has billions of nucleotides, if memory serves.

You can't have it both ways, and the true test of whether the mRNA is working is whether spike proteins are being created.

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:05 am
by ofonorow

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:49 am
by Saw
"I'm running out of oxygen, my legs hurt all over, no strength." - Victor Lafay
6 months? others struggling too!

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:24 am
by ofonorow

Re: 260 times more young people are dying from coronavirus vaccines than would have from coronavirus

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 12:23 pm
by ofonorow