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vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:53 am
by salim
I am 42 years old and had an acute MI in june this year. My cardiologist did an angiogram and subsequently had one stent inserted in me.
The medication he put me on is as follows:
Atorvastatien aspavor 20 mg
Adc0 zildem 180SR
Clopidogrel 75mg
Bayer aspirin 100

I have been on a vegan type eating plan for the past 4 months(no dairy products, no. Meat, no fish, no chicken, no oils).

in conjuction with the above I am now attempting the pauling therapy.
As per my previous posts I am having a product called cholesterol ease and plus minus 12 to 14 grams of buffered vitamin c powder.

I do not take any omega 3 fish oil supplements.
I do take any co enzyme q10
I do take any multi vitamins
I do not supplement B12

Our physicians and md in south africa have little or no knowledge of the pauling therapy. They have prescribed drugs as mentioned above but have not even suggested vitamins minerals or amino acids

I would like contributions from thE forum with the objective of enhancing my health.



Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:59 am
by VanCanada

You've told us what you don't eat. Please tell us what you do eat. And more details about your previous and current lifestyle would help too.

Thank you.

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:05 am
by ofonorow
42 is obviously very young to have a heart attack. The key to your issue, according to Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath is simple. You aren't getting enough vitamin C.

I leave the discussion of the medications to johnwen or other M.D.s at this forum

Why the vegan diet? Any particular reason? You need ( however many there are) essential amino acids, which are usually found in meat. Ditto CoQ10. Many vegans who are prescribed statin drugs by their doctors wind up losing important internal organs, e.g. livers, because the statins stop or limit endogenous product of Coq10 (within our bodies) and vegans do not get any CoQ10 from the diet. And there are other drugs, besides statins, that can hurt the body's production of Coq10. (Source fore the idea that vegans lose organs? Me. Multiple calls from lawyers of vegans who were otherwise healthy, but put on statins by their physicians, and required an organ transplant. Lawyers called after seeing our anti-statin page on the Internet).

Cutting to the chase. Step one is to obtain and read Linus Pauling's HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, and immediately begin following his basic supplement regimen, including good multi-vitamin/mineral, high vitamin C, high vitamin E, high vitamin A, B-Complex, Low Sugar and lots of water.

Since you have already had a heart attack, you should then consider a supplement program based on newer developments as documented in this chapter of my book (It includes the basic Pauling recommendations, but expands into lysine/proline, CoQ10, magnesium, vitamin D, etc.)

You cannot expect any physician to be familiar with Pauling's therapy. IT HAS NEVER BEEN FORMALLY STUDIED, and even if it had, the results would never be published in a regular medical journal, so doctors would have no authoritative way to learn about it.

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:58 am
by salim
I went onto a vegan diet after reading literature by MD Caldwell esselstyne. There are numerous youtube clips where He demonstrates his achievements . Dr esselstyne also has numerous books published.

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:08 am
by salim
At this stage I eat oats and soy milk for breafast. Loads of vitamic C ascobiC acid bufferd powder in water during the day.
All foods that I eat are cooked with water only. My lunch and supper meal consists mainly of vegetaBle such as cabbage, beans, cauliflowers, and the normal salad items. All foods are cooked with himalayan salt. I also eat all sorts of beans lentils

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:32 am
by ofonorow
salim wrote:I went onto a vegan diet after reading literature by MD Caldwell esselstyne. There are numerous youtube clips where He demonstrates his achievements . Dr esselstyne also has numerous books published.

This reminds of the experience of Dr. William Kelley and his own cancer treatment. He discovered a diet that worked for him (his tumors were protruding from the skin, so he could visually monitor which foods promoted tumor growth and which stopped and reversed tumor growth.)

After he cured his cancer, the thought he had discovered the ideal diet!

He married his third wife, put her on the diet - and she nearly died! (Turns out the ideal diet for her was the opposite!) This is how and why Kelley put together his "metabolic diet" program, individualized, and brilliantly described on the Gonzalez DVD ENZYMES AND CANCER.

The moral of the story is that a diet that works for one person may be entirely inappropriate for another. (You can look up metabolic diets, but I can tell you understanding the program for determining the proper diet/supplement program isn't easy!) And whether a vegan diet is right or wrong for you metabolically, it doesn't change the fact that you need amino acids, coq10 and other nutrients in your diet - or face a traumatic event (such as the need for a liver transplant) if those drugs work against you!

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:34 am
by ofonorow
salim wrote:At this stage I eat oats and soy milk for breakfast. Loads of vitamic C ascobiC acid bufferd powder in water during the day.
All foods that I eat are cooked with water only. My lunch and supper meal consists mainly of vegetaBle such as cabbage, beans, cauliflowers, and the normal salad items. All foods are cooked with himalayan salt. I also eat all sorts of beans lentils

Soy? Soy?? Are you male or female??? Why not whole milk? Great food (if you are really serious, you want raw whole milk, but that is an entirely different subject/debate.)

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:28 am
by VanCanada
I get the impression, 'salim', that you are intentionally trying to reduce your intake of fats and oils. If so, I might suggest the lengthier book by Gary Taubes titled 'Good Calories, Bad Calories', or his much shorter book 'Why We Get Fat' for a different (scientific) take on this question.

Check out some of the 550+ customer reviews of the books of Taubes at amazon:

The Weston A. Price Foundation website also has good information based on solid scientific research.

I would also highly recommend the website 'Mark's Daily Apple' as an introduction to the paleo diet, if you are open to that on an ethical/moral basis:

Good luck salim.

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:44 am
by salim
Thanks for the links posted I am in the process of reading them,

Can I supplement the necessary amino acids co enzyme q10 etc...

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:00 am
by VanCanada
Hi 'salim',

Difficult to say unless you tell us exactly what you mean by "can I..."?

If you are a dedicated vegan then I suggest listening to Mike Mahler in this interview by Carl Lanore here:

If you are open to the idea of consuming dairy, eggs, meat, and so on, I suggest the Weston A. Price Foundation as a starting point.

And, of course, it need not be an either/or thing.

Good luck my friend,


Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:32 am
by skyorbit
VanCanada wrote:I get the impression, 'salim', that you are intentionally trying to reduce your intake of fats and oils. If so, I might suggest the lengthier book by Gary Taubes titled 'Good Calories, Bad Calories', or his much shorter book 'Why We Get Fat' for a different (scientific) take on this question.

Check out some of the 550+ customer reviews of the books of Taubes at amazon:

The Weston A. Price Foundation website also has good information based on solid scientific research.

I would also highly recommend the website 'Mark's Daily Apple' as an introduction to the paleo diet, if you are open to that on an ethical/moral basis:

Good luck salim.

Agreed. about Weston Price. Soy has Phytic acid which is in many ways an anti-nutrient. You're body has to expend resources to get rid of it. A Diet with a staple of soy, is going to sap your body of minerals -- unless you're eating fermented soy (which destroys the Phytic acid.)

Dr Lauren Noel podcasts about the ancestral diet

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:40 pm
by VanCanada
This is a good interview:
The amazing Sally Fallon, author of acclaimed Nourishing Traditions and co-founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, joins Dr Lo to discuss the importance of traditional foods in our diet. Topics include the health benefits of saturated fat (like butter and coconut), the problem with modern soy foods, appropriate diet for babies and children, and a whole lot more! Hosted by Dr. Lauren "Lo" Noel

There are many more good interviews by Dr. Lauren Noel, including:

Chris Masterjohn

Mark Sisson

Nora Gedgaudas

Robb Wolf

Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:11 pm
by salim
Mr VanCanada,

Respected Sir, thank you so much for your kind co operation. You are a scholar and a gentleman.

Wishing you and everybody affiliated with the vitamin c foundation good health, prosperity, success, peace of mind, the best of luck.

Compliments of the season and everybody have a fantastic NEW YEAR


Re: vegan diet and started pauling therapy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:54 pm
by salim
Had a live blood analysis done today. Will post results tomorow. Did show signs of uric acid. Low B12